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Posts posted by jetflightgirl

  1. The race idea is interesting, actually... to get more believable-looking female combatants AND avoid every non-combatant also sporting a good sixpack. Also, since my knowledge of making mods is about as great as an average brick's knowledge of Greek philosophy, I have to ask what parts are the complex ones? Type3 and other such change the body model, did they go through refitting all the clothes, too? Or do they revert back to original when wearing regular armor/clothing?
  2. I've sought and have not found it, so I'm making my outrageous, scandalous request right here:


    A female body mod that'd pack some muscle. I'm not talking extreme, ridiculous amounts of steroided bodybuilders (or above), but all body mods i've encountered thus far feature the god damn noodle arms. While yes, it is reasonable to expect that a vault-grown girl wouldn't have much in the way of muscle mass... well, exceptions are possible and most of them surely WOULD develop some after wondering in the wastes and fighting for their lives. This goes quadruply for all high-ST, high-EN melee and/or unarmed fighters. Even more so considering how strong the male bodies look.


    As I said, I'm not looking for this, but rather something more... real. Not a steroid job, but someone who needed strength first, and the visible muscle that came with it was secondary. A marine, a MMA fighter, a private Vasquez, trainers etc. A few examples of what I am talking about. (no nudity, but some bikini, so best to make sure your boss is off scratching his balls again before you open them). A bit of six-pack, some arm and leg muscle, but without going into extremes. Also, yeah, I know not all of them are exactly the epitome of femininity and classic female beauty but then, who said the Lone Wanderer has to be that? Especially if she goes around, punching super mutant behemoths to death.


    Surely I can't be the only one who'd like that idea?

  3. I didn't quote that because I agreed with it, it makes no sense, but then, most of the "essentials" make none.


    But again, his words make sense. Yes, you're robbing him, but he gifts it to you anyway. Let me cook up some copy&pasta:


    Uncle Leo's dialogue when you try to rob him, where he tells you the clothes are a gift and he wishes he could give you the "wonderful moon" comes from the following Zen Buddhist koan:


    Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing to steal.

    Ryokan returned and caught him. “You have come a long way to visit me,” he told the prowler, “and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.”

    The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away. Ryoken sat naked, watching the moon. “Poor fellow,” he mused, “I wish I could have given him this beautiful moon.”

  4. then we got uncle leo, you tell him to hand over everything he has and he tells you its a gift - WTF?!

    also a mess up in scripting i think it is: first time i encountered uncle leo was close to an area that had normal sups, and i just had a fatman equipped , so I see a sup, i blow him up. uncle leo spallters all over the place.


    How does that not make sense? He gives you the clothes, because he cannot give you the moon and the stars, for which you have to reach for yourself.


    And the second part is not messed-up script, it's you being too triggerhappy.

  5. Having 1.5 is a lethal blow to your game in general. But this issue doesn't sound like 1.5, considering that he's reporting being stuck after the end, rather than the game crashing at opening pipboy, closing pipboy, talking to someone, shooting someone, going somewhere or loading any save game (this is what 1.5 does).


    I have 1.7, the whole nine yards, and I still got that issue recently.

  6. Is it the case of Ron Perlman telling you how awesome you are/how much you suck, and then you're stuck dying on the Rotunda floor?


    If so, open the console and try this:


    setstage xx000802 10 (with xx being the load order number of Broken Steel


    tcl (for clipping through the walls, if you can move at that point).


    For good measure, you can also click on a quest that is NOT Death From Above or Take It Back! and type into console "movetoqt" to jump straight outside. That SHOULD do it - at least it did for me.

  7. Yeah, Fallout 2.


    FO3 has some pretty nice eye candy and some nice background elements (like the Keller family transcripts and that radio signal about the sick boy and stuff like that), but the story is weak and a lot of the side-quests are... lacking, as well. Someone should do a total conversion - FO2 to the FO3 engine! (yes, I'm well aware what a gargantuan undertaking that would be).

  8. Power armor would be the same. Unless the female in question is VERY well-endowed, it's fit for either gender.


    Anyway, I suggested something similar some time ago, but rather that "you can't wear it lol", it'd be more like... "This is a business suit with pants. This is a business suit with skirt. If Jericho puts on the latter, the skirt will not magically turn into pants, it'll be an old ex-raider prancing around in a skirt." I myself would particularly like the male version of Merc Grunt outfit for females.

  9. Pinkerton is a veritable genius, but it's easy to see why Rivet City sided with Li over him. He sees the world in science, he did things in the interests of science, while Li at least PROMISED to improve the lives of the people. Personally, I'd drag Pinkerton off to my spaceship, tell him to study the damn thing and find out what he can about what makes her tick. It'd be a win-win: he gets to tinker with technology that makes anything the Commonwealth has come up with look like Lego, and I get to know the ship better. You know, maybe find out a good place to go to with the non-turkey portion of humanity. Given what things are like, fitting them all on one ship shouldn't be a problem...



    But as for favourites and non-favourites...




    Clover - the whole Eulogy thing is icky, but hacking him to pieces while he's still alive provides some much-needed therapy to cure that. And she's cute and deadly; and I'm probably the only person in the world who prefers her original looks - especially haircut - to all those "lol loli kitty kawaii =^.^= " bull-feces remakes of her. 'sides... anyone that brutalizes a god damn motherloving deathclaw with nothing but a lawnmower blade set on fire is worthy of respect.


    Sydney - an actual NPC with a character! A shocker. And yeah, she'd need only a little bit (as opposed to quite a lot with many other characters) more fleshing out and she could make for a Bioware-esque romance, as mentioned (well, probably less of an incentive for me, as I play female LWs... buuuut, then again, she makes no mention of gender when she talks about getting laid).


    Augustus Autumn - for the above-mentioned reasons.



    Least favourites:


    Dad - honestly, for someone that smart, he's pretty stupid, like said. Especially in the confrontation with Autumn. "Don't believe me? Fine, bring in your scientists. I'll bring the systems online, they can confirm that this thing doesn't work." Well and at that, they'd have to open the airlock, at which point I could go postal on the Enclave (power armors? pfft, unless there's a plotdoor between us, they're 100% at *MY* mercy... I'm just awesome like that, okay?) Well and the whole part about not foreseeing the consequences of his actions, despite the fact that he's known the hysterical maniac that runs vault 101 for 19 years.


    At some points, Brotherhood of Steel as a whole. "Honorary Lyons Pride member? WTF, I never applied! Wait, what? You made me one of your god damn KNIGHTS while I was out? I mean, sure, I'm grateful you didn't just dump me in the Potomac, but that's pushing my gratitude way beyond it's limits! Hold on! Who made YOU the boss of Project Purity? Yeah you had a big robot, but I don't recall that robot working for years on it, or that robot finding the GECK, or that robot turning the dang thing ON (actually, irony is sweet... a super mutant succeeded where the Brotherhood failed...)." I especially wanted to bust the jaw of that brickface that pretended to be your commanding officer in Broken Steel - kiddo, I've singlehandedly punched out enemies that'd make you crap yourself in that tin can of yours, all the while wearing a leather jacket and a pair of tortoiseshell glasses, and YOU think you're better than ME?


    Eulogy Jones - do I really need to go into reasons? Though I did like the fact he's black, while Hannibal Hamlin is white. The other way around would've been just a massive eye-roll-fest.


    Sarah Lyons doesn't belong here, though, since she straightens up after the first meeting. You mean two unarmed super mutants can take out five Brotherhood soldiers? Wow, you must suck really badly, because I took them down with one grenade and a taped together hunting rifle - alone.

  10. They run out of sight and despawn. If you DO somehow manage to keep them alive and follow them, they'll run around for a loooooong time. Some people have reported close to two hours of random crisscrossing across the capital wasteland until finally running beyond the edge of the map and then despawning.
  11. We don't know. There's never been any word from elsewhere in the world. The existance of Tenpenny and Moriarty is proof that life exists on the eastern side of the Atlantic as well, but it's pretty sure that the other COUNTRIES did not survive. If there are any governments left out there, they've got more problems than you can shake a shrubbery at, else we'd had the Royal Fleet land in the US ages ago, if only for scouting the situation.


    But the best answer ANY of us can give to your question is: not a freakin' clue. President Richardson seems to imply the Chinese were "knocked into the stone age" and apparently SOME people survived in Britain, but beyond that, it's anyone's guess.

  12. Oh yeah, I found that one. I also found the "So far it's just male only." part in it, which makes it low-value in my current predicament. The search on the forums gave me a few thousand matches, none of which seemed to be complete.
  13. Perhaps I'm asking someone to invent the wheel, but I haven't found any Metal Helmet reskins that'd make the helmet black. A simple thing, but that white just clashes with my black armour something fierce.


    So, if there's one such out there, could someone point it out to me? and if not, could someone make one?

  14. I always liked Mira (and her outfit) in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. We got lightsabers, stormtroopers, Force powers and probably Mandalorians, too, (strangely, I haven't found a Boba Fett armor yet), so I figured a little more Star Wars couldn't hurt.


    to illustrate what I mean, a bit of concept art:



    As well as a screenshot:



    In Kotor 2, it's described as offering the protection of a medium armor, but less restrictive and cumbersome. Mira was also plenty fierce with a blaster, so a small bonus to energy weapons would be nice, too. Maybe... 24 DR (like leather armor) and +5 Energy Weapons?


    Or am I the only one who thinks porting Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket over to Fallout would be awesome? :-)

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