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  1. So you're wanting to completely remove it from specific lists, or just make it spawn less often? If you don't want it to show up on a faction spawn list, you can completely delete the level list from the mod, using the menu on the far left. No tweaks to the level list on the right side of the FO4edit screen.
  2. In response to post #37089600. #37093165 is also a reply to the same post. Well damn, that did it. Thank you!
  3. Hm, that first one seems very close to what I want. I'd seen the second but that's ordering a new one, not using your existing supplies to make one of your own. :p Since the GECK doesn't want to work for me that's about as close as I'll get for now. Thank you.
  4. So I have to ask... What do people normally see when they boot up the Bethesda program? Because all I see is the splash screen - that then does nothing. Their forums aren't helping me solve this, my question was removed.
  5. Yea, it's a bit cheaty... BUT the NPC's do it, so why can't we? :tongue: I'd really like to carry around a document saying 'shipment of 100 wood' instead of carrying 100 wood whenever I start in survival mode. It's not like I want to completely cheat, just make my minecraft urges easier to control. (You don't want to know the number of times I TGM'ed just to carry materials to a new settlement)
  6. Currently without any mod tools, as the computer I normally work on is busted. I have an idea for something that would be convenient and only slightly cheaty. Craftable Shipments. Those shipments you buy from vendors, why can't we as the player make them for ourselves? Craftable by using the same number of the part being shipped. It came to me as I was trying to lug supplies to the new outpost I was forming... why do NPC's have the ability to move so many parts with a piece of paper, but we can't? So yea. If some kind soul could help me out? It's just making a new craftable on the chem list. I really should reinstall all the software on this laptop, but with the GECK coming soon I've not had the urge to do so.
  7. Guess not. Welp, back to digging around online. Thanks anyways!
  8. Ok, I really feel silly asking this, but has anyone set up a starters guide to editing mods? I just want to edit and tweak level lists and weapon settings for my game - So that all the fun weapons show up in the open world balanced with what's already there. I knew how to do it with the GECK, but I have no idea how to use (or even WHICH one to use) any of the programs you all are using. Thanks all!
  9. Also THANK YOU for the mod, as that'll make testing my stuff so much easier. :D BTW, you might want to check your Src/XComGame/Classes folder. I don't think you need all those UC's included in your mod, looks like it's a bunch of the default ones. Never mind, I'm an idiot. :pinch:
  10. ...I BET if I tweaked that to add new StrValue's it would work. ....hell, that's EXACTLY what I would need to modify to set specific background stories to age limits! Thank you!
  11. Eventually I'll need to find out how to tweak that script to link age with which Bio it chooses. (No more war vets who were 5 years old when the invasion happened) Is the listing of XGParam in that part? I need a way to pull Last name and other information to place inside my Background mod. At work so I can't check.
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