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About dufake

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  1. Ed Harris's gun in HBO show Westworld. Some references on imfdb: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Westworld_-_Season_1 9 rounds .38 plus one round .20 gauge Well, I don't mind if it can't fire the shotgun due to technique issue.
  2. A combination of Automatron Tesla Armor and Nuka World Overboss PA. Well, I like hybrid armors, and you know the overboss power armor should be charged.
  3. I would like to be a glowing super mutant overlord. We need another skill tree for the new race.
  4. Super Hot Bullettime plz, and inversed Super Hot would be better.
  5. Then I hope it happens to companions as well. Change their idle animations when they suffer. It will be Gods Will Be Watching meets fallout. Everyone sacrifices. [edit] My dog will be Marvin.
  6. The flow of dialogue would be so wonky if you were to sit around listening to each option in the middle of the conversation. Mass Effect took things to such a better and more fun experience compared to anything Bethesda has made thus far. Any step Fallout 4 takes to looking like Mass Effect's dialogue system is the best news ever. I hated having to read through long, drawn out dialogue choices in Fallout 3, the short choices are the way to go, keeps the conversation moving and smooth. Fallout 3 is boring due to writers. Don't blame the dialogue system, it works great in NV. Bioware have better writers, but they couldn't save DA2, and DAO has better writing than DA2.
  7. +1 Perks make people feel special. Skills make you a professional. Intelligence should be critical.
  8. 1. Forever Free - our milestone 2. Terminal Input - type a word to command your shelter 3. Skill Points - bring back the old rules 4. Dog Armor - Dogmeat will be Canned Dogmeat 5. Pipboy Hardware/Software Modkits - solar energy that recharge energy cells, add a fan to prevent overheat, submarine sonar, breath fire, wireless server, toaster, skynet
  9. what's in my mind: add a backpack Rifle, right side of the backpack Sniper Rifle, left side of the backpack RPG/Fat man/Large Melee, back of the backpack Frags/C4, upon the backpack Shotgun, legs Pistols, as always Unarmed, as always
  10. Melee will be a lot different if every hit staggers.:
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