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About Hazraogh

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  1. Hoping it gets someone's attention, I up this topic once more :D
  2. That's really a shame, It's a bit unrealistic and immersion breaking. hate having an angel on my head while playing video games saying " killing innocents is bad, m'ckay" and Boom desync or mission failed like in Ghost recon. That's a bit sad
  3. Solved, it exists but have to download and install Creation kit Fixes
  4. Mhmm, by formID, but it doesn't tells me from which mod it come from, does it ? I mean, if I want to see only the records from HighpolyHeads, in my actor menu, how can I do that ? Sorting by form ID ?
  5. Hey everyone, I'm trying to export facegen on an active mod and I need that only the active records of the active mod shows up. Normally, there is a checkbox somewhere "show only the active forms". But I cannot find it, anyone knows where it is, please ? ^^
  6. Hi, did you moved from FNIS to Nemesis or you had just Nemesis at the beginning ? When I tried Nemesis after FNIS, it broke a lot of things and you need a guide to properly switch from one to the other.
  7. Hello everyone, I've got some issue about weapon animations, an issue that looks quite global excepted if I use Vanilla animations. I'm using Vanargand animations and some Stances anims set. Anyone has an idea about how to solve this, please ? I tried to change the skeleton, the character meshes, nothing seems to work. I'm using CBPC and BBP physics body / hand meshes with collisions. I dont know if it could be the problem and XPMSE. https://imgur.com/a/hf0MnaA Thanks you in advance, have a nice day/ evening :smile: FIXED : the skeleton was wrong, had to change it to another one ( I thought I did but well... ^^ )
  8. Hell everyone, I'm trying to export my normals maps from substance painter but it looks weird ingame. Lights and shadows are really acting weird on the model, it's not looking right. Anybody can help me, please ? My char is the one of left, in the pictures. And here are my normals. I tried Normals maps and World Space but none works https://imgur.com/a/PaJV11k
  9. Hello everyone, I just came back to Skryim SE, tried to make it work, rollback to the version in the title, and I cannot launch the game. Anyone has this issue or know how to make it work, please ?
  10. Hello everyone, As there is a third person mod being created ( so new animations, I guess ) Does it means there is a way to create new melee execution and killmoves ? I guess we have to wait someone releases the Rigs but... Do you think is possible, for this game ?
  11. Hello everyone , I'm trying to add physics to an armor I made , which there are chains on it, etc. And I don't know how to do it xD If anyone have the patience to explain it to me, or just sending me to a tutorial, I'd be grateful, please ^^
  12. I totally agree. Especially while playing that kind of character. I won't debate about violents or peaceful vikings but... It's a game , so... Up for this mod :D
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