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Posts posted by PrimalSavage

  1. @matortheeternal

    Please call that entity "Digital Modders Conglomerate of America" (DMCA) for the epic lulz.


    3. We could potentially look into forming some kind of non-profit entity for the protection of Mod Author's rights. The way this would work is a mod author would basically elect to allow this entity to file DMCA notices/take actions against illegal mod redistribution on their behalf. This would allow mod authors to remain anonymous (so no fear of doxxing after a DMCA), centralize and organize anti-mod-piracy efforts (allows us to track how much is happening better), and would allow anti-mod-piracy operations to be performed more professionally and efficiently. It would also become a lot more legally recognizable and impressive than individual mod authors acting on their own, potentially prompting faster/stronger responses from Bethesda/other parties. This organization would not be limited to Bethesda.net, it could act in other circumstances as well. To be clear: mod authors would not sign any rights to such an organization, they'd simply give it permission to take legal action against copyright infringement on their mods.

    Honestly, an organization like this should have been formed a long time ago. It may seem it's a little late to the party, but creating it would be a great way to organize anti-mod-piracy efforts and would help us act more effectively in the future.


  2. According to this Website, the NexusMods breach was a fairly big one from a historical standpoint (#11).




    I'm sure you guys have taken steps to improve security, but is there any way for me to reset/delete all personal information that you may have about me w/o deleting my account?

  3. The section sign ( § ) in HTML is §





    Issue may have something to do w/ the URL being translated to HTML. As suggested if you follow the link below, use &sect instead of &sect ?





    Ampersands (&'s) in URLs


    Another common error occurs when including a URL which contains an ampersand ("&"):
    <!-- This is invalid! --> <a href="foo.cgi?chapter=1&section=2&copy=3&lang=en">...</a>
    This example generates an error for "unknown entity section" because the "&" is assumed to begin an entity reference. Browsers often recover safely from this kind of error, but real problems do occur in some cases (...) And one old browser even finds the entity §, converting &section=2 to §ion=2."
    To avoid problems with both validators and browsers, always use & in place of & when writing URLs in HTML:
    <a href="foo.cgi?chapter=1&section=2&copy=3&lang=en">...</a>


  4. This happens from time to time. I would recommend waiting. I believe it has to do with files being distributed across the CDN.


    e.g. I uploaded three 150 MB files today.

    #1 at 16:53

    #2 at 17:08

    #3 at 17:25


    #2 was available almost from the get-go. #3 became available about 10 min ago. I'm still waiting for #1 (Thought it might be available now, will have to try again). Anyhow, might be something else, but I would definitely wait a few hours to see if the issue resolves itself.


    1. The possibility to re-endorse a Mod after a year if a new version has been uploaded could be a good thing. Would reward continuous development/support. You could also have said information in the endorsement details (written as "number of +2 endorsers", +3, +4, etc.).


    2. A second proposition would be to automatically endorse a Mod when a user has downloaded many different versions of said Mod (Say, after the fifth iteration/download). At some point, if someone keeps downloading the same Mod (new version(s)), then endorsement should be presumed/inferred (still removable by the user). Could have an opt-out checkbox (to automatic endorsement after 5th version download) in user options.


    What if that 5th version is broken? it's not unknown for modders to keep tinkering until they break everything. I can think of several once good mods that are now broken because the modder didn't know when to stop.



    You make a valid point, but I believe this isn't any different than having endorsed the first iteration only to see the second, third, etc. iteration break the mod. Most users won't come back and remove their endorsements for various reasons. Most users will also not remove an endorsement when a Mod hasn't been updated for a long time and no longer works with the new/patched game version. As to the fifth downloaded iteration (not the fifth iteration per se though in some cases that may be) by one user (or any reasonable number decided by management really), it would only be the turning point where endorsement is added automatically (but can be removed by said user).


    I think whether modders (and users) like it or not, there is probably a correlation between endorsements and downloads. As with everything, the early adopters (or in this case, the early modders) generally have quite an advantage and there is a snowball effect where users download top ranked mods, endorse top rank mods, and generally end up reproducing some sort of pareto principle where the top 20% Mods end up with 80% of the endorsements. This generally stays true even if some Mods haven't been updated for months (years). The proposition 1. and 2. would help both newcomers and those who've kept working on their mod overcome such situation.


    As to the label used (endorse) and as a modder, I agree w/ DrakeTheDragon that it probably doesn't matter. However, as a user of Mods, I think pixelhate may be on to something. +1/Like/Thanks are probably easier to give than endorsements, the latter being more intense, for lack of a better word.

  6. 1. The possibility to re-endorse a Mod after a year if a new version has been uploaded could be a good thing. Would reward continuous development/support. You could also have said information in the endorsement details (written as "number of +2 endorsers", +3, +4, etc.).


    2. A second proposition would be to automatically endorse a Mod when a user has downloaded many different versions of said Mod (Say, after the fifth iteration/download). At some point, if someone keeps downloading the same Mod (new version(s)), then endorsement should be presumed/inferred (still removable by the user). Could have an opt-out checkbox (to automatic endorsement after 5th version download) in user options.

  7. Keep in mind these filters all work based on "tags". Tagging is community business.

    Many authors give you a head-start and pre-tag their mods accordingly to what they "think" is right, but honestly not everybody knows what to tag their mods with.




    ...The problem isn't the site, the problem is the majority of its userbase, all they do is take, they don't tag anything, thank authors, endorse or do anything else.



    I obviously agree with what you guys are saying, but why not add a search checkbox along the lines of:


    "Remove Mods w/ no tags"


    and/or force Modders to select at least one tag (Even if they're not sure about anything else, they should at least know the language it is in).

  8. Whoa, what? This site, at least for me, has ALWAYS been http://www.nexusmods.com/game. None of the links or my links I have saved are broken. Everything works perfectly fine as it always had.


    This is so strange reading this. I've only been here since June 2013 though... but yeah, this site has always come up as "nexusmods.com/game/" for me. I'm befuddled on how, so far, the few of you say your links use to be "game.nexusmods.com/".


    Fairly sure it was [game].nexusmods.com/ in June 2013. Anyhow, somewhat irrelevant I guess, other than to say there was a point in time where it was [game].nexusmods.com/



    Same here. I had like 17 pages worth of Skyrim mods on Google docs and now they don't work. Nice job, Nexus.


    Well, if it's on Google Docs, you should just do CTRL-H and replace skyrim.nexusmods.com/ by www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/ or something along those lines. Basically, just figure out the exact nomenclature change and use CTRL-H to do that change instantly across your 17 pages worth of Skyrim Mods.

  9. Seeing Thandal screenshot made me think how nice of a feature "View your files download history" would be (Basically: who downloaded your Mods).


    Regarding the question at hand, I agree that knowing exactly which file you downloaded from the Mod page would be nice.

  10. I had this issue (Corrupted files) after uploading a new version of my mod yesterday (Around 9 PM EST). Today, I re-uploaded the files (under a new version: 1.8e.1 instead of 1.8.e.) around 4 PM EST (So 3-4 hours ago) and everything is working fine now. So corrupted files should probably be uploaded again.

  11. Hello!




    I have a mod and I just uploaded update - when I download it (size of the file should be 465 kb but it becomes 103 kb after uploading) it says that archive is damaged.


    Please investigate.



    Just uploaded a number of new files and having the same issue.


    All files are 106 Kb and when trying to open them, says "The Compressed (zipped) Folder ... is invalid"

  12. Hey jacktycoma


    1. You can find Mods for Fallen Enchantress (FE) and for Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (FELH) here, so make sure you've downloaded Mods for the right game:




    2. You shouldn't need to create a \Mods\ folder. That folder should already exist if you've played the game once.


    For Fallen Enchantress:

    ...\Documents\My Games\FallenEnchantress\Mods\


    For Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes:

    ...\Documents\My Games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods\



    3. You need to activate Mods in-game through Options. Once you've done so, you will be asked to restart the game.


    >> Options > Use Mods (Check)



    4. Note that Mods only apply to new games.



    Word of advice: unless you are installing a number of mods which already have proven compatibility, you should add mods one by one and test if they are doing what they say they are doing and if there's compatibility issues. In the case of small mods, you can probably install a few at once, especially if they were created by the same author, but filling your \Mods\ folder with many at once is just looking for trouble.

  13. On some Nexus Sites, Files of the Month is clearly suffering from the same inherent problem Endorsement had before reminders were put in. That is, very few users vote. (e.g. Fallen Enchantress hasn't had Files of the Month since April 2014).


    Wondering here if an Endorsement could automatically count as a Vote for the month it is given in.


    Alternatively1, maybe a Vote reminder that pops up at the same time and in the same window as the Endorsement reminder.


    Alternatively2, maybe a Vote reminder that pops up the first time you log in during the last week of the month.

  14. Hi SonofOdy,


    I would recommend asking our professional Headhunter personally. He's found quite a few capable candidates :teehee:



    A couple of pointers:

    - There is no champion editor, you have to work with the xml (Where have I heard this...)

    - Mods must be enabled in LH Options > Use Mods (That's not entirely true, but let's not discuss this in-depth)

    - You can always create a new sovereign (for appearances purposes) and then edit that file to make it a champion instead of a sovereign

    - While you can use Notepad, I recommend using a good xml editor (Notepad++ comes to mind)

    - If using Notepad++, I recommend using XML Tools plugin which allows you, among others, to verify your xml syntax

    - Mods folder is found here (At least in Windows 7):

    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods\

  15. The duplicate mounted creatures problem comes from the file CoreMounts. Each mounts is described by xml code starting with <GameItemType InternalName="..."> and ending by </GameItemType>. In between those tags, there is an <ArtDef>...</ArtDef> tag that makes a reference to a <GameItemTypeArtDef InternalName="..."></GameItemTypeArtDef InternalName>. That specific tag <GameItemTypeArtDef InternalName="..."></GameItemTypeArtDef> and everything in between must not be duplicated in the \Mods\ folder in order to avoid duplicated mounts.


    If you use Notepad++, you can search for a specific string in specific folders (or on your C drive). Use CTRL-SHIFT-F to load the Search in Files feature. Uncheck "Match whole word only", uncheck "Match case", uncheck "Follow current doc" (They all should be unchecked to start with). Use search mode "Extended". Check "In all sub-folders", check "In hidden folders". Search for (Exactly as typed) :

    <AbilityBonusOption InternalName="AdeptsTech">

    in your LH installation folder (Use "Find All" and NOT "Replace in Files"). You should only find one occurrence (Well, 0 if the CoreAbilities.xml file is deleted). If you find more than one, you've likely find the source of your problem. If you only find one, do the same search in your mod folder (You shouldn't find any there). If after those two searches you've only found one (or 0) occurrence, you will likely need to do the search on your whole hard drive using the same method - which might take several minutes - in order to find where the file is being loaded from.

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