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About WardenWolf1982

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    United States

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  1. Once you've gone through through NG+ a couple of times, that long unskippable cutscene becomes a real annoyance. Doubly so because people often reload several times to try to get a variant universe. Could we please get a shortened version of this cutscene so we can just get on to the next playthrough? Thanks.
  2. I've maxed out Piloting and Starship Design at Level 30, so that means I should be able to buy the higher level parts, right? Nope. Most of them are level locked until level 45+. I'd like to see a mod that simply removes the character level requirement before these parts appear in stores.
  3. There are a number of areas of the game that are made off-limits by the fact that you are killed as soon as you touch a coded "hard deck" designed to script-kill you if you fall. Other mods have revealed that a number of the "broken" elevators are, in fact, functional, just disabled, but you are killed when you pass through the hard deck while riding them (also, creative use of implants can sometimes allow you to reach the level of the killzone without being in a lethal fall). In order to further explore and find hidden content, we need a way to get rid of this auto-kill.
  4. Request a simple mod to disable spouse and child complaining at Heljarchen Hall.
  5. You can reskin virtually the whole game with better textures, but no one's reskinned that low-res Sanctuary sign to match. Could someone possibly do that? Thanks in advance!
  6. Honestly, they don't look any different. Keep in mind there's many, many variations of the AK. This is a modern milled AK for comparison (no affiliation with seller): http://www.k-var.com/shop/SAM7-Series-7.62x39-Caliber-Bulgarian-Milled-Receiver-Rifles The biggest difference is that older milled AK's are heavier and don't take the same furniture as stamped ones.
  7. The default cash registers are UGLY, and just about everything else has been reskinned in 2 or 4k at one point or another, so why not the registers?
  8. I'd very much like to be free from having to run a wire to each and every slot machine in order to power it up, as well as being able to place it fully against a wall. Could someone make a quick mod letting them use passive power? Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!
  10. I'd like to be able to make palisade walls (classic fort style with vertical logs) ingame. It would be lore-friendly and more realistic than concrete or chain link fences, and would blend in better with the environment.
  11. I don't understand why nobody has done this yet. I'd really love to see TALL power pylons similar to prewar ones.
  12. I'd like a classic Potbelly heating stove as a crafting / furniture item. Settlers need a way to heat their dwellings, and this old standby would find a new lifespan in the wasteland. One feature I'd like to see is a stackable chimney to allow for different roof heights, and it should also provide happiness.
  13. It makes no sense that you can feed on every other humanoid, including elves, but not Falmer. Yes, I know, they're degenerate, but they're still humanoid. I'd like to request a simple mod that will just add Falmer to the list of things a werewolf can feed on.
  14. Thanks. I wound up putting an old Skyrim mod in, and it worked.
  15. This otherwise-complete crafting location is missing one critical thing: a smelter. Without it, you can't create ingots. Could someone please create a mod that adds a smelter to the location? Thanks, WardenWolf
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