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Everything posted by Camelstyle

  1. For anyone that is still interested in something into this direction I can really recommend the elaborate enchantments mod from J3X, but I still think that there are not nearly enough mods that cover this topic
  2. I really love where this is going, like Andrewchap already mentioned I had a similar request to change recharging behaviour on weapons as well, so I will be looking forward too new ideas/ways to charge weapons and all the help we can get on this end
  3. Sometimes I think Skyrim just wants to punish me when I am forced to switch between enemies that I can kill with or without a powerful weapon ... it is annoying, either I have to change my weapon in order to kill some weak stuff and then switch back to my main weapon or I loose valuable charges. What I would like to see is basically what the title says, enchanted weapons should slowly recharge themselves when not used, this could be based on the players enchantment level, or perhaps a new perk could be added for example that increases the recharge rate of the charges: 5lvls - 10% faster recharge per lvl. Obviously the "regeneration" of those charges shouldnt be too overpowered and could work well in conjunction with Soul Siphon.
  4. Has anyone ever worked on this idea or discontinued? Its a shame really, because I think this is a pretty good idea...
  5. Can I bump this? Are there any general bumping rules?
  6. Hey guys, is there a way someone could create a mod where you can specify certain items (for example by value) and if you loot a corpse that has some of those items on it, those are automatically transferred to a tab called loot, or perhaps a container in your inventory that just holds loot/trash that you can sell. The idea is, if you go kill some bandits you dont always take their fur/iron/leather armor and stuff, because you dont need it, its totally useless but you could actually sell it. The thin is, most people dont do that because most of the time you dont want to bother with random junk that just takes up inventory space and makes your inventory less good arranged. This would partially solve the problem, if you say every armor worth less than 100 gold is trash for example, then you can go kill some bandits/necromancers/vampires and so on, and you can take all that loot (provided you have enough space) and can sell it in one go. Any further ideas on this?
  7. What about making Azuras Star just hold charges, if you kill a petty creature it yields a certain amount of charges obviously (translated into the soulgem size and so on) and azuras star can hold infinite charges or at least a very high amount, so you could walk around killing stuff with soul siphon all day and azuras star would get charged up with every kill, this would make it perfect for high lvl players that have to recharge their weapons often and obviously for enchanting as well. ---> THIS is an awesome idea I just realized :-)
  8. Hey guys could someone pls create a similar mod in Skyrim? Or rework the Ghost Blade that it looks more like a spectral flame sword? Would be AWESOMEEE^^ The Heretics Blade
  9. I would love to contribute and if its just bumping this thread... Since I am not a modder myself I wont be able to help in modding stuff. But I would like to see this realized aswell, especially s spectral soul reaver. THAT would be awesome. Back then in Oblivion there was someone that created the spectral soul reaver mod, but unfortunately it vanished after a while.
  10. And those weird spell effects :-) If I remember correctly you could combine things like open lock and stuff with your spells, or was that a mod?
  11. holy s*** do those look awesome, me WANT!!!!!
  12. wow this looks really awesome, would make nice legendary/artifact equipment :-) So, who is going to implement it? :-)
  13. Noone has thought of this yet? But the island seems to be perfect for every player that does not want to get disturbed PLUS it is already there. Maybe someone could include a 2nd quest on that island to rebuild it again and take it as the new player home?? Japhet's Folly
  14. Hey thx ashigi, which one would you prefer or suggest for me to use? The one with the option of a "left" hand ring seems a little tedious and confusing to me, the other one seems not to work properly? I appreciate your opinion. Thx again
  15. Hey guys. I know there are already threads in this forum that seem to discuss this or a similar topic, but I feel like this needs some fresh directions in order for something to happen already. I KNOW that there are a lot of people that are interested in this kind of a mod, you can easily tell by the amounts of topics that discussed this already. But unfortunately noone picked this idea up and thats why I decided to "reopen" this case. I know that I cant force anyone to create a mod for the community, and thats of course not my intention I know that modders do this in their spare time so I really appreciate it. But I think it could prove to be a new and fresh experience for the community and for the modders aswell to create something "new". And by new I dont mean the 100,000,000st female armor mod but really something that doesnt exist or really is more special than that. So enough talking, I guess its time to describe what I and some other people on the nexus forums have been thinking: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ->Basically the goal is to change the default enchantment effects to look better and more awesome, and maybe to add some new enchantments (e.g. some unique or more powerful enchantment types that are usually found on stronger weapons or daedric artifacts) with their own unique visual effects. There are already some mods that go into the right direction, 3 worth mentioning in this topic: ---->Animated Enchantment Effects Flames of Oblivion ---->Elaborate Enchantments ---->Inferno Sword (link coming) These mods are all really cool I suggest you to try them out and endorse if you like. -But what I am aiming for, is really more general than these mods that already exist. I think the basic enchantment effects look really boring in skyrim, what I would really love to see is an overhauled visual enchantment system that really gives the player the feeling that his enchanted weapon is something special. --> There are many ideas on how this could be realized: -Default enchantments should be changed (fire weapons burn, frost weapons have chill effect and so on ... but also other enchantment types, like blood dripping from the blade for lifesteal effects etc...) -Enchantments should visually scale: what I mean by that is, if a weapon is enchanted with 5 points of fire dmg it can just glow slightly, if it is enchanted with 15 points of fire dmg it should really be covered in flames and so on -Unique enchantments, like the flames of oblivion for special and unique weapons Here is an example of how this could look like, but Im sure everyone can imagine the outcome (credit goes to Macarthur288): http://i48.tinypic.com/10xszgp.gif Pls contribute to this topic and tell me your opinions, thx
  16. Has anyone finally been able to create a mod that enables the player to just equip 2 rings?
  17. your pics look nice, I would like to wear that armor :-)
  18. Awesome cant wait for this to come out :dance:
  19. I really like those ideas, wish someone could pick this up :dance:
  20. Hey guys, yesterday I came across a new idea for unique or special enchanted weapons and equipment. My idea would be if some items could have an activated power (e.g. a buff of some kind) that can only be activated while you are wearing it. It would have course be even more awesome if those buffs and effects would also have their special animations. Short example, a unique sword that gives you the power of the gods or whatever .... if you activate its buff (shortkey like dragon shout or racial ability) then the hero holds it into the air and shouts, making the sword glow in a specific color. --> thats it more or less, of course those effects would need a cooldown, like 1 minute or something but it would be awesome if someone could make this :-) thx <camelStyle>
  21. Hey guys has anyone ever thought of weapons that have a feint glow, which is affected by the players surroundings or current status effects? Like Sting from LOTR? For example if the player is below 20% health the sword starts to glow red, if orcs are nearby blue and so on... Anyone could create a mod like that? Maybe a unique weapon?
  22. Hey guys, I would like to contribute but I have no clue of modding so I will just lend some of my ideas :-) So basically what I was thinking of was a storyline involving this sentient/cursed weapon. Obviously the weapon could have already existed for many thousand years until the dragonborn finds the weapon, but what if the dragonborn himself is the cause or the reason of how this sword is created in the first place? What I mean is: Maybe there could be a questline surrounding a special sword that is told to absorb the souls of dragons, (like the dragonborn obviously) so our hero embarks on a journey to find this _sword of the dragonborn_ While on his quest he finds a weird/crazy scholar that strangely enough knows a lot about this sword, so both continue their journey together .... then they find the place/dungeon where the sword is hidden and encounter some dragon priest-like guys protecting the sword. In the end it comes to a final battle where the scholar reveals his true form/intend (hes one of the dragon priests/ or hes a dragon or whatever :biggrin: ) and the player is forced to kill him with the sword the scholar is trapped in some kind of mechanism which transfers his soul and consciousness into the weapon player kills the dragonpriest boss with the sword, trapping his soul in it quest goes on where the player kills some particular dragon whos consciousness is transferred into the blade and so on.... what do you guys think about it??
  23. Hey guys, currently I am on my quest to rediscover this beautiful game, thats why I am bothering you guys with some of my mod-ideas :-). Well enough about that, lets come to the actual topic I wanted to discuss with you guys. So there are tons of enchantment/weapon charge mods out there that make your weapons consume no charges or let the soul siphon perk completely recharge your weapons charges and so on. But we all know thats like cheating, it really breaks the game balance and I think there should be a balanced and fun to play mod out there, my ideas would be: weapons should recharge over time (maybe a perk could be added for that) weapons consume less charges overall but the enchantment dmg is decreased overall as well charges could be made permanent but in order to be balanced they would have to be stripped down to less then half of their power (and a solution for "soul siphon" needs to be found, since the perk would be useless then) soul siphon recharges "more" charges and affects all enemies types a combination of the above mentioned suggestions, for example: less charges consumed per hit/lower dmg and slightly stronger soul siphon (but not overpowered, so that you would still have to recharge your weapons now and then, but are not forced to switch to a non magic weapon everytime you see a skeever or mudcrab :-)) Please I would like to hear your suggestions on this topic and I am open for different opinions, thx :-)
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