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About Errornamenotfound

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  1. Was reading through the description again, you mentioned she'll ride her own horse if I ride a horse. How about letting her steal a horse instead and the bounty goes on your head? That'll teach you to ride a horse without her.
  2. By basic, I'm assuming you mean regular sabers? Because Darth Maul's sabers aren't included. Only 2-handed and 1-handed ones are available.
  3. I think this belongs in mod requests, not mod talk
  4. I don't usually get mods that add characters, but when I do, they get drunk. Would love to see her fight Alduin drunk. And end up hitting the player half the time. Maybe she should also get arrested for inappropriate behaviour, and you have to pay her bounty or both of you get thrown in jail. And she'll make a lot of noise when you try to escape. And the guards will attack.
  5. Make a spell that does two things-fly and aura whisper, by merging the two somehow. Then replace the splash sound effect that you get when the message says " You cannot shout while casting" appears into the full Aura whisper shout, and press Z to use it every 10 seconds. Essentially, you are simulating the aura whisper shout, but the actual effect comes from the spell.
  6. I usually have a general rule for using mods. If I get a drop in frames per second, I uninstall the mod or switch to a lower setting. But I think you should be able to handle most of the mods. Always use the best settings first and only lower it if you feel a drop in performance.
  7. You are one racist dude...Everyone knows that khajiit are skooma dealers and smugglers, not desperados
  8. Try Better MessageBox Controls . Doesn't remove them, but makes them a lot smoother to use.
  9. You're guildmaster of the Thieves' guild, and you need reference for each shadowmark? If Gallus was still alive, he'd boot you out of the cistern faster than you could say "larceny". Still, I think it'd be easier to make a list of shadowmarks and meanings, and add them to the front page of the book. You'll still have to refer to it, but it'll be easier than flipping through the pages. After all, where's the fun in having everything spoonfed to you?
  10. Dragonborn? HAH! Before Dragon Rising, you're merely an escaped convict wearing looted clothes. Chances are, the whole of Riverwood will gang up on you and kill you, and your dragonborn soul will be absorbed by Alduin in Sovngarde. To answer your question, yes the CK can modify quests, and no I don't know how.
  11. yea, but i think the jarl has enough influence to wave you multiple counts of carrot theft... ...right? But does he/she want to? Haven't you noticed the guards love to arrest you "by order of the Jarl"? Maybe the Jarl heard of your kleptomaniac ways and decided to let you rot in the Dragonsreach dungeon for stealing carrots.
  12. try making a spell with the same effect as aura whisper and cast it in one hand while flying with the other.
  13. Trust me, if she did go on her adventure, you'd likely be killed by her brother.
  14. What does "work on stuff of creation kit" mean? I'm a beginner learning the ropes now, but I'm also interested in helping out. Is there anything I can help with? Or could you explain a little on what needs to be done so I know if I'm up for the task? I can do lore-checking but I'm also interested in 3D modelling, CK and scripting. Still learning though.
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