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  1. I have no idea how you figured 85 would be better, but it worked! Thanks a bunch for the guidance, SKK.
  2. Okay so I took a Grognak magazine and called it "FixCurie", made a script, put it at Vault 111, uploaded the mod and installed it on my PS4. I found the magazine (still amazed that I just created this item on my computer 2 minutes ago then it appears on my playstation), read it with Curie next to me, and... nothing. I expected as much really, though I was hopeful. So, I can create an item, put it in the game, then upload and download it on my PS4. Those steps are taken care of. But I need to figure out where I went wrong in editing the actual magazine properties. When double clicking the magazine the only place I can see anything about Scripts is in the upper right corner, "Scripts Papyrus Scripts:". This is where I pressed "Add", wrote DefaultRef and chose DefaultRefOnRead. As the value window popped up I went into Required Properties > myQuest > COMCurie, then Required Properties > StageToSet > 83. Did I screw up somewhere? Also, the original script CA_SkillMagazineScript is still there in the book properties - should I delete it? EDIT: Aha, I found "DefaultRef", just had to click on Hidden. The question now is do both DefaultRef AND DefaultRefOnRead need to have Quest const / Int const.. (I'm guessing no)
  3. Amazing reply - thanks a bunch for sending me in the right direction, SKK. I didn't find the DefaultRef option, but I did find DefaultRefOnRead after making a book.Guessing quest value is COMCurie while stage is 83. Thing is though, I might have to reset the quest first like they do with console commands? Would have to make another book I guess.
  4. [I'm new here and though I'm guessing 99% of you have completed 100% of Fallout 4's content I'll add a SPOILER ALERT about Vault 81's main quest] If you haven't heard about this bug - Curie will try to ask you to be her companion just as you're delivering the mole rat cure. Obviously because you're very immersed and want to help that poor kid ASAP, you think this conversation can take place right after he's been saved instead. Or so I thought. When you pospone this conversation, she will bug out, keep following you, but her Default Home will now be right next to the Doctor in Vault 81 and sending her to one of your settlements won't work. I spent too many hours playing (after freeing Curie) and now I can't go back to an older save to choose the correct dialogue sequence. This has frustrated many a player based on my Googles searches, and there is a way to fix it on PC through console commands (resetquest comcurie; setstage comcurie 83), but I haven't been able to find a mod for it on PS4. So of course I think it can't be that hard to just make a mod for it. Right? Just two small commands, load the mod, talk to her, turn off mod. Right?? I've never used CK and safe to say, I'm very confused. Pointers on where to start, or even a cold hard truth about this being an impossible quest would be tremendously appreciated.
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