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Everything posted by 0ogieBoogie

  1. Awesome! I'll check it out. Now that this thing works, I gotta figure out what the most efficient way is to distribute it. Not sure if I should place a variation of this on every base container or if I could do something else. My original idea was to use a quest and put a global on each leveled list that would pass depending on the location but I couldn't figure out how to use a quest script to tell a container to give me its location and set the value of the global accordingly. So I figured I would have to place it on each container.
  2. Yeah that just opened up a whole new world for me! lol thank you again. Works great!
  3. Sweet thanks man! I've read so many posts with help you gave other people. Feel like you're a celebrity lol. I have a lot to learn and haven't really been checking myself with debug. That will help tremendously. I made some pretty awesome leveled lists that I want to dynamically place in containers based on the location. My ultimate goal is a mod that overhauls leveled lists and sorts items and and adds my own def_ui icons that I made.
  4. I'm new to scripting and have a lot to learn. Just started teaching myself a few months ago :happy: . I'm trying to inject a leveled list into a container based on the location of the container. I added the script to the container. When I use IsInLocation() and the specific location, it works fine. However, if i use GetCurrentLocation and a formlist with the locations it does not. I'm sure it's something easy that I just don't know yet. Was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Here's what I did. Scriptname OB_LootFilter extends ObjectReference FormList Property LocationHousing Auto LeveledItem Property OB_LLC_ToolBox_Default Auto LeveledItem Property OB_LLC_ToolBox_Housing Auto Auto State StartFilter Event OnLoad() If LocationHousing.HasForm(Self.GetCurrentLocation()) Self.AddItem(OB_LLC_ToolBox_Housing) Else Self.AddItem(OB_LLC_ToolBox_Default) EndIf GoToState("DoNothing") EndEvent EndState State DoNothing Event OnLoad() EndEvent EndState
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