I agree. There is a yield action already implemented in NPC's when they are almost out of health, but give them 4 seconds, and they just start attacking again. At least someone could change that behavior to start running away. As for NPC's anticipating combat success in group; I suspect that is a lot harder to do. If I'm not mistaken, there is no "squad" implementation that you see in some shooters, so I don't think individual NPC's are aware of how many NPC's are fighting alongside them, let alone how well they are doing. I could be wrong off course.... I even think having the whole bunch run away is not in favor of gameplay. Individual NPC's running would be enjoyable, and create a sense of accomplishment, but having a few run away would diminish the combat experience. I'd just go: "Crap, here they go again" and run after them. Still having a yield behavior implemented, to be overridden just seconds later seems a bit stupid, and quite frankly, dissapointing!