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Posts posted by DeathAngel2112

  1. Have an idea, but I don't know how to properly do it, so i'm wondering if anyone knows how to make a terminal with options set up on it so that it's basically a text adventure. I know it's not the most exciting of mods that could be made, but it might be fun, has potential.

    Plus, it's the month of Halloween, although October is almost over, and I can't help but wonder if there is code to read the player's Username? Not just the Character's Name, but the Username of the player.

  2. I doubt anyone will reply or help but i have to try. Honestly i'd pay someone to make it for me but it's against the rules.


    And yes, I bought Fallout 4 while it was on sale just so I could try to make my own radio station.


    I would love it if someone would make a Carpenter Brut Radio Mod for me, I tried, but I don't think I got it to work. I uploaded the mod to Bethesda.net for PC and Xbox, people downloaded it and whatnot but no one would tell me if it worked for them, and it certainly doesn't work for me as the radio doesn't pop up in the menu, or another mod is blocking the radio from showing up, or maybe it's a Creation Club mod blocking it, I do not know.


    I can provide the tracks, I just need someone to make the actual Radio Station for me. I tried following guides to make my own, but the station does not pop up for me.

    Again, if I could pay someone to, I would, but it isn't ok to do so.

    If you can not make a radio for me, I would appreciate at least telling me how to make a radio station appear in the Pip-Boy, what setting I would need to mess with and whatnot.

  3. I'm mainly a console player and i'm trying to make my own Radio Mod for Fallout 4, no DJ or anything, just a Radio Station with tracks to go through. I tried following a Youtube Video Guide. This one: https://youtu.be/V1vu0uFAZWk


    But when I download my own mod onto Xbox, the radio doesn't even show up on the Pip Boy. Does anyone have any idea what could prevent the Radio Station from even showing up?

    If I knew how i'd even upload the radio mod i'm making so someone could take a look at it. Cause honestly, right now i'm too frustrated to focus.

    I'd really appreciate the help. I've put 2 days of work into making this and even though i'm frustrated I don't want to give up yet.

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