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Posts posted by GimmeMyGold

  1. Ok so I have a vision for the best experience that any Elder Scrolls fan could think of. Bethesda got the Elder Scrolls Online completely wrong, and it is sad. I have ideas for an Online version of Skyrim, but I am not sure if what I am thinking is even possible. I don't know how to write scripts. I have a little bit of experience with map editing and quest making. So if what I am thinking of is not possible please put me out of my misery and just destroy my dreams, but before you do just read what my ideas are, I know they are quite extensive so I apologize if at any point I make you want to kill me.


    The first thing that would need to be done is to have all NPC's wiped off the face of Skyrim. If it is possible to make it so that more than one player, in my mind hundreds, can be in the game world at one time I think that the players should be in control of everything. They can be a merchant, a mercenary, a guard, a farmer, and on and on. There would be customized skill trees to make sure that each profession can be easily obtained, but that picking which profession you are actually matters. Each tree should have a ton of different perks to pick, so that to be a master alchemist for instance, you would have to spend so many perk points in your alchemy tree, however by doing so you will not be able to use those perks in another tree. So you could have somebody who wanted to be ok at alchemy and ok at using one-handed swords as well. The perks would obviously be limited to make the game fair. Not like other games that say, "Oh it's perfectly realistic for you to be a master alchemist and a master swordsman and a master blacksmith and a master wizard." So yes manybe you can be a master alchemist and a master swordsman, but you will be sacrificing something in order to do so, maybe you are not as good in the armor class you use, or you don't know how to cast many spells.


    The next thing would be to make it so that when a player dies, that is the end of that character. This would make for realistic struggles for power, a necessity for guards, a real danger to merchants and travelers, and of course a reason for bandits to think twice about attacking their targets and being an assassin much more exciting. The main cities and holds will be there for the taking and the way the city is run will be determined by the Jarl. The Jarl must be selected by a group of 20 or more players and if there are any other players nominated as Jarl of a hold, it can be decided by combat, whether it be potential Jarl vs potential Jarl, a battle for the hold between the two sides, or both sides can meet and try to come to an agreement. I don't know how these things would be implemented into the game, like I said I don't know how to write script.


    I have many more ideas but until anybody actually shows interest in this or better yet can actually help in this becoming a reality I'm just going to put out one more idea I have for now. I want to make it so that dungeons and world bosses are extremely dangerous. If a group of adventurers go into a dungeon, they need to expect that they might not all make it out alive. This will make it so that becoming wealthy in the game will be a real challenge. Merchants will certainly not be able to clear a dungeon and get a nice item to sell. Treasure hunters will have to go through hell to get the best loot available in game. So when a rare item is obtained, it is actually rare and actually worth the risk. World bosses will be a threat to travelers and even settlements and finding a person or people to defeat them may not be easy.


    Those are just some ideas that I have. So can anyone please tell me if what I am asking is even remotely possible? I know they have a Skyrim Online mod right now, but I don't think it is what I am describing. Please for the love of Akatosh somebody tell me this can be real.

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