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Everything posted by Omegacy

  1. I see that the button for making .lip files seems to be broken in the GECK as well. So is there anyway that I can make .lip files for Fallout 3 mods?
  2. So, I turned level 10, and what do you know? I have problems already with this game. I select my skills, press "done," no problem there. I select the Iron Fist Rank 2 Perk and then I press done. That's when my game freezes. I have the all of the DLC except for point lookout kand the latest patch installed.
  3. Are you going to use any of mine? I'm sorry if they seem a little lackluster to you.
  4. How about these? Celadite- She may be gone, but her hair was cooler than yours, god damn it! Cerule- She really did fight a mudcrab more fearsome than you. She lost the fight, though. Quaniesha- She partied way too much. Runs-With-Calipers- He's a pair a leather boots, now. A damn good pair, I may add. La'thal- Here lies La'thal, the worst-smelling Ka'jhit to ever step foot in the Imperial city. Uftharz gro-Durga- Those goblins were all over him like flies on dung.
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