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Status Updates posted by OWAGrenth

  1. aaaaaaarrrgggggg!!!!!

    Dezi :) how ya and hos your new years been?

    haven't seen you lately....

  2. Heya i'm just getting to know some people so ..... How ya!
  3. Heya dezi just felt like saying hey so um... Hey!
  4. Not Real!!! You're not Real! Ahhhhgrr!!
  5. No! No! You're not real!!!
  6. Wow who are you?
  7. My Name sounds familiar? Hmmm

    Well if you know someone called OWASephiroth well then you probably would know who i am.

  8. Aww dude thanks so much for directing me to that mod :)
  9. haha thanks dezi!
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