Hi guys. I'm currently facing textures popping in and out of existence when trying to rebuild previs for Morexplore and Commonwealth underground and forgotten places. Morexplore breaks precombs in 5,1 and CWUaFS breaks them at 0, -1. So what i'm doing is adding the esm in wyrebash, then I load them both up in the ck, go to each mentioned cell and I regenerate precombines for current cell. Then I generate Precombined visibility for all loaded cells then I generate visibility for all loaded cells at 0,-1 and 5,1. When testing the patch though I get major texture popping. I did go into xedit and deleted the few items that disturbed precombines in these cells, the [Placed Object] ones before trying this however, could that mess it up? I've also tried loading automatron along side them to see if that makes a difference.