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  1. After playing Warhammer 40k's tabletop RPG games for awhile it dawned on me that XCOM 2 has most of the tools already in it to be able to run a near-total conversions of games like Only War and Deathwatch into XCOM 2. I've already got a foothold coding wise into what I'm doing here but what I really need are models and animations to actually utilize. AT THE MOMENT, I am working on codifying deathwatch variables and stats into the game, but using vanilla assets as placeholders for now. If you'd like to assist in making this mod come true I invite you in with open arms. Again, what I really need are models, and then animations. If you can port them from somewhere that's good enough as long as you have the permissions to do so. Now, the only real requirement here is that you need to be able to drop them straight into XCOM 2 because after messing with that on a simple model for a few days I completely gave up trying to figure out how that works (though I invite you to teach me if you know how!). This is in development now, and I plan on including most if not all of Deathwatch's (and possibly only war afterwards) combat features. Ideas are welcome as much as support!
  2. I actually have this made already but its not released because for some reason the files are not being read by the game (and I can't figure out why!). The mod was built for multiplayer specifically but it wouldn't be too difficult to port them into singleplayer if someone can help me figure out why the .uc files are not being compiled. If you think you can help me figure it out you're very much welcome to send me a message about it and I'll put it up as soon as I fix this game-breaking bug with the mod.
  3. If you have the SDK loaded you should be able to replace the spark if nothing else. If you cant get the spark to edit (Which shouldn't be too hard by just altering its template in the X2Characters area with a new file), you can always create a new spark, override the old tech to make it create your spark, and then build that one however you please.
  4. I've been having an issue with a mod I'd been working on for awhile, but I decided to pick it up and start building on it again after WOTC came out, and suddenly it seems to me as though I cannot add new units into the game. I have files set to extend X2Character with templates for new units but as far as my eyes can tell it seems like the mod is only accepting config changes and is completely ignoring the .uc files. I'm hoping someone knows of an update WOTC did that changes how you build mods with .uc changes because that's the only thing I can think of might be causing it, and I can't find anything on it. If all else fails here I'll put up snippits of the code to see if I did something stupid with them but I've checked it several times and cannot find the errors its causing (its building successfully so I'm not even able to track down the problem that way).
  5. Hello, I'm working on a mod that makes actions more simultaneous for a more cinematic and difficult to predict experience in Xcom, and I've been having a hard time discerning how I could create a "player 3" of sorts where all of the queued actions would take place. I know this is possible due to the way the Alien Leader DLC works, but I have yet to figure out the how. If anyone knows, I'd love the help.
  6. 1: You can find most of the Icarus slam information scattered around the XCOM2/DLC folder. You might have to hunt through multiple files in there to piece it together though. 2: the easiest way would be to just add the original ability to your unit (Icarusslam_up and Icarusslam_Drop I think), to their ability list. If you wanted to be more self-relient, you could code-mimic the original to create your own custom Icarus slam and use that. 3: Yes you can, and its pretty easy. Although if it has no animation for it (like if you added it to a sectoid) It might bug out pretty awkwardly. 4: That one, I'm not so sure about. You arn't including the cosmetics or the actual rulers and their gameplay, nor the story quests, but I'm not sure if one ability is enough to get you in trouble or not. For reasons of safety it might be best to make a DLC check of some sort so only people with it can download the mod and/or run it.
  7. It seems to be that you cannot reference it in the build of your project, however if the project is somehow built it will find it (as it will be in the game, whereas not the SDK so much). So what I can say might work is to cheat it into thinking the class is there even if it isn't just to get it to build (although don't include the fakes in the build), because when it references them in-game they will actually be present in the system for it to reference, unlike when building with the SDK. For instance, if you try to have a weapon use the Archon King's Staff Damage as your own weapons damage, the SDK will have no idea what to do. To cheat that you have to modify (X2_DefaultWeapons?) Class and the (XcomGamedata? [this is all off the top of my head sorry]) to include that variable, but don't stick that in your mod folder. When the mod builds it will know where to find it, and because the DLC is in the same place afterwards that should be able to reference it in-game despite you basically having cheated it with something that wasn't there when it was built. That's my theory anyway.
  8. Your first error is that in your screenlistener "class UIScreenListener_UICustomize extends UIScreenListener" Is not the name of the file you are using. Whatever that file is named must be what you put where UIScreenListener_UICustomize is. You need one more } at the end of your Screen Listener as well (This is why indenting each section of code by bracket is very helpful).
  9. I've noticed that you cannot (for some reason unless I am doing it wrong) Import an FBX as a skeletal mesh. Try importing the FBX as a static and it should work. As for how you can get that to have a skeleton that matches up with the mesh I have no idea, I'm stuck on that as well.
  10. Oh, perfect! This is exactly what I needed and its making everything work perfectly! Or, at least it is giving me the option to make everything work perfectly. In reality merging two completely different game modes with completely different rules is really racking my brain but as far as it now being possible, I'm extremely happy. Now I just have to figure this nonsense out with where everything has to go.
  11. One of the things I'm stuck on in my mod is the Kismet. I feel like i have most of the pieces assembled but I cant get them to fit properly, so I'm going to put down what I have and hope someone out there can figure out how these go together. So some of the Kismet Sequencing calls ask for teams (like get unit team and OnTurnBegin). In singleplayer this is limited to Alien, XCOM and Civilian. However there is a single call to set up multiplayer games which adds ETeam_One and ETeam_Two, which are the multiplayer teams. In order to change some sequences in the game to react correctly in multiplayer, I need to find a way to add those two teams to the standard singleplayer calls. However this is were I'm having the issue in that I cant figure out how to edit them. Here's what I have so far: (Kismet Image) The kismet section above seems to either draw from or be an extension of this script, SeqAct_GetUnitTeam.uc This part of the code here is what corresponds to the above kismet sequence. Logically it would seem that the solution would just be to add the teams to the correct locations, as such: However, the problem here is that this is not called into the editor. Even loading those files into the mod folder itself will still result in predictably, the editor loading its own version which is probably inside its own build. Now I may just be stupid and this may just be sitting right in front of me and I just cant see it, but if anyone can figure out how to add these extra variables into the sequencing of maps, that would be lovely and it would really make my day.
  12. I'm working on general multiplayer enhancements, so as to allow objective-based game play (Basically single-player maps and missions but with another player as the aliens). Currently I've been playing around with improving the Advent/Aliens side, which right now I'm working on adding reinforcement calls for Advent, as well as implementing Squad-wide concealment for XCOM while setting Advent to use the non-alert animation set. Right now I'm at a roadblock because as I have tried to replace some of the core scripts which handle Evac, Reinforcements and Animation calls, I've been running into the issue of the scripts not working (even when unchanged, for some reason). I'm not sure why scripts that are built into the game are failing but I'm trying to work around it. As of now, XCOM can call for Evac (but not actually Evac for some reason), Advent pods start off with a single-use ability on the first turn which gives them a lot of mobility (to "pre-position" units around the map) and XCOM units start off individually concealed (hopefully I can re-build the squad concealment ability to work in multiplayer correctly, which is tricky with the side randomization). Eventually I'm going to need to find a way to build the single player maps to hold two teams, but that's not on my radar just yet.
  13. Does anyone know where this command comes from? It changes some animation sets on soldiers and I would really like to figure out how and where so I can instill a better concealment feature for multiplayer games.
  14. Yes Friendly AI mod was what I was thinking of. What I'm thinking is that they are technically on the XCOM team, yes. However being autonomous and not controllable means we can fudge the code a bit. If we can give them abilities that allow them to be targetable by "friendly Xcom units", and vice versa, we might be able to pseudo-create the third faction from nonsense. It'd take a clever workaround though and AI programing is of all things not my specialty unfortunately.
  15. Actually there is a mod out there that does that. Its somewhere else in the forums but someone supposedly pulled it off. With that in mind, it could very well be possible to add another army into the game.
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