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About tetrodoxin

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  1. If you're looking for the recent follower version of >that redhead character<, current versions are always up on my flickr and tumblr page.
  2. They do? I always used direct links when I'm adding flickr images in a Nexus post. #BreakingTheLaw ? D:
  3. It's 2mb now, enough for most 1080p shots. Are you sure? It still says 1.5 for image uploads, which translates in roughly 1.4mb filesize for me. As far as I know, only the file image size limit is 2MB. Doesn't really matter anyway, as my pics are usually way beyond that :P
  4. Personally, I wouldn't miss Top Images alltogether if they'd be removed. But then again, I don't really mind them staying. For people with less time or that simply aren't willing to browse through tons of pages, it >could< be a convenient way to check out a variety of well-received images from as many different uploaders as possible. I used to frequent the image share, but I simply don't have the time anymore. So what I do (or rather did) from time to time is go to the top images and put people temporarily on my block list, simply to see a greater variety of images instead of the same stuff over and over again. Not meant to be rude in any way, but it's simply the best way that works for me. That method is of course anything but convenient, frequently "abusing" the block system like that is a pain in the ass. My suggestion for the TI area would still allow people to have multiple entries, but encourage them more to pack them into a single post, while making the process of doing that easier at the same time. Multiple entries would simply fade much faster. Tagging would allow people to find the stuff they want to see much easier (like written content and stories). I know that there are filters in the current system... but who ever uses them? Imagine the Top Image section would also use these tags. You could simply check current top 30 story posts, top 30 mod showcases, wallpapers, and so on. Now, on constructive criticism: The past few years showed me that even a contructive post with the best intentions and fair criticism can and will be taken wrong by some people, so users have gotten really careful with that. Nexus feels like a "Safe Space" currently. I think the main issue here is that we have two types of people: The ones that upload "just for fun", and the ones that take it more "seriously" (if not too serious sometimes). Now, issue sounds probably too harsh, as it just is how it is, and I can only speak for myself. As much as people need to accept that some (or rather: the majority) are uploading "just for fun", we need to accept that others will invest more time/effort/energy into this and eventually take it more "seriously" compared to others. Maybe that's just their way of having fun? The terminology "fun" and "serious" is a bit off here, as fun is subjective. My way of having fun with this is pushing my system/hardware and get the highest quality renderings I can make from this sloppy, old engine with downsampling (sometimes with insane resolutions), ini edits, external tools, shader adjustements and other crap. Some people might call this a waste of time, but it's what I enjoy doing - and that is also what I like to endorse. It's content I enjoy. I am fascinated by people who can make Skyrim look like a 2016 game as I see myself failing more often than succeeding on doing that. I appreciate every comment I get (Nexus in the past, now flickr/tumblr), but I must say that if someone tells me stuff like "yo, your shadows are blocky, might wanna try this and that" - that person is probably on the same page as me, and I will probably end up talking to that person a lot more. At the same time, I realize that others enjoy the game in a different way - be it a way of expressing creative storytelling, showcasing a mod or simply enjoy sharing game experiences. The only things I really dislike are clickbait and abusing a system that is flawed. But sadly, that's basically what Nexus is these days. Might sound a bit weird of me talking like that since I basically stopped posting here quite a while ago for upload-size reasons (1.4mb per image ain't enuff!), but I kept reading and talking to people.
  5. Just stumbled upon this thread and wanted to add some more thoughts and ideas. I'm bad at explaining so I visualized my ideas. Now I know that the overhaul might still take a while, and I couldn't possibly know if you guys are working on a completely new layout and design for Nexus, that's why I applied my ideas on the current system. These ideas are far from perfect, but maybe there's something useful for you guys.
  6. Hey Nexus! With the rapid increase of monitor resolution (4K, Ultra Widescreen), I'd like to suggest a increased file size limit for the image share section. I understand that this may cause a big influx in traffic, so maybe keep it for supporters only (for now). I think a file size limit of 2-3MB would be appropriate nowadays. Also: I'd like to see the "add supporter image" relocated to the proper drop-down menu on the main page as a quality-of-life change. Some people don't even know where to find that option, I had to search for it the first time too, until a friend of mine told me where to find it. Thanks for all your work on improving the Nexus network! Cheers, tetro
  7. In response to post #23134314. #23144049, #23144164, #23144489, #23146199, #23155579, #23156689, #23158204, #23158274, #23163014, #23190549, #23195074, #23195899 are all replies on the same post. And my axe.
  8. Profile feed, huh? Totally forgot about this feature.
  9. Hi,

    just commented the two recent pictures you uploaded today.

    Have to say that they are totally amazing! I love your work!!!

    Had to give you kudos and invited you to my friend´s list.

  10. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  11. Hello and thank you for adding me!
  12. Hello Tetro, thanks for the add! :)
  13. ups, didn't see that :D, you really are active in image section.
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