Hmm. Well... f*** you Capcom. (massively butthurt whiny rant incoming) I know it seems kinda silly, but honestly, the Berserk gear is what drew my attention to this game in the first place. So I buy the game a while later when I finally have a console again, get to where I want to be (a bigger hassle than it sounds like) and am ready to delve into the game proper. Then my X360 gets stolen (again). A year later it comes to PC, as a PC gamer you can imagine my excitement... until I learn about the licensing issues. Man... that sucks... but, someone will mod it back in, someone HAS to eventually, right? Right? Nope, game is barely moddable and even if someone does get it back in somehow, guess what? They can't give us the mod without risking their neck. Wouldn't matter too much, but there is NOTHING else in the game that even resembles the Swordsman Set, like, at all. Now of course I could always buy (another) X360, buy the game (again), and play it. Then experience all those awesome, epic battles... at a whopping 20 frames per second. I could get over the outdated graphics in a heartbeat, but after seeing DD at 60 fps, then going back to console, its (though I probably will eventually anyway). So, that's enough whining out of me, sorry about that, I rarely complain or rant on any forum at all, I just had to get that out. But any Berserk\ARPG fan should be able to understand my sheer disappointment and why my hype for this game pretty much just fizzled out. That being said, its really not a big deal, of course, its a damn video game after all. Just kinda sucks is all. PS. Thank you for your efforts lilmuppen, they are much appreciated regardless of the outcome.