So after I played with Enderal a little bit, I wanted to get a fresh start with Skyrim I decided I would delete all my Skyrim mods again and go for a new save and new mods, so I uninstall Skyrim, delete all of my mods, and reinstall fresh. I install a couple mods, like SMIM, Legacy of the Dragonborn, and a few other mods, and get in to game. I start up as a vampire with the Alternate Start mod, and talk the Master Vampire in the cave I started in. Some of his lines had no sounds, but he still said one line which I can only assume was added by the Dawnguard DLC, because I leave the cave and find a few travelling npcs, but when I attempt to talk the them they have no voice whatsoever. I travel a little farther, and find some Thalmor who are silent as well. Since I couldn't uninstall all mods without the game crashing after the Bethesda intro, I fully delete all mods again and reinstall one more time. This time, with no mods and only DLC, I start the Default game, and no voice. I've now tried reinstall, I've tried fixing my .ini's, and nothing has worked. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?