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About fishpotatopie

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  1. hehe, possible that this "new year" gets better =)

    happy new year (again) =)

  2. Aha thanks, i hope so too, mine last year was way too boring..
  3. Granted, but it turns out the food you get you are extremely allergic to and you end up throwing up so much you throw up your stomach causing massive internal bleeding. Then you explode. I wish i knew a wish that couldn't be corrupted
  4. for you a happy new year too =)
  5. Granted, but you slip in your shower and become tangled in the new (unusually sticky) shower curtains and suffocate. I wish I knew how to speak Russian as well as I speak English.
  6. Is there really a meaning to human existence? We certainly have no positive impact on the world. We tear up the earth and pollute the air with our industry, we destroy the wildlife for: Sport, food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, ect. We remove unimaginable amount of natural resources from the earth, while destroying the habitat of thousands of species of animals, causing many animals to go extinct. Many of the animals that are extinct now or endangered wouldn't be if we weren't here. Not to mention there would be millions of more animal species if we weren't here because their habitats would never have been invaded by us, therefore allowing animals and plant life to breed and diversify with little interruption. Or...Could this be our purpose? Humans could be the single thing that ages and deteriorates the earth, much as humans themselves age and deteriorate. Is the purpose of mankind to destroy the earth? Think about that!
  7. NP and a merry belated chrismas / happy new year to you too
  8. Hey, how's it going? =)

    Thanks for visiting me =P

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Off: not only the time period, but what area would we rp in. Would it be the slums, or something like a well developed neighborhood.
  10. Off: Sorry I haven't been on in a while, school's been crazy. Anyway, may I suggest an RP about life itself? Like the normal life of a person in any set time period. Whether it be the end of the world or medieval ages....Idk its just an idea i overheard (or read :whistling: ) somewhere else and thought i would put my 2 cents in....
  11. Quick question. You said civilians were taking action against CHDkz. Would that mean armed revolution?
  12. Sorry accidentally posted. Will be sending you character bio in a little.
  13. Granted. But the day you get it you get your fingers cut off in a horrible chainsaw accident involving a monkey juggling chainsaws, therefore you can't use it.....ever..... I wish NJ didn't have such restrictive gun laws.
  14. Granted, but because they cannot be delayed anymore, ergo they cant take extra time to work the bugs out, the makers are forced to send every game out with so many bugs, that your computer overheats and catches fire.... I wish i wasn't so terrified of Paranormal Activity (scariest %$#&*@% movie ever)
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