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About Warlord_1011

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  1. i just perosnally belive someone playing fallout has got a screw loose or just did it for the fun of it lol
  2. damn u beat me to it, i was gonna say it says GREEN and not GREAT lol
  3. I came across this while i was bored and as u can see its on wikipedia, i guess someone thinks it will happen lol http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/2077.jpg
  4. I edited and added parts onto the vault security armor in blender and exported it as a nif, when it came to testing it in game there was no visible part of the armor, so in Nifskop i changed the directories of where it loads the textures from, and created the directory with all the correct parts in it, however since then i keep getting the errors below in nifskope, and blender cannot import the nif either http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/nifskopeglitch.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/ScreenShot23.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/ScreenShot24.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/ScreenShot25.jpg can anyone help!?
  5. My question is: Under the topics tab ,in a dialogue quest, i create a new greeting under the greeting topic, create a response, i create a condition, that all works, however i want the audio file to load from the fallout3.esm not my .esp so under the response text box i need to change the file path from : Data\Sound\Voice\Vault104.esp\MaleGenericGhoul\AgentHoltV_GREETING_000215B0_1.ogg to: Data\Sound\Voice\fallout3.esm\MaleGenericGhoul\Generic_GREETING_000038C2_1.ogg or if i havnt explained it verywell here is a image: http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii191/Warlord_1011/Vault104GreetingDirectory.jpg
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