probably first time forum poster (hopefully last, tbh; I don't exactly have much to say around here but even I can tell this UI situation needs as many users weighing in as possible), long time nexus mod user (longer than I've had this account) here, let's address what points I have in sections:
- SPACING - the older ui has, at least on a monitor of 1920px wide x 1080px high , a roughly 10px wide x 10px high gap between the mod tiles. the new one has *32px wide x 40px high* between them. this means the user's eyes won't be as drawn to the next mod in the results. and there's a 282px high *blank grey space* at the top and bottom of every game subpage under the games mods etc bar and above the footer stuff?
- SEARCH FILTER SIDEBAR - interesting concept with bad execution, I think. being able to set what categories you're looking at quickly without going back to the category tree is a good change. but having to scroll all the way down to set other search filters (tags, author, language, etc)... the old refine results dropdown works better.
- NITPICKS - if you're gonna change the results subpages to be so w i d e l y s p a c e d then surely you'd also be using all that w i d t h on the game subpages too? no? 277px of wasted width, probably more if my browser window was maximized. do you wanna use the edges of the window or not?