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Posts posted by magnanimousmudd

  1. If there were already existing resources (textures) I might take a hand at attempting such myself, but this would require someone with an artistic hand, methinks.


  2. I just wanted some opinions on whether I should bother with this.
    I know there is already a mod that adds Majora's Mask with a unique model in to the game
    but I thought that a retex like this would look pretty interesting if done right.

    Here's a very rough example that I threw together

    The other problem beyond there already being a Majora mod, is that I don't know who created that amazing picture of Majora's Mask from that Doomsday website.

    Anyways, any encouragement would be appreciated.
    Of course, if the Cultist Mask already has a similar retex, or you know who created the Original Image, I would appreciate such information.

  3. Is there a mod out there that makes it so that they NEVER do that thing where they land with 0HP and die immediately?


    I would much rather they just always crash land.

    Or even better, if they had a chance of either crashing, or going ragdoll and plummeting to the ground.

  4. I was just thinking, and I'm sure its been requested before

    It would be pretty cool to have a stone like skin on the dragons like in the Dark Souls OP.


    Or maybe instead of all dragons, just a unique dragon with stone like skin that has super high defense?


    Here are some pictures for reference on what I'm talking about







    And/Or a unique dragon with a white scaleless looking skin like Seath the Scaleless would be pretty amazing too


  5. I was just wondering if anyone could add a Ghoul and a young looking girl to the game, maybe around the El Dorado Dry Lake area.


    The Ghoul would be Alhazred

    The young Egyptian(I think) girl, Martala


    I'm not sure many will get the reference, but it would be pretty amazing ;v


    Preferably they would be friendly, maybe even put them on a full rotation of the Mojave if possible.

  6. Its impossible. Nothing can be edited beyond textures at this point in time.

    Though there is a lost and found for key items (Like Covenant of Artorias). That's what the open chest at Firelink Shrine is for.

  7. As far as I understand, the meshes for a lot of things still show up when you make all textures transparent. Since you cannot edit models yet, if it doesn't go invisible when you remove the textures, then theres nothing that can be done.
  8. I posted this picture yesterday, figure now I'll post it in the forum.



    Could anyone enlighten me on how to let the black borders not show up?

    If I have to recolor from the base texture again, I can, but I'd rather not ;v


    Its probably something simple that I should already know, but no shame in asking

  9. Is it impossible that we are the first born?


    I mean, the statue at the sunlight altar points towards a male, but Gwyndolin was raised as a girl, sooo. But that aside, it would explain why we can just walk around and demolish the lords of the land and walk up to the site of the first flame as if we were just walking across the street.

    Is there anything specific that points definitively to the fact that we ARE NOT?



    I was also thinking that the Gwyn we fight may possibly be the first born?

    Maybe that tomb really is Gwyn, and the first born took up Gwyn's place after his fathers death.

    Maybe the open chest at the tomb is where Gwyn's armor and crown belong.

    Does he use his lightning bolts in the final battle? I killed him too fast.

    If so, does he use Great Lightning Spear(First Born), or Sunlight Spear?

    Or does he use neither?

    That would lean more towards the Gwyn we fight being the firstborn..

    "The weapon of the God of War, who inherited

    the sunlight of Lord Gwyn, but had

    respect only for arms, and nothing else."


    Anyways. Probably all been said a thousand times over, but I had to get it off my chest ;v


  10. If you watch closely, some NPC's scale down when they lay in a bed. Im not 100 percent sure the same thing happens for objects such as chairs.


    It may be minor, but It would be awesome if someone could remove this size scaling effect.

    I didn't even notice it until today when I talked to Faralda while she was in bed in the College, and when she got up, she grew >..> and vice versa

    Again, minor, but now I'm going to see it EVERY TIME I talk to a larger NPC that is in a bed.

  11. Name of the thread is kind of vague but what I mean is

    A very deep and trying dungeon spanning caves, nordic ruins, dwemer ruins, maybe even a secret ayleid ruin ;x going deeper and deeper.

    At the end there would be a massive, pitch black room with the ground lit by fire pits so you can somewhat get a grasp on your surroundings, even though you can see nothing of the walls.

    In this room you would enter combat with either a really powerful dragon, lich, a lich and a dragon, two dragons, a lich and two dragons. Who knows. Something truly challenging.


    Afterwards, the ground could fall out from beneath you, and you could be loaded into a free fall, falling into the icy ocean.


    I'm sure a reward of some sort could be worked into there somewhere ;x


    Or something like that.

  12. I'm not sure that it's possible currently, considering we don't have the CS, but the more I look at the Wolf Armor, the more it reminds me of Saiyan Battle Armor.

    It would be interesting if someone at a point could mod the game so as to where when one transforms into a Werewolf, that the armor(and only Wolf Armor) stays equipped.

    Kind of like the Saiyan armor stretches when they go Ape.

    Someone could even do a Texture mod for it too I guess to make it look like Saiyan armor ;v But I was more just thinking of the function.

  13. *Is it possible to sort of link different items so as to give an armor a debuff while wearing it without a matching helmet, to where when you equip the corresponding helmet, it removes the debuff?

    **My predicament is that I want to massively buff power armor, but when you fight an enemy with no helmet, I would like them to have a debuff that makes it so they still take relatively normal damage when getting shot in the head. In my imagination, I would do this by giving them a debuff affecting their head which would negate all/most DT/DR benefits provided to the head by the body piece until/unless they are wearing a power armor head piece that will protect their head.


    ***Another way I could do this would be the make just wearing the armor alone without a helmet give the head a debuff that pretty much removes the DT/DR benefit provided to the head by the body piece(as mentioned above), and substantially buff the power armor helmets so that its pretty much overriding the effect of the debuff provided by the armor when you equip said helmet.


    I need to know how to make a status effect that makes the head more vulnerable as mentioned in **/***

    An added bonus would be if you knew of a way to sort of link items into an armor set as mentioned in *


    If none of this made sense and you need further clarification on what I'm asking, just ask.

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

  14. So, I don't wear power armor, but I'm a firm believer in that Power Armor wearers should be like walking tanks, so that you feel satisfaction when you do manage to take one down..


    Currently I have a mod that changed the stat bonuses (Strength, etc.) of Power Armor to that of previous games, and buffed the DT slightly.

    Well, I took that and buffed the DT even further, but I still feel like its not enough. I go to the BOS bunker, and I walk through there like nothing with my character only wearing 15 DT armor.

    Maybe its the Brush Gun? Maybe its being level 40? Who knows.

    Anyways, the current DT I have the Power Armors at are

    Advanced Power Armor = 37

    T-45d Power Armor = 34

    T-51b Power Armor = 37

    Tesla Armor = 38

    I went off of my own perceptions of what should be better than what. Maybe if given some suggestions I could change it around a bit, but

    I was wondering what changes I could make that would make Power Armor users a big challenge to kill at lower levels, and still a decent challenge at higher levels WITHOUT compromising different ammo types

    I could just hike the DT up to 50, but I read somewhere that makes lot of Armor Piercing rounds useless, and that's not what I want, but its looking like I might not have many options =|

    It would help if someone knew the sweet spot/range where AP ammo still works, yet it still leaves them extremely tough. I'd sit there and change values around, but it seems like too much trouble for something someone might already know =V

    GECK crashes so damn much

    Thanks for any insight anyone can offer

  15. I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I'm contemplating doing a fresh install of the game after the latest patch. I know that I had a few bug fixes in the form of modifications, and I'm wondering if having a mod that's trying to fix something that's no longer broken will have an adverse effect, such as the 44. SWC (or whatever) ammo recipe glitch.

    Make enough sense?


    I don't really want to do a fresh install though, so its just something I wanted to check up on, because if I do install fresh I have to install quite a few mods and by the time I'm done doing so I probably won't even want to play the game anymore =P

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