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Everything posted by Dreezn

  1. This never even crossed my mind, but I fully endorse the idea! From a programmer's perspective (but with no elder scrolls modding knowledge what so ever) it seems kind of hard to do, since the "keyhole window" probably has no knowledge of what object the keyhole is from. I don't know how hard it would be to add these parameters. (I could be wrong off course ^^) Not to mention all the work it would take to actually create all the keyhole textures ^^
  2. Would it be possible to get a list of persons I've met, and select one, that would place a custom marker on that person so i could locate him. I hate the lack of functionality to ask NPC's where certain people are, but I understand the complexity of such an implementation, still I would love to find specific people rather quickly (especially trainers) instead of searching around their general area. I've been looking for 2 ingame days now for the illusion trainer in the mages college... :(
  3. Hi people! Coming from the old shooters I'm hard wired to use the number keys on top of my "asdw" controls. In oblivion that worked very good, i didn't need to pause my game in every strategic combat decision (especially when playing as a mage). Skyrim still has this function, assigning spells or weapons to a number key, but they made the wonderful addition of having two hands! Would it be possible to change to function of the number keys not to switch one hand (or one item), but pairs of items? I press 1 - dual healing spells I press 2 - particular shield & sword I press 3 - bow, and this particular kind of arrow ... you catch my drift. Although i like the addition of a favorites menu, having these keys work this way would greatly reduce the amount of pausing in combat sequences. Any takers? or thoughts?
  4. I completely agree, but the quick deaths should be optimal, because it would potentially break the rest of the game mechanics... Although the current combat is unrealistic at times, i rather like it. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I've never modded an elder scrolls game, but doesn't the skyrim script extender allow for this kind of scripting?
  5. Definite +1! Of all the small tweaks I would love to see happening, this one I find most important to the visual immersion in the game. I've always hated games not showing a FP shadow. It's just ridiculous! In the ID tech 4 it was just a matter of enabling a console command. I doubt it will be so simple here. Maybe enabling the player model while in FP view, so it casts a shadow, but make the model itself invisible, so it doesn't clip into the camera? Maybe some of these brilliant minds will work this out. It would seem like this is not a priority, but this issue breaks a big part of dungeon immersion!
  6. +1 I understand that modern games don't want to punish players too hard, but it really kills the atmosphere. I'd like it much more to have my character die in a trap, instead of being able to walk right through it.
  7. +1! I've had this happen a few times, and not at an extreme range... It's a strange phenomenon, I'd have no idea how to begin troubleshooting it...
  8. I am by all means no modder, but do my fare share of programming. I presume the Radient AI system works by deciding the appropriate actions, on certain conditions at the appropriate times. So if there is a flee action, (because I saw NPC's flee before), It shouldn't be so hard to change the behavior. If there is no such action, an Intimidate spell (or similar) could be cast on the NPC behind the scenes to make him flee (although, that seems a bit harder to accomplish) I only fear this would be visual in the game. So a custom spell with no visual effects would have to be created. The spell's duration would have to be tweaked for a desired effect, because the NPC will return to attack if the spell wares off (although the same would be true for a flee action. I presume the npc would not keep on running for the rest of his life ^^) One could also think about changing the disposition toward the player, so the NPC is no longer hostile. This would effectively solve the above mentioned problem I've seen modders do insane stuff in Oblivion. Surely one of the geniuses around here can get this job done?
  9. I agree. There is a yield action already implemented in NPC's when they are almost out of health, but give them 4 seconds, and they just start attacking again. At least someone could change that behavior to start running away. As for NPC's anticipating combat success in group; I suspect that is a lot harder to do. If I'm not mistaken, there is no "squad" implementation that you see in some shooters, so I don't think individual NPC's are aware of how many NPC's are fighting alongside them, let alone how well they are doing. I could be wrong off course.... I even think having the whole bunch run away is not in favor of gameplay. Individual NPC's running would be enjoyable, and create a sense of accomplishment, but having a few run away would diminish the combat experience. I'd just go: "Crap, here they go again" and run after them. Still having a yield behavior implemented, to be overridden just seconds later seems a bit stupid, and quite frankly, dissapointing!
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