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Posts posted by SMILINGMOON

  1. why in the hell do I hear footstep when using my jetpack with mods, in first person view????


    I hope for Bethesda that this game is very difficult to make ...otherwise Beth can go to hell.


    bug 1000000000000 I think I starting to hate that company now dead serieus.

  2. I think you should have an elder scrolls 6 wishlist. Its more likely that it will come out before fallout 5.


    But good on you for making a wishlist looking at recent events I can quit kidding my self into thinking Bethesda gives a damn about what we want.


    Any ways I'm a sucker.

    Better quests, story, weapons, enemies, building designs, engine,combat, dialogue, settlement building(I liked settlement building but I agree you shouldn't be forced to do it),animations,choices,npcs,factions,faction affinity system, rpg mechanics, better cities to explore i.e diamond city covenant.

    Harder difficulty.

    More Unique weapons.


    Pretty Much I want a better game. IF you look at the mechanics of Fallout3, and NV they were miles better and NV especially. With fallout 4 as much as I love it was a quantity over quality thing. This doubly true for the quest system and npcs


    Oh and for the love of everything that is good in this universe please give npcs enough caps to actually buy more than one weapon from you. Really there are a very select few traders in the commonwealth and most have only a few hundred caps. You mean to tell me that the two people who are weapons dealers in the commonwealth and have a stock pile of weapons can only afford to buy a few cheap pipe guns from me? I'm of course talking about cricket and Arturo. There may be more mainly weapons dealers but those two are the easiest to find.


    Graphics overhaul. Regardless if you liked the Witcher 3 it and Fallout 4 launched the same year and one looks amazing and the other looks dated by comparison.



    Better Graphics? Man For some reason this game kills my framerate like no other game, I'm afraid that the next FO will be unplayable on my RX 280X, I hate the way these companies milk the pc gamers.


    Anyway should I get RX 580 or wait for (HBM2) Vega, or wait for Navi ??? (freesync 3440X1440)

    I like around 100 FPS if possible.

  3. ES and FO use the same engine. if they haven't got an engine for TES VI then they haven't got an engine for FO5.


    also, Bethesda swap between ES and FO so we will see TES VI before another FO title unless Obsidian do another NV




    FO first, They make money of ES online so, spinoff fallout will probably be coming first ...soon, 18-19.

  4. I think you should have an elder scrolls 6 wishlist. Its more likely that it will come out before fallout 5.


    But good on you for making a wishlist looking at recent events I can quit kidding my self into thinking Bethesda gives a damn about what we want.


    Any ways I'm a sucker.

    Better quests, story, weapons, enemies, building designs, engine,combat, dialogue, settlement building(I liked settlement building but I agree you shouldn't be forced to do it),animations,choices,npcs,factions,faction affinity system, rpg mechanics, better cities to explore i.e diamond city covenant.

    Harder difficulty.

    More Unique weapons.


    Pretty Much I want a better game. IF you look at the mechanics of Fallout3, and NV they were miles better and NV especially. With fallout 4 as much as I love it was a quantity over quality thing. This doubly true for the quest system and npcs


    Oh and for the love of everything that is good in this universe please give npcs enough caps to actually buy more than one weapon from you. Really there are a very select few traders in the commonwealth and most have only a few hundred caps. You mean to tell me that the two people who are weapons dealers in the commonwealth and have a stock pile of weapons can only afford to buy a few cheap pipe guns from me? I'm of course talking about cricket and Arturo. There may be more mainly weapons dealers but those two are the easiest to find.


    Graphics overhaul. Regardless if you liked the Witcher 3 it and Fallout 4 launched the same year and one looks amazing and the other looks dated by comparison.


    I got no wishes for elder scrolls except a better sword combat mechanism like a combo system.

    That's it.

    But they still don't have an engine for ES so... it'll take years ... maby FO5 will come firstfirst I believe.

  5. To make long story short.

    it's time to Revolt.


    Bethe, WILL try to SABOTAGE free mods in the future anyway they can, they can't resist temptation, they already tried.



    They'll copy idea's, remake, and put it CC.



    It's not going be like DLC, freaking fools, does MUD CRAB armor or BACKPACK sound like a MF DLC?



    Believe, that they can't sleep at night because they think about , how to get our money.



    Nothing good will come for FREE, homeboys, NOTHING,

  6. I had recently played Fallout 4 and now looking for Fallout 5. But now its net officially decide when this game will be released. According to fans this game will be released in 2020. Because Fallout New Vegasâ released in 2010 and after this Fallout 4 released in 2015 and if we see the releasing time then I think this game will be come in 2020. So i created my features wishlists those i want to see in Fallout 5. Everyone of you want your features wishlists would be added in fallout 5 i also think. my Fallout super cool wishlist are :


    I want Fallout 5 game to bring Multi player option.

    A major graphics overhaul is needed in the next version of the Fallout.

    I would like more diversity in the guns though. I think a carbine rifle and a Colt style 45 as were in New Vegas would be nice add ins.

    would love to see a turn based game in addition to the inevitable Fallout 5 that will be the true sequel to 4.

    Ability to play as a ghoul, with dialogue from NPC's to reflect that

    Better Cover Mechanics

    Dynamic and Vibrant animations

    Better facial animations

    Need of professional writers. A good wishlist for Fallout 5 game is also listed here http://fallout5news.com/more-fallout-5-feature-wishlist-ideas.html

    You would like to see turn based game? WTF you mean like XCOM or old FFantasy.?



    Elder Scrolls 6: Merethic Era ÃÃÃÃÃÃÂ Nov 15th, 2019


    Fallout 5: VancouverÃÃÃÃÃÃÂ BC ÃÃÃÃÃÃÂ Nov 15th, 2021


    LOL you almost convinced me .

    But I couldn't find even the slightest info on that!

    It looks like you have been using to much JET, OR WHAT ?

    Don't tell you work for Bethesda.(something tells me you do or know someone)

    Where did get that info. ??

    Send me a private message if you can't talk about it PLEASE

    I was just goofing off. ÃÃÃÃÂ Those dates might even be a year sooner than posted. ÃÃÃÃÂ Bethesda does like to have a mid-November launch date. ÃÃÃÃÂ Probably marketing research shows that it will be good for Christmas time console game sales. ÃÃÃÃÂ


    Yes because of cold winter night people tend to stay home more and play


    Fallout 5 will need a new setting and Vancouver British Columbia seems like a great location. ÃÃÃÃÂ To the south, you could have the advanced cyberneticÃÃÃÃÂ mutants of the Microsoft Conglomerate, to the north you could have mutant moose and beaver, to the east you could have skiing. ÃÃÃÃÂ Plus, there would be nice scenery with lots of red leaf maple and syrup.

    Yes November because of cold winter nights people tend to stay at home and play more plus Christmas


    You are from Canada.


    Sorry don't like smaller cities. Washington DC was best huge buildings and massive connected underground metro's to explore. then vegas and bosten sucked hard. I put in best locations with some research I made


    Any wishes?

  8. The overall theme of fallout is definitely getting old imo. When I heard of FO$ years ago, I thought it would be a totally fresh, new look for the franchise in general. It was not. What is worse is that some of it is not even as good as previous games of the series. Recently have been playing TTW and I am really enjoying going back and re-redoing most of the quests and stuff. Characters were better. Combat was a little better. Still to much junk to pick up- which got much worse in FO4. The older games sort of toyed with silly funny ideas that the new does not. Overall it just seemed to me that FO4 wasÃÃÂ aÃÃÂ subparÃÃÂ remake ofÃÃÂ FO3 and a little NV with better graphics. Very few new ideas and piss-poor storyboarding. It would be nice to see a really GREAT GAME from Beth in the future whether that be in Tamriel or somewhere in an alternate timeline for the world. :dry:


    The most educated people where prepared and hidding in bunkers, etc.( that what Bethesda forget)

    They should have fixed and put some things back together after 200 year .

    But from the visuals it look like its still the year 2077 .

    And where did all those weird creatures come from Radiation kills and not mutates


    Over all the visual aspects of Fallout is depressing and unreal. Maby that's why some people think that it's lame and still the same.

  9. it is a post apocalyptic world. the military industrial complex blew itself up and no-one is making guns or ammo on a large scale. raiders have a limited supply of firearms and ammunition so not everyone gets one. but melee weapons are easy to make and everywhere and they don't require ammunition. so in this wasteland, would you sit in a hole and wait until someone dropped a gun and ammo near you or would you use a melee weapon?


    by the way, I notice that you have made several requests for modders to make the game harder and more of a challenge. try playing without power armour ;)

    Yes.. But I'll be missing the awesome JETPACK, weight increase and other cool abilities.

  10. I want to see FO5 set anywhere other than another dry, dusty wasteland. I want to go up north and get eaten by a radmoose, or go down south and spend half the game trying to extricate myself from mud and mutant strangler vines and the clutches of inbred raiders. I want to climb the Rockies and then fall off them. Hell, I want to go to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and fish for giant radioactive kippers on a raft made out orange juice bottles. Anything but another dustbin, please!


    Now that the survival genre has come into its own and game designers have figured out how to make needs fun and immersive, I'd like to see Bethesda incorporate more survival elements into the game. The gun/armor condition bulls*** FO3 and NV was anti-fun and needed to go, but post-apocalyptic games never feel complete unless you spend at least some of your time worrying about your next meal or the storm-clouds on the horizon.

    I actually enjoyed playing Bob the Builder in Fallout4 but it's the absence of some really basic tools in the vanilla workshop was baffling to me. The ability to toggle clipping, snapto object and snapto surface should be included CTRL+Z for workshop should be included Being able to scrap everything should be default. And for the love of crabs, Bethesda, fix your menu coding so that modders can add items and categories to your underwhelming objects menu without breaking the menu. Or at least stop making major quests (like the main quest and the Nuka World and Automatron quests) depend on the ability to access potentially inaccessible menu items.

    I would like Bethesda to contemplate a "quality over quantity" approach to combat. There is just too much junk combat in this game. For one, I want to be able to walk five feet and admire the scenery without a bunch of bloatflies showing up to demand that I click on them immediately. For two, I have questions. How does a society that relies on manual agriculture sustain a population that is 1% farmers and 95% raiders? Where do these raiders even come from? Who are their mothers? Why are they picking a fight against a team of Brotherhood Paladins? Why is a desolate ecosystem with scarce natural food resources populated primarily by carnivorous megafauna? Why hasn't anyone exterminated feral ghouls yet jesus it's not like they can repopulate....


    Most importantly, I want Fallout 5 to be well written. Hell, I want Fallout 5 to have writing, as opposed to an endless parade of mindless "go there and shoot them" chores strung loosely together by a plot that the janitor came up with. Fewer plot holes would be nice. Having multiple ways to handle an objective (particularly ways that utilize non-combat skills) would be nice. Actual quest choices (not aggravating ultimatums) would be nice. Mix-and-match factions would be nice. I super especially want to be able to play the game as somebody who isn't a dad. Or a mom. Or at least, if I have to be a dad, can I be one of those dads who can finish an entire conversation without bringing up this family that I don't actually care about, and can my 'sarcastic' dialogue options not consist entirely of lame dad jokes? Being able to create your own character and choose your own path through the game is pretty much the thing that sets Bethesda's open world RPGs apart from most other open world RPGs, and for some reason they decided to just throw that all out the door for FO4.

    that was pretty deep. You must be a rocket scientist . lets hope Bethesda gets the point and fixes those holes you mentioned in the next fallout 5.

  11. Sorry, I hadn't caught that you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. I'll leave you to your ramblings.

    Believe me I wasn't talking about you specifically.

    But just about peoples tastes I can't grasp.

    I'm tired of rambling so I'll just give up.

    There are just to many guffy tastes.

  12. Personally I'd much rather have a place with some history to it than a generic nest of skyscrapers. I liked the Boston setting, especially the lore around Goodneighbor.

    I like settlement building. Gives me something to do once I've explored all of the dark corners of the game and completed the quests. I loved playing NV but I'm done with it. I liked most of FO3 but I'm done with it. With settlements, especially with the right mods, it lets me continue to roleplay rebuilding parts of the Commonwealth even without a quest.

    I definitely prefer VATS to bullet time. It's Fallout, not the Matrix. VATS is part of the lore, and this isn't a FPS. At least in this version it's not freezing time, though.

    Only issue with weapons is it seems silly to be able to make a reliable gun out of a handful of pencils, a few tin cans, and a cigarette lighter.

    So many ghouls (non-feral) roaming around and nobody remembers how to sew or make a quilt? Especially with that whole 1950s thing going? Seems unlikely. Would like to see more pre-war knowledge starting to circulate, especially in areas with lots of old nonferal ghouls.

    A larger play area with more nonessential interesting sidequests, or nonquest areas to explore that have interesting stories if you're paying attention, would be nice.

    I'm sorry some people's tastes I don't understand ,a world full of strange tastes like men liking men ,men wanting to be woman,people doing dangerous tricks and thing even more bizzare that that.

    But I guest nothing can be done about that.

    I'm not talking about you specifically, but just people saying like a Porsche looks better than a Ferrari .

    Like how in the hell can people say VATS is better than bullet time.

    Like why is there no other RPG shooter that use mechanics to stop time and target enemies, do you REALLY think that no other developers have thought about this idea?

    That's the first reason some people I know say this game is ......

    Because it's a weirdass mechanic whether you agree or not.

    (Stop time click click click and repeat and repeat and you don't have to aim yourself.

    And I always play RPGs, fallout 4 is good people love playing RPGs but stopping time, click click and watch, sucks period.

  13. Elder Scrolls 6: Merethic Era ÃÂ Nov 15th, 2019


    Fallout 5: VancouverÃÂ BC ÃÂ Nov 15th, 2021

    LOL you almost convinced me .

    But I couldn't find even the slightest info on that!


    It looks like you have been using to much JET, OR WHAT ?


    Don't tell you work for Bethesda.(something tells me you do or know someone)


    Where did get that info. ??


    Send me a private message if you can't talk about it PLEASE

  14. Well, it's clear you're just here to argue so I'm done. Enjoy.[/quot


    Don't worry Bethesda WILL be reading your wishes here at BIG BOSS nexus.



    Anybody put your wishes list here and and edit when you want to

    Include anything you want to you, read in mine(2 votes is better than 1).


    I won't judge your wishes.


    In the near future we will delete any non wishlist posts.

  15. You have to remember it's been over 200 years from the point at where you join the world, to when you are able to interact with it once more. Over those years, the majority of bullets and guns would become useless. Gunpowder and primers don't last very long at all and they certainly wouldn't last 200 years. Nor would the guns, without constant maintenance and cleaning. Also, think about where the majority of guns are kept. Military sites. Gun stores, in civilian areas. Both of those places would have been prime targets for the nukes and you can guarantee that nearly all (if not 99%) of the weapons would have been destroyed.


    Then you have the very little of what was left over being used by scavengers and people trying to survive. Those guns would have broken, been stolen or melted-down for other purposes long before you came along.


    So no, there wouldn't be many guns left over.

    -Modern bullets could last forever, even in moisture environments but not allways

    -Guns and modern guns could last forever, even in moisture environments but not always

    -Its would be easier to repair a AK than to make a new pipe weapons

    -the people of America have allot of guns at HOME or work allot

    -by 2077 guns and bullets technology would be ever better that those of today

    -WTF melds the weapons for other purposes ,there is so much metal and junk in F5 take a look, motervehicles., etc, etc,.


    Please tell me honesty what you like more VATS or bullet time?



    honestly? I'm not that bothered but as I play without enemies marked on the Compass/HUD, VATS is more useful to me.

    hit the button and enemies that your character is aware of get highlighted. you can cycle through targets and occasionally you spot a mine.

    all bullet time would do is let me run in blind then slow time when the manure hits the windmill.


    I rarely use VATS though, but then in games with bullet time I rarely use that either.


    would someone armed with a melee weapon charge an enemy armed with a firearm in a combat zone?

    yes. ever heard of bayonet charges?

    in WWI, when Highland Regiments charged, the piper would charge with a set of BAGPIPES.

    so in a world where firearms are in short supply and ammo even more so, there is nothing wrong with enemies charging with baseball bats or tire irons, people have charged into battles with less effective weapons in the past and probably will in the future.

    the effectiveness of charging is dependent on the nerve of the person being charged. one little waver is all it takes to make them miss and panic them. it doesn't work on you with raiders, but that doesn't make it wrong or even unrealistic.

    In WW1 the charged with superslow manuel reloading gehwer or Springfield 1903 type riffles. That's why charged at enemis . and they used gas it was better than bullets at killing at that time.


    In the USA people have way more guns(at home) than actual people, so it can't be that scares after the war in 2077.


    VATS is more useful than bullet time for detecting mines but.......

  17. Everyone chasing you with fists and sticks? Majority of enemies I come across have guns of some sort, mainly Pipe guns. So far, roughly one-in-ten enemies have a melee weapon. Sometimes two melee attackers might be in a group but it's quite rare to see more than that. I'm not sure if you're over-exaggerating a little about "everyone" there for effect. If anything, more people should have melee weapons and guns should be rare as Giddy-Up Buttercup feces.


    As for industry, it isÃÂ pretty much non-existent, except for a couple of Post-War "companies" that especially deal in weaponry. And they're not anything like the Pre-War companies, who mass-produced thousands of units per day. Also they are not prevalent, in the Commonwealth especially. Gun Runners, for instance, barely made it out of New Vegas. Most trading done isn't weapon-related at all, food and water being the most precious of commodities. So the Commonwealth shouldn't have an abundance of decent weapons or any at all. The people had to make their own, hence the Pipe guns almost everywhere. Mix the distinct lack of high-quality firearms with the Brotherhood of Steel, who keep a relatively-tight reign on the population's advancement into technology and the chances of guns should become even less than it really is.


    From what I've seen, there are too many guns in the Commonwealth to correspond with how guns are made and how trade works in the Fallout universe. Supplies would take a very long time to reach anywhere. And that's it they even reached their destinations, given the hazards of the Wastes.[/quote


    Also fair, can't argue with some.


    I just think melee npc should carry 2 weapons, (melee) and simple pistol for far away intruders.


    I think raiders and gangs should have good ballistic weapons .


    brother hood of steel should keep the fansy energy weapons for them selves.


    I think 2 or 3 out of 10 NPCs have melee weapons makes it 30% to much for me.


    In the USA there are way more guns then people at home, where have they disappeared lol.

  18. VATS will never be removed as Fallout is NOT an FPS! Fallout is an RPG with FPS elements and VATS is a system that lets people use their characters skill rather than their ability to manipulate a mouse or gamepad.

    if you don't like VATS don't press the button to bring it up. immersion isn't broken and you can play Fallout as an FPS if that is your wish.


    Fallout is set in a world that no longer has any industry so no-one is mass producing weapons and ammo. not everyone will have a gun, but melee weapons are easy to make and available to anyone. they will be more prevalent than firearms. is it unrealistic for a raider hopped up on jet and med-x to charge straight at a person wielding a shotgun? no, not if you consider that in the real world, people using drugs like PCP have tried to take on armed police officers in the past. in recent years some of the new synthetic "legal" highs have caused people to become dangerously aggressive while having no regard for their own safety. still think a raider with a head full of drugs and alcohol won't try to hit you over the head with a pipe wrench?


    the fantastic thing about Fallout is that Bethesda have made it in such a way that anyone can tailor it to suit how they want to play. spend a few hours looking through the Nexus mods and you can make Fallout into the game you want, but don't try to get Bethesda to make Fallout 5 to your specifications. because if Bethesda do start being that influenced by posts on forums then they might not listen to you but listen to someone who has a vision of Fallout that you wouldn't want to play, even with mods.

    Its an RPG shooter (mainly FPS) f4 has better gun feel than the previous...


    But everyone is chasing after you with fists and sticks including those not on drugs.

    ( drugged people chasing policemen is VERY(suicidal) rare, we have bigger guns than police)


    Take a look at fallout not everywhere the industry is destoyed and 200 years have past (the knowledge can't be lost , books ,etc).


    And the most educated brain must have hidden in bunkers, etc.

    Or have they turned into Gould and mutants? And the stupid remained human?


    Please tell me honesty what you like more VATS or bullet time?

  19. I meant my post as a harmless joke XD, didn't mean for it to set off any negative reactions in regards to when they release their games.

    LOL so you are a Spaceman and a dungeon dweller?


    I believe we'll see fallout within 2 year 100% , some info was leaked about story already in development by MF Deacon (voice) himself.




    So... Bethesda, which as a rule takes several years to release each game, and always alternates between releasing FO and TES titles, and which hasn't even announced TESVI... Is definitely going to release FO5 in the next two years? ÃÃÃÂ Because of something that was allegedly leaked about a story being in development.


    Boy howdy we've been graced with a genius.

    Which as a rule of law and take several years? ..


    s#*! has nothing to do with Bethesda's rules of law genius .

    It has to do with game new engine, creating and polishing everything in the game.


    Bethesda doesn't have a new engine for the TES6 yet and when they do... it will take a few years to learn and develop TES6( it's their main MF franchise they ain't risking it without the new ENGINE).


    And Bethesda got much bigger plus the game was released 2015... I said within 2 year...that makes it 2019

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