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Nexus Mods Profile

About Plantelo

Plantelo's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)



  1. I like the layout, but the first thing that jumps out to me is the theming. I prefer the softer, pastel-esque colours of the current design, as well as unrounded corners. I understand that these are outdated design principles, but 'modern' and 'pretty' are two very different things. I would really enjoy the option to keep the old styling with the new layout. Hell, let me customise the palette.
  2. I wanted to lower Lockpicking's skill cap to 75 because let's face it, it's not worth shooting 100 points into. However, there are no relevant game settings, and skills aren't forms, so I suppose that means they are hard-coded. My questions are as follows: 1. Are all skills hard-coded to have the same cap? 2. Is it possible to change this (these) value(s)? 3. If I were to change it (them), what would the resulting file be? I assume not an .esp, unless I can somehow change them by script.
  3. My system locale is set to UK, my system language is EN-UK, all my keyboard layouts are EN-UK. However, while the game "correctly" interprets all Microsoft layouts as UK(?) QWERTY (Shift+2 is "), the one custom layout I almost always use seems to break it pretty badly. A few keys now do nothing, and two of them type a single character even when shifted that isn't assigned to them normally. This remains until I relaunch the game with a different layout enabled (switching while the game is running has no effect). Is this even an issue that can be fixed?
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