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About JustElemental

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    United States

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  1. Have you ever wanted to summon three mimic tears? How about seven? Like the Redmane/Leyndell/Mausoleum knights but disappointed that they don't come with respective soldiers? Thanks to modding tools you can easily fix this by: Finding your regulation (I recommend using Mod Engine 2 and copying your game's regulation into the 'mod' folder if you don't have one already) Open your regulation.bin with Smithbox (Make a name for the project, select the folder the regulation.bin is located [if you are using Mod Engine 2 - %/Mod Engine 2/mod] and select the game's .exe [steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game]) Under Param Editor, go to BuddyParam and find the name of whichever summon you want to increase the spawn of Copy and paste the row until you have the desired amount (anything higher than 10 will probably cause issues) When you are finished, File>Save All Modified Params If you want to mix and use multiple summons (ex. Rotten Stray + Pest + Rat): Choose the summon that will be equipped to spawn all entities and copy its Trigger SpEffect ID (triggerSpEffectId). [Rotten Stray is 235000] Find the other summons you would like to use and paste this id into copies of your preferred summon (make a copy of Pest/Rat and paste 235000 into triggerSpEffectId. When you spawn a rotten stray, a pest and a rat will now spawn with it. If you copy the id into the original params instead of using a copy, you will break the other summons and they will no longer spawn with their own ashes. Note: for Mimic Tears there are two params, one will not properly spawn when used, you'll need to identify the correct one (it will have empty fields opposed to other summons). Again, when you are finished, File>Save All Modified Params Image of me summoning a rotten stray, pest, rat, winged misbegotten, and putird corpse using the rotten stray ashes:
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