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About chaptermaster21

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Skyrim, Dark souls 3, Dragon age inquisition, Path of exile
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dragon age series,mass effect series, elder scrolls series,darksouls series, etc
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I don't joke when i say i sometimes intentionally keep browsing the nexus pages and click on ads just to help with the revenue. I have no method of online payment available to me and barely enough money to scrape by lol, but i hope that by clicking the ads and cycling through the website's pages helps you guys. I love the nexus and i hope one day i will be able to pay for premium membership to truly contribute to its longevity. To Robin and the nexus staff i say, thank you so much for all your hard work and with all my heart i wish you the best of things =)
Announcing our newest staff member, Jim, aka Terrorfox1234
chaptermaster21 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Congrats Jim =) -
Once again you guys give us the best! I know its been said before, but i wish the nexus and the modding community ran bethesda because you guys keep on fixing all their stuff.
File bug reporting system and image uploading updates
chaptermaster21 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Nice work guys!, keep up the good work. -
Thanks a lot Grom for being sooo helpful =). The community owes you a lot :thumbsup:
Very nice work Grom! I'm looking forward to reading more :dance:
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
chaptermaster21 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Ok i hate to multi-post but i'll do it this time only for the sake of clarification. So lets take inventory, and see what can we get from all of what happened in the past few days. Is modding for money good or bad? Is money really gonna increase the quality of mods like what valve said? Money has and will always be a factor in almost everything in life, yes even modding. Modding takes time, a lot of time, and sometimes even money! To a modder a small income from the thing he loves doing is good. But does it really have to be a paywall in order to satisfy the modder who is willing to mod for money? I personally don't think so. Valve implemented a paywall feature on mods that *forced* the users to pay money in order to get what they want, and that's where they messed up. You see gamers in general have gotten tired of having their games cut to pieces and get sold to them piece by piece for $30, $40 etc. They have to pay for the game, all the dlcs, season passes, pre-order, etc, and now they have to pay for mods too? and realize a game with a good modding potential like the ES or FO games can have thousands of good mods. If even all the mods get sold for a paltry $0.1 then you will still have to pay a big amount of money to get them. Do i think that modders should have their mods sit behind a paywall? not in a million years, BUT do i think that some modders deserve to earn money for their work? Yes yes and yes!. But not by putting a paywall on their mods, but by implementing a good donate feature that allow thankful users to donate some of their money to those hard working modders who make great mods that pleases many users, sometimes millions of users like Chesko's frostfall mod. This is how mods and money should work. This is how modders should earn money in my opinion. Finally i'd like to say that people who say that the modders who jumped at the paid mods thing and tried to make use of it are *idiots* should think twice before saying that again, and that applies twice to people insulting modders like Chesko and isoku. You do not know how big it is when two big companies contact you and ask YOU to help make something of your own. Anyway i am tired of typing (lol). I'd like to say Congratulations to everyone who helped stop the paid modding scheme and defending the right of free modding, and i implore people to stop hurting the modders who wanted to make mods for money, Apologize to them and ask them back to our community, Chesko is gone because of valve's scam and our reaction to him, And i sincerely hope that he and the others come back once again and make great mods that we all appreciate!. Have a nice day! Chaptermaster21 -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
chaptermaster21 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Finally! See people? When the community unites no company can stop it, because if we share the same vote and vote with our own wallets they can't stop us. Yes they were trying to make a business out of the mods and monetize even more things, yes beth my have had another vision than what happened but that is nothing compared to what we the entire gaming community not only the modding community can do!, if valve the biggest game distributing company on PC and bethesda one of major gaming companies couldn't stop us when we united against them, imagine what the entire gaming community can do when we unite against other shameful practices! -
My respect just tripled for you Robin. What people started tossing around as accusations to this and that is very wrong and they should be ashamed. Its sad that the internet is always like this, people like to insult each other and make conspiracy theories about even the smallest of things. With that said, i need to point that my biggest concern with all of this is the mod theft, that is a scary subject for any mod author, and while i haven't released many mods on the nexus or anywhere else (due to permissions) i can't but feel disturbed toward the fact that someone is using my mod's assets, models, scripts etc and upload them on the workshop and make money of them. I feel like this subject needs to be addressed and dealt with. Yes in my opinion modding should remain free and i will continue to do free stuff, but that doesn't mean i am against my fellow mod authors who want to make money out of there mods, i don't endorse it but i am not against them, but mod theft...is something i am against.
Jon Looked around the park trying to imagine what it was before the war. He imagined parents bringing their children with them to play and have fun in the park, it was a nice thought and it made him wonder if its still possible to have such a thing happen here, at this time. He watched as the group talk to each other and try to make a resting place from the remains of the park, It was good to have a group that is holding together and not having arguments or worse hostile attitude towards each other. It was also a good thing that he still remains almost as an invisible man among them, so he kept to himself and didn't want to bother the others. Jon sat on the park's ground and took a small bite from his food. He didn't want to eat too much so he can save what he have for what is to come. He wondered what kind of food the people living outside the vaults eat. Is there even food and water out there that isn't irradiated and poisoned?. The moment Jon heard the movement in the bushes he stashed his food and stood ready for whatever creature lurking in the bush. However he was surprised when he saw that the black creature was actually a human's pet. It made him curious about the creature and how its human master actually tamed it.
Jon Watched the group as they had conversations with each other. The idea of going out and exploring the area sounded appealing to him. However he knew that they were unprepared for whatever mysteries lurked in the outside world. They had barely took the grasp of the sudden fresh air and the sun light, so it didn't seem like a good idea that they would start separating and venturing out on the get-go. Jon nodded quietly when angel mentioned the possibility of encountering predators. However something popped into his head that made him decide to finally approach the group and talk to them. He moved slowly toward the group then he said in a calm tone: "Also keep in mind that not everything we see is safe to eat. Many things in this place may be poisonous or irradiated. For while this place survived the fallout there is still a high chance that many things have been affected by the radiation".
Jon stood and watched with the other vault members as the vault door was about to open. He checked his bag to make sure that everything is in order, he had been given the standard rations and equipment just like all the other people around him. He looked at his 10mm gun that his father gave him a long time ago. He still remembers his father's words when he gave it to him. "Remember when the time comes and you have to take a life, always consider the consequences of your actions, for each life has a value and shouldn't not be easily cast aside". He chuckled as closed his bag and looked at the vault door. His dream was finally coming true, no more sitting and living in the same place. no more waking up to do all the routine he had been forced to do. Finally the vault door is opening and the entire world is welcoming him with open arms. The vault door finally opened and the rays of light coming from the outside world blinded the Jon and the vault dwellers. Jon Stood silently and closed his eyes as he let the light bath him with the first wonders of the world. Jon looked at Morgan as he said "Don't be scared of what're you leaving behind, everyone! Be scared of what we'll find!" and replied with a grin: "Think of all Incredible things we will encounter Morgan, We are finally free from this dull prison and this dull life" Jon grabbed his bag and moved toward the exit steadily. He had nothing in the vault he valued and he hasn't really made any relationship with anyone so he had no regrets. Jon exited the vault and looked around him in awe, as he watched the outside world. Finally his dream came true and he was finally free. He smiled while gazing across the horizon for he knew that his new life has just started and his chance to make his mark on the world has just begun.
Fallout: Yosemite - Discussion
chaptermaster21 replied to tokyobiohazard's topic in RP Announcements
Name: Jon Williams Age: 23 Race: Caucasian. Karma (Alignment): Neutral Good. S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Strength-5Perception-7Endurance-5Charisma-7Intelligence-7Agility-5 Luck-4 Tag Skill: Guns (small), Speech, Barter. Interest/Ambitions: Likes collecting special guns, Discovering what secrets the outside world has, adventuring, finding something or someone that will finally make him know his purpose in this life. Appearance: Jon is 6'1" tall, and weighs about 75kg. He has a short black hair and a fairly shaped face. Jon has a dark brown eyes that burns with the fire of discovery, and he also have a small stubble covering his face. Jon dislike wearing suits and ties and instead prefer to wear T-shirts and any comfortable trousers when he's in public. Personality: Jon is a very troubled man, Since the death of his loved ones he has been trying to avoid having any kind of relationship with other people least the loss of another loved one breaks him completely. Jon likes to be nice when talking to other people and strives to remain at their good side for as long as possible which can sometimes put him in a bad situation. He doesn't however shy away from speaking his mind or taking action when the situation calls for it. Jon is rather impatient when things start to take longer than they should be, and he's bound to be hotheaded when acting unless someone stops him from doing anything rash. Background: Jon Williams is the grandson of of a highly decorated vault scientist, who was able to secure himself and his family a place inside vault 32. Jon's grandfather was 67 years old when he entered the vault and so he died few months before his parents brought him to this world. Jon's grandmother never made it to the vault because she was far away from the vault the war started. Jon had only one brother who he loved very much. They used to play together and do all sorts of crazy stuff. They used to talk a lot about the outside world, what does the world outside the vault look like? who lives there? what kind of stuff they would encounter if they were ever to leave this place. Fate however decreed that Jon would continue his life without his family, for when he was 16 years old a vault robot malfunctioned and went on a homicidal rampage, killing his parents and his brother. The robot nearly killed Jon as well if not for the intervention of the vault security. Jon tries his best to forget about that horrible accident that scarred him emotionally, and tries to focus on the future and see what does fate have in store for him.