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About OWAGrenth

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  1. mine was good,hope yours was too.
  2. aaaaaaarrrgggggg!!!!!

    Dezi :) how ya and hos your new years been?

    haven't seen you lately....

  3. Guys I KNow what happened to the sephirion..... Just so happens he was in a bike accident during the holidays.... not to sure about the details but apparently his leg was extremely badly damaged. well thats what my brother told me since i don't know the sephirion personaly but my bro does not to sure when he will be back and on the move again but just thought i'd inform you guys oh yea my brother Keter Sephiroth say's he might ..... "might" start animating for oblivion again but he says no promises enjoy the new year guys...
  4. I am good thanks.

    How about you?

  5. Hmm interesting although your character is not an NPC :mellow: anyway... I personaly think that the vannilla NPC's are realy ugly :unsure: but i guess it wasn't an essential of bethesda to make all NPC's beautiful :rolleyes:
  6. Heya i'm just getting to know some people so ..... How ya!
  7. Ah The Sephirion I have many things about you some not so great and some brilliant Hmmm I was told you were looking for me to do anims but I don't think i can do it right sorry :closedeyes: and on the 23rd i will be going on holiday so from that period up until the 5th of Jan i'll be unavailable so we'll talk next year toodles :biggrin:
  8. Heya dezi just felt like saying hey so um... Hey!
  9. Early rounds completed :biggrin: But my eggs they don't seem to be hatching yet :mellow: Well I guess i have to be patient :rolleyes:
  10. Oh yeah, that's it...
  11. Ok guys done my rounds :biggrin: Clicky Clicky! Well Enjoy.
  12. Not Real!!! You're not Real! Ahhhhgrr!!
  13. No! No! You're not real!!!
  14. Wow who are you?
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