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Posts posted by urielz

  1. In response to post #60906152.

    JimmyRJump wrote: Is there going to be some sort of subscription added to the Pareon donation system, like, instead of giving one larger chunk once, giving the possibility for a recurring payment for a certain amount per week/month/year per user?

    As is, one can give more than one donation, of course, was just wondering if some sort of automated subscription would be among the possibilities.

    Patreon lets you choose different types of payment systems. For Nexus the system is set up as a monthly payment.
  2. In response to post #56686801. #56691326 is also a reply to the same post.

    Keleigh3000 wrote: If you're committed to the website redesign could you at least fix it? Put some descriptions on the front page so I don't have to click through and load a bunch more pictures on my slow connection just to find out what a mod does? And make the updates button show all the updates? This site seems to be more about pictures these days than mods.
    sgtmcbiscuits wrote: This is one of the few problems that I have with the new design. The fact that there is no way to view the small description for front page files, unless they're one of the two big ones. I much preferred the older system that just cycled through the top 5.

    Yes! That's my main complain as well.
  3. In response to post #56692721. #56694116, #56700656, #56703606 are all replies on the same post.

    marauder345 wrote: I wasn't too fond of the redesign at first, but now, I'm liking it. I thought it was going to be hard to adjust to, but I was wrong.
    KJA1775 wrote: My thoughts exactly. Nexus Team, keep up the good work!
    pheonix235 wrote: I agree. I had a lot of links that pointed at the old nexus that got broken (Damn you Chrome!) and that was kinda a pain to fix, but the old version did make me buy premium (All the ads it had shoved into it kinda killed my computer because I'm a power user who has to have 10 tabs open at once when updating my mod list and I felt guilty using AdBlock). Now that everything is resolved and the bugs have been ironed out, I'm loving the cleaner new look.
    Moksha8088 wrote: Anticipating a difficult learning curve for Vortex is making me anxious. The simplicity and familiarity of NMM are comforting.

    @Moksha8088 if anything it should be the opposite! Tanin's work on Mod Manager was spot on, it was very intuitive to use.
  4. In response to post #49989912. #49994582, #50000142 are all replies on the same post.

    Exchange324 wrote: Would like to see an option, when choosing between 2 textures, to visually compare them both, just 2 images opened at once, it won't be too hard to implement, but will help a lot believe me. Thx
    BryanMichaelD3 wrote: I second this. That would be super helpful!
    Tannin42 wrote: MO had this option and I have it on the todo list for Vortex. But it's not as trivial as it may sound because support for reading/displaying dds textures isn't as widespread as - say - jpg.
    I can't guarantee we will find an appropriate library with support for it. I haven't looked into that yet though.
    Plus supporting textures that are packed in bsas for example would of course require the extra step of extracting them...

    That's great you're considering this. It would be an awesome feature to have.
  5. In response to post #43547550. #43553880, #43556180 are all replies on the same post.

    fredlaus wrote: Hi, Judge. Thanks for the invitation.
    This seems like you are less productive on regarding what you do, your perspectives, visions and you know I guess.
    I am talking about the entire staff.
    You have become some blubb that doesn't dare do anything without asking if it is OK with everyone?
    I really look forward to some bravery in the nearest future.
    This is boring.
    BlindJudge wrote: It's more the fact that we are very community orientated, this site is here for our users and we want to do right by them. Unlike larger sites that are run by their overseeing corporations, we are a tiny independent team who are here to build a site that you all enjoy to come to.

    We already have a number of features and interviews lined up, but with a community this big, we really want to produce content that is going to have the largest interest and asking for peoples opinion really isn't less productive - but actually the opposite.
    fredlaus wrote: My english is not good enough to debate with you. All my time in advertising I have had discussions with customers excusing their defensive strategies. Why, they wouldn't cause problems or stir up their markets too much. Maybe they even had to answer questions on the News - on the television even.
    But I wish you all the best with whatever you do. If you are not heroes, why are we even here?

    I actually really like how nexus staff is trying to reach the community for feedback. Keep it up.
  6. First, great idea!


    So many! But my top pick would be sheson - we know little about him and his mods are utterly important


    Teabag86, Gopher, and Michael from Gamer Poets - all of them had helped this community in a variety of ways


    And some of my favorite modders I would like to hear about: MannyG, Arthmoor, Gamwich, Cabal, Kryptopyr, Chesko...






  7. In response to post #41278850. #41280030 is also a reply to the same post.

    urielz wrote: Looks great so far.

    Is anything being done to improve communication between users/authors? Specifically, will users have the ability to know when someone replies to comments or quotes? I think this is a major issue with the site right now.
    ForeverZer0 wrote: I'm actually kind of glad it's like this. It does wonders to keep unnecessary flame-wars that spark up in comments section from going on too long. (See YouTube comments lol)

    But I can also see the benefits, so perhaps make it a setting that can be turned on/off. Or a setting that makes it so you only get notifications when a mod author from the mod you downloaded replies to your post? Idk

    That's true. Also adding the ability to block/ignore people would alleviate the problem.
  8. In response to post #41278080. #41278130, #41278440 are all replies on the same post.

    Nebulous112 wrote: I love the look of the new redesign.

    Only issue I have is with the ability to direct download without visiting the page. PLEASE remove this. Nexus should be encouraging responsible modding by forcing users to view the description page and download from the files tab. There is a lot of very useful information that I think users need to see on the description pagess.

    I figure this is kind of like you guys making news more visible in the redesign. It is important for us users to see the site news, so you make it far more visible. Please allow the description pages for mods to be as visible in the same sense.
    Redfoxhastea wrote: This. People need to know what they're downloading before actually downloading it. Especially when it requires you to do something else to get it working.
    Darole wrote: Exactly.
    I know that I have seen a mod that *looked* like something I would like, but when reading the description I found I needed a bunch of other mods to make it work, or I found out that it actually did something I wasn't interested in.
    Being able to download the mod without viewing the description might increase download count, but I think it could also increase complaints to the mod authors by people who now can directly avoid the description/instructions. They will complain it doesn't do "*this*", and while I know a few do that now (ie. download without bothering to find out what the mod actually does or doesn't do) it seems to me this will increase due to the intentional bypass of the description.

    This is a very good point. I agree with OP.
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