It could be just me but captives annoy me, you free a captive to only run off and get them selves killed, talk about out of the fry pan and into the fire. So I would like to modify the way captives work but it is beyond my skills set. When you find a captive free them, when they offer you their stash, you get an extra dialog option “Better still let me escort you to safety (Megaton).” If you do not opted to take them to safety you only get half the XP (25) and karma (37). If you do decide to take them with you, they become a passive temporary follower like Cherry until you take them to Megaton, once you are inside Megaton the Captive thanks you (thank-you dialogue) and gives you their stash, with the PC getting the full XP (50) and karma (75). The Captive then takes on the same behaviour as a Megaton Settler. Now here comes the kicker, if you take the Captive to Paradise Falls and talk to Grouse you get a new Dialogue option, “What to buy a slave?” Grouse of course will say yes (with some clever editing you may have him say more) and you receive 250 caps, 50 XP and -75 karma. I hope someone will give this one a go. Feed back welcome.