Okay so I took a Grognak magazine and called it "FixCurie", made a script, put it at Vault 111, uploaded the mod and installed it on my PS4. I found the magazine (still amazed that I just created this item on my computer 2 minutes ago then it appears on my playstation), read it with Curie next to me, and... nothing. I expected as much really, though I was hopeful. So, I can create an item, put it in the game, then upload and download it on my PS4. Those steps are taken care of. But I need to figure out where I went wrong in editing the actual magazine properties. When double clicking the magazine the only place I can see anything about Scripts is in the upper right corner, "Scripts Papyrus Scripts:". This is where I pressed "Add", wrote DefaultRef and chose DefaultRefOnRead. As the value window popped up I went into Required Properties > myQuest > COMCurie, then Required Properties > StageToSet > 83. Did I screw up somewhere? Also, the original script CA_SkillMagazineScript is still there in the book properties - should I delete it? EDIT: Aha, I found "DefaultRef", just had to click on Hidden. The question now is do both DefaultRef AND DefaultRefOnRead need to have Quest const / Int const.. (I'm guessing no)