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  1. ? new game plus has nothing to do with add fact since anything you do in quest does not carry over (its full restart but just higher level enemy + items in stash that carry over, and some other minor stuff like money.) so any save would be in theory 100% perfect since game has an console command that gives all items , and any value of gold you want. (witchcraft adds the items , and addmoney(54000) adds the money, you can also add skill points , and set level to any value you want.
  2. the only way is to redo this quest , since this gltich is like from 2016 and no fix yet. if the glitch keeps happening in this quest , you can solve it by before doing quest console command , set appearance (switch ) to Ciri then after quests ends turn back. (at least thats what I Read onnline)
  3. https://imgur.com/a/fCABPY5 I tried your "disablefinisher" tag globally in the damageManagerProcessor.ws" but I did not have any issue with finisher , it just does what is shown on video. (I mean there is no finisher option it just goes to Dismemberment)
  4. did you try if( actorVictim.HasAbility( 'DisableDismemberment' ) ) { dismember = true; } else if( actorVictim.HasTag( 'DisableDismemberment' ) ) { dismember = true; I tried it myself , before when spawning dwarf , there was no Dismember. after: I did get an Dismember animation but it was a bit gltiched, (they all hit a T pose) but the npc did die at least. maybe if they have disable finisher tag it would prority the dismember with this, so its not as visible. worth a try I guess. (all this code I am talking about is in damageManagerProcessor file )
  5. it could be based on my own preference but based on screenshots you attached the next gen looks a lot better without those wrinkles. (I did not see it in motion yet , maybe its worse there?) I might be wrong but I think this mod was included in the next gen by default: Lip Movement and HiRes Shadows (and High Quality Heads) on NPCs in gameplay at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community and under the posts section of that mod there is : Unfortunately, this new version removed both the ability for NPCs to blink and the effect of wrinkles on the faces of all characters. I believe that this mod, even updated, does not apply to the issue of wrinkles. Right? and that mod was updated in 2020, and you can also find post that they copied code and bugs on same page as well. thats what I am basing this on assumption , but I dont really know if its true, it might be not related as well. (you can find the lip mod on this page: List of unneeded mods for Next-Gen Update (already included or obsolete) at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community says it was reported to have mod features used in next gen.)
  6. you dont seem to know how to merge things correctly? you proabbly have leftover stuff from 1.32 you need to delete. best to do clear installation and then install mods. are you sure you gave correct load order by right clicking mods in script merger and set values from 1-9 ? did you install mods manually or vortex? (dont use vortex and use manual way for all mods.) are you sure you got BIA 4.04 and not 1.32 (those two are diffrent mods) when BIA conflicts , just make sure the mods have correct load order so script merger uses correct stuff. I dont know about other stuff , but weight mod is most easy mod that has 0 conflicts and known to work with BIA. also yes next gen has HD mod, but there is a new update to HD Reworked Project mod if you are talking about that? (make sure better torches is 4.04 version , ) is the no rolling mod from Elementary? (next gen) you might have gotten 1.32 again which wont work on 4.04 that mod 4.04 version should be compaitable with BIA because the author makes all his mods with BIA in mind (I belive) costume mods should not really matter unless you got some other mod you are forgetting to mention. so basically the issue might just be beter torches mod, in which case you can check post section on mod page and check stand alone version , (which has specific parts of mod only , if you dont care about other features of that mod and want less conflicts.) and ensure you are using mod load order in script merger etc. see if it works without better torches , then try make it work with it (or use only certain parts of the mod , if it does not work.)
  7. its not broken, its working as intended , next gen has a mod that edits those "wrinkles" out. (as other similar"clear face mods do") unless you mean something else. the reason? proabbly because it looks more realistic.
  8. it wasn't clean install, when you still have stuff affect your game , that's exactly opposite of clean. unistall game , go to file explorer, delete files related to witcher 3 manually, then in documents delete witcher 3 folder . only then it would be considered clean install. to see mods installed, go to Nexus, download history and preview each mod , it will show all files names , which you can reverse delete. (people don't really use this forum, to answer future questions, you might want to consider reddit, or discord for faster more reliable answers.)
  9. this is not a bug but puke version of outfit. the game has 2 versions one for dlc puke and other for travel puke outfit. depending on what version of game you are on you can use companion mod (either 1.32 version or next gen version 4.04) and then spawn yenefer using that mod which allows you to pick her apperance (simply click version with no puke in name) there are also additional options in that mod overall its easier than console commands. but I belive console commands also have option to spawn her without puke.
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