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  1. Funny, I would consider it the other way around. Doc Mitchell saving your life and Sunny Smiles teaching you basic tutorial survival skills are some of the very first things you experience in Goodsprings. This is very likely to leave a good impression of the town on the Courier. He's very likely to feel like he owes it to the town to help them out against the Powder Gangers or at the very least not bother getting involved since he's more concerned with the people who shot him. You'd have to be playing a pretty f***ed up character to side with the Powder Gangers. Not taking into account that all the people were friendly, nursed you back to health, and gave you advice almost sounds like you're doing it just for the sake of being evil, and that sounds like a character with no dimensions at all.
  2. I'm playing a warrior for the first time in Oblivion. As a young man, he lived happily with his parents learning swordplay until one night a vampire in need of feeding snuck into their home. The vampire ended up having to slay his parents after they were aware of him and resisted. My character is awoken by the yelling and screaming and discovers his parents lying dead in a bloody mess with the vampire making a hasty retreat from the house. One of the patrolling night guards hears all the noise from the home and turns back to investigate and finds my character standing there mortified. The guard immediately assumes I am the one who committed the murder, using the the discarded bloody knife from the vampire as evidence. Needless to say, my character has a great dislike for vampires, necromancers, and daedra, lumping them all into a group of beings that only bring harm to others. I'm playing him in the style of a paladin any only using Restoration outside of combat skills.
  3. I'm not satisfied with the name of my character that I'm playing and have a journal mod installed with many pages full of entries. Is there a console command to rename an item in your inventory or in the world?
  4. I have yet to do any quests for the Powder Gangers at the NCR Correctional Facility. The reason is because I don't see no reason for ANY kind of character wanting to. If you're for the NCR, you obviously are against them because they're escaped convicts. Powder Gangers are also said to harass Legionary raiding parties from time to time, thus making them an enemy if you're siding with the Legion. Mr. House would consider them a minor nuisance, but an enemy none the less if you sided with him. If you're seeking to rule New Vegas yourself, your interests would clash with the Powder Ganger's desire to rule their territory. The only way I can see you working with them is if you were a mercenary that was only interested in the caps. But even then, Joe Cobb doesn't offer you any caps in order to kill Ringo and help take over Goodsprings, so the incentive isn't even there at the beginning to put your life on the line for them.
  5. I deleted all Deadly Reflex items from my loading order and then ran a search on my computer for Deadly Reflex to delete all the files that showed up. Unfortunately, the stationary power attack still has the weapon stab rather than the vanilla one playing in game. I'm not sure how to get rid of this. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Interesting stuff, so he was intended to be a sleaze through and through. I appreciate you providing me with some closure on the whole thing. I find it a bit confusing how they wanted him to attack you after giving him a Stealth Boy. You'd think he'd immediately want to high tail it out of the camp, knowing that Caesar and everyone in The Fort would want me dead for freeing him. I guess I'll just settle with the idea that he ran off into the Wasteland.
  7. Even though that sleaze ball tried to kill me twice, I didn't have it in me to seek revenge. So when he got captured by the Legion, I made it a personal goal for myself to save him. I entered the Fort, pickpocket the key in order to get my explosives back, Stealth Boyed it up to Caesar's Tent, slipped some C-4 into Caesar and his guards and blew them all sky high. Realizing this wasn't enough for Benny to make it out safely, I then backtracked and grabbed ED-E and Arcade and we cleaned out everyone in the camp. I then go back to Benny and ask him what will happen if I let him go. He says it's my call, mentioning we both could work together to take New Vegas or instead he leaves and never lets me see him again. Since I'm working for an independent New Vegas, I'm really excited at the idea that Benny will stick around and help me, even if that means he sits around in the Tops all the time. I untie him and he leaves the tent and I follow. I was prepared to personally escort him all the way back to New Vegas if that's what it took. Unfortunately, he seems to disappear permanently once we goes through the drawbridge door of The Fort. I later checked the Tops and we wasn't anywhere inside. Is this intended? Does Benny leave permanently from the entire game after passing that point? He shouldn't have got my hopes up by saying he could work with me to help take New Vegas if rescuing him only causes him to vanish from the game.
  8. Sounds like you need to get a refund since you dislike a great deal of what the game has to offer. As for me, I have an occasional freeze now and then.
  9. My most satisfying moment was when I first arrived at Nipton on my first playthrough. After talking to Vulpes Inculta and telling him that what they did was unforgivable, he begins to casually leave the town with his men. I was so pissed because of what they had done and I didn't want them to get away with it. So I took out my strongest weapon, an Incinerator I had gotten from the Nightkin Jailor back at the REPCONN Rocket Factory, and took all of them on at once and barely survived. I felt like I had served justice and it was awesome. Another one worth mentioning was when I got the Mark of Caesar and went to Fortification Hill in order to chase after Benny. I had Boone with me at the time and told him to wait outside Cottonwood Cove since he made it very clear he wasn't going to go in there peacefully. After making the decision to upgrade the Securitrons, and lying to Caesar that I actually destroyed what was in the bunker, I was faced with the decision of what to do with Benny. Even though he is a spineless sleaze that tried to get me killed TWICE, I didn't have the heart to kill him. So I gave him a Stealth Boy and Bobby Pin for him to escape. Little did I know that doing that makes everyone in the entire camp turn on you. So I had to make an impromptu escape from a place I didn't know the way out of. I had to use all my Med-X, Stimpacks, almost all my water for healing after the Stims ran out, and even then all my body parts got crippled. After the boat ride out of the camp, I had around five Legion guys on my tail before I finally managed to limp my way to Boone, who managed to take care of them. I sure hope Benny got out alive after all that.
  10. So I had Rex join my group and I immediately started doing the quest to get a new brain for him. I looked up on the wiki the possible brains and their upgrades and I decided that I want Lupa's brain, the Legion dog. Unfortunately, I can't sneak into the Fort with a Legion outfit because Lupa would instantly sniff me out and alert everyone in the camp. So that leaves me with the other option of actually going to Nipton, confronting Benny, just so I can get the Mark of Caesar, which I'm not ready to do yet. So my question is how long does it take before Rex's brain stops working and you lose him forever? If the lifespan is too short for him, I'll have to settle for another brain.
  11. I haven't downloaded any mods since I got the game and this is my first playthrough. Update: Well I ended up having to enable God Mode with the console just so I could survive that time lapse, so problem solved I guess.
  12. I'm playing on Hardcore mode and I'm on the quest where the NCR has you protect President Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam. When you talk to the Ranger, he tells you to wait until tomorrow and you have short fade to black moment for the time to pass. Unfortunately, this time lapse causes me to instantly die from dehydration and starvation. I tried talking to the Ranger at around 11 pm so when "tomorrow" comes around it will only have been an hour or two and my character won't instantly die. Unfortunately, I still instantly died from dehydration even when I did that. Does anybody know when is the best time to talk to the Ranger when my water, food, and sleep level are all at 0? Any help would be much appreciated. I'm literally stuck at this point in the game and it's very frustrating. I refuse to change it to Casual.
  13. Thank you so much. One last question though, is it safe to move this New Vegas Folder from the steam folder? Also it seems like there's no way to play the game without connecting to Steam. That's lame.
  14. How come when I installed the game and went through all that bullcrap of getting a Steam account, it didn't even save the game onto my computer? I looked in Program Files and didn't see a New Vegas folder. Does this mean I'm at the mercy of my internet connection just so I can log onto this Steam program in order to play the game? I like Bethesda games because they don't require an internet connection.
  15. I just got Morrowind recently and downloaded a couple of the very popular mods like Better Bodies and Better Heads. However before I start playing it for the first time, I really want a journal/diary mod so I can really be immersed with the game when I roleplay. This is a similar one that I use on Oblivion. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294 So my question to you guys is whether such a mod exists for Morrowind and whether or not I'm wasting my time trying to find it. Any help would be much appreciated.
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