Add in these mods and you'll see some fun ass action taking place outside megaton. Needs a good PC to run the battle smoothly. You'll need to use these mods. EMM - Expanding Megaton Mod use the expanded megaton outside mod (nice, but adds too much) brotherhood megaton and arlington outposts adds in BoS outside megaton (i prefer this mod on ) The Real Deputy Weld turns Weld into a super boss, fun to fight against with the BoS. (a really great challenge) (Optional) Creepy Fitting and Awesome music for Fallout 3 adds in great battle music for the epicness I'm using F.W.E don't know of any other overhauls work (shouldn't be a problem). My PC was lagging a bit due to the amount of NPCs, but after the mayhem it all went back to normal. I didn't experience any type of crash as I watched and joined the battle between Megaton and the BoS. I only had a crash when I went inside megaton and started to use VATs on the megaton people. Start the battle by popping off a shot at Deputy Weld and/or Megaton Guard/Outsider/Protectron. Be sure to stay away from Weld as he can kill in one hit. If there are caravan traders there they will join the battle with the BoS against Megaton. I've tested the battle several times and never had a crash. But sometimes the megaton people outside won't join the battle, so be sure to shoot them. Try shooting them first then shoot at Weld if anything. Be sure to save inside your megaton home or right outside the door leading out of megaton. Exit the game, turn the mods on, and start the game. Watch or join the battle and be sure to turn off the mods you don't want on after use. Must of all have fun. I stress again, a good PC is needed to run this battle. If the lag is too much, turn off the megaton expansion and use the outpost and weld mods My thanks to the creators of these mods for adding in more fun to my fallout experience.