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About pablo88

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  1. Do enemies and found items [containers too] respawn? yes or no? Sometimes after clearing a large ruin on my way back i find 1 or 2 enemies but not a lot. I hope after a few days the ruins/caves respawn with enemies. I can't see why they wouldn't. If they didn't there would be a lot less replayability.
  2. why are you running in windowed mode? is it because your computer is really low end or was it something someone suggested?
  3. Unfortunately, I scrimped and saved to muster the 5000g to buy the house... I only have 4 gold right now. I'm looking forward to trying the bookcase once I buy it! Where is the breezehome?
  4. I had a lot of problems with steam CTD'ing so I googled it and on the steam forums a guy had a link here with a LAA [i think that was it] program that allowed up to 8 gig use. He claimed it helped lower CTD's but I don't see any huge difference. I just save a lot, like every 20 minutes and it works out ok for me. My rig defaulted to ultra high and I get good FPS so i'm running smooth and the game looks super awesome. I though BF3 was pretty, but this game takes the top spot. I keep thinking about all the work the devs did in this world and it's stunning quite honestly. the game is tons bigger than i thought it would be.
  5. 1. possible to reset part of skill tree if you change your character's path in later levels 2. able to equip 2 necklaces and 5 rings max 3. less NV sounds, seriously gamebreaking 4. no more talking dogs, see above 5. more bandits at night, "highway men" stuff 6. wood not sticking to axes when people chop [guy in thieves guild city has this going on a lot] 7. jumping out of water to dry land, need more jumping power while in the water lv 20 just now. Not a lot of fixes I can think of, game is pretty awesome and I'm hard to please
  6. Is this possible? I started out as a mage with lots of destruction perks and now I want to get rid of those points and put them to other things like enchanting, speech, etc. Is this possible to "reset" the tree or at least part of it? Hope a mod comes out for this I hope
  7. well my first thieves guild suit allows +20 carry weight which is super great since I'm a huge lurker/cave explorer kind of guy. I love how there is so much to do! like everyone i talk to wants something done!! I'm thinking the more advanced thieves guild suits will allow more carry? I'm also contemplating upping my enchanting tree so I could enchant some apparel to carry more. although most of my wear already is enchanted like +20 better prices, +20 bow damage gauntlets etc. Maybe a necklace of 50 feather could be done? Can I wear multiple necklaces/rings or just one? If just one I guess I'll wait for a mod to come out
  8. What good is it? I am working on my smithing skill and I see advanced perks like elven, daedric, etc so I'm thinking dwemer metal will be used later on, yes? Is it worth saving those 25 worth/25 weight blocks I find in the ruins? Like put them in one of my houses or should i sell them and find more later? Do they respawn in the world?? Like items I find lying around or no? Thanks, sorry lots of questions
  9. found this after 5 seconds google search http://www.justpushstart.com/2011/11/11/skyrim-finding-the-dark-brotherhood-its-secrets-revealed/
  10. So I just got to lv 14 now. Lots of quests, lots of fun. It's a more serious world than Oblivion which I like but it's too much like NV for me. Anyways 1. is there some kind of nighteye either as a spell or a perk in the constellation? 2. how do i join thieves guild? a beggar in white told me to steal some wine for him. I'm thinking thats the guild intro? 3. what about blackbrotherhood, just kill a civilian and sleep like in oblivion? 4. besides the potions can i mod my carry weight any? 5. are there glass/daedric/ ie higher level stuff out there? I've seen lots of kinds of ores so I'm guessing "yes." 6. who do i talk to buy houses? and can i buy one in every big town? 7. any advice for lock picking like masters? I have trouble with apprentices to be honest. I'm a mage/theif type THANK YOU
  11. The donate 10 or 100 gold is cool but I need to move major weight, 10k minimum, 500k would be the ceiling.
  12. Well no where in the description does it mention giving money to the poor/church so I'm not sure why you posted that link.
  13. I can't find it that's why I posted in here. I was told you guys knew where to find specific mods. I'd be very grateful if u could help me.
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