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Nexus Mods Profile

About vgo

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  1. Like the installation instructions say: 1.) You will lose all progress in existing saves if you choose to load them with RFCW enabled. So that's a NO.
  2. New Vegas Restoration - NVR seems to be the best so far, but it does more than just expands The Strip...
  3. It's not THAT big, but then again I find the main game's Mojave desert way too small... I finished all the test with Project Nevada active, wasn't that big deal - you can use the exact same route every time... Was nice to see some proper use for the sneak skill for a change.
  4. +1 easily the best house mod out there.
  5. This one? Fully Integrated DLC Items
  6. Guess you didn't follow the plot too well then... :P From the first note:
  7. I hate the bikini "armors" too, it's a shame that many skilled modders decide to go that way, but it's not just the modders, in many games (and movies, comics, you name it!) the female armors look ridiculous. :( My current female character: http://s2.postimage.org/r004mizo/Armory_weapon_display.jpg Veronica isn't in that pic but she's wearing T51b PA without helmet and nothing as ridiculous as this and I do have the Beware of Girl body replacer installed, but I guess I don't really need it... :) I wish there was more armors like the Tribal PA from The Pitt, IMO it's one of the best armors ever, a "home made" T51b cobbled together from various parts would be awesome. I also prefer to use WME instead of mods that add tons of shiny new weapons. Found a male body replacer too: Breezes New Vegas Males, but I'm probably not gonna use it, there's no need. EDIT: Found another male body replacer Rivens Chunky Duncan Race_Fat Man, definitely gonna try this one, it looks a lot more like me than the Breeze's. ;D
  8. I like WME - Weapon Mod Expansion, it adds more weapon mods and allows you to mod unique weapons. There's really no need for more weapons, besides you can already get some new stuff from the DLCs. FO3 Perks is the only one I can recommend. Again, there's no need for more perks, in my opinion it's better to have perks that really make a difference and not just add more skill points, they should have more downsides too. I highly recommend Xtra Special New Vegas and Xtra Special Skill Training, your skills increase by doing things and tagged skills are increased 2 points at the time on level up. Also skills can go over 100 and still give you a bonus (not that great though). Bottle That Water is a must, you can bottle water from any water source. Vurts Wasteland Flora Overhaul adds better looking flora. Real-Time Entry Skills if you´re tired with the lock picking/hacking mini games, also allows you to pick a lock with skill less than normally needed i.e. in vanilla game if the lock needs 50 skill you can´t pick it if your skill is 49, the mod allows you to try to pick it, but the attempt may fail. Community Bugfix Compilation Patch, fixes a lot of things that haven´t been included in the official patches, actually it fixes many more! Fellout NV makes the nights a lot darker. Less Dismemberment and Limb Explosions, not every head and limb has to explode... Interior Lighting Overhaul - Realistic Interiors more realistic interior lighting. Nope.
  9. If you need to ask that then you'd be better off with some generic FPS if you just want to shoot stuff than CRPG...
  10. Many years ago I used to be "modding elite" or "rockstar" in a game, there was only a handful of people who could even think of doing the things I did with the game. I'm a professional software developer and programming has been easy for me all my life, that helped enormously when I started modding. I tried to help other people with their problems, but when it came to scripting I found it very difficult to explain things to someone who lacks even the basic understanding and terminology of computer programming. So, what I did was to recommend some basic programming tutorials and then move on to write scripts for the game, the people that I tried to help didn't understand this though. People tend to like to take shortcuts and they might even get something working by trial and error, but if they don't know why something works and why something else doesn't leads to problems they can't figure out. You have to start with basic stuff, experiment and work your way up. If you get stuck with something, don't rush to beg for help in the forums, you should at least try to solve the problem yourself - you'll learn a lot more that way and people don't get tired of your constant cries for help and when you really need the help you're more likely to get it (posting a message with only "plz help!!111" in the subject line isn't a particularly good idea either). Fast forward to FO3, when I started the GECK for the first time it took me a few hours to figure out how things worked and I could start experimenting with some gameplay changes, I quickly came up with a simple mod that altered the weapon degradation, experience points and even added a "weapon cleaning kit" item to "repair" the weapons with their condition in >= 90% etc. (the backward repairing logic is something that's still driving me crazy, but I haven't found a way to fix it i.e. it should be easier to repair a weapon that's in good condition than it is to repair one in bad condition and not the other way around...) What I'm trying to say is that when you get the skills and experience it's quite easy to start modding almost ANY game if you have the motivation to do it. I've developed a habit to tinker with almost every game I play. :) About spelling, because I'm a programmer my spelling tends to be pretty good; it has to be, none of the software I've made would work (or compile) if my spelling was really bad. :D In my opinion there's no excuse for bad spelling especially if you're writing in your native language, we all have been taught to read and write in school. I absolutely hate the "Internet slang" with no capital letters, punctuation, paragraphs and with stupid abbreviations (my favorite: lol - in response to hundred lines of quoted text, sometimes including pictures too), I tend to skip such messages on forums and put the writer on my ignore list if there's such an option. I've been called Grammar Nazi and I'm proud of it. :P PS. English is my 3rd language. :)
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