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Everything posted by Crowbennett08

  1. When Bethsoft releases the mod creation kit, I would like to create a mod with some of my compadres I have made over the last few years who are much smarter than I. I logged in today and saw that someone made a strategy guide for my old CW Labs Trilogy Quest, which was surprising to me, but really cool :) CW stood for Commonwealth, I can think of no better place for a sequel to the mod than FO4 since it is in the Commonwealth. Except this time I will have the help of some serious scripters, graphical artists, voice talent, musicians, and audio engineers. I would appreciate any input from people who have played my mod in the past or not. I have already leveled in FO4 to 169, and nothing is a challenge anymore, so I would like to create some more difficult content, but i would like to have something for earlier levels to. Perhaps level dependent quest progression. all the way up to the maximum level possible and maybe beyond. Hope everyone had a great christmas! and happy new years! hopefully we won't be waiting much longer!!!!
  2. good to know, i actually have a corp and an alliance, but i am pretty casual atm and for the summer because my wife has a baby on the way, also i am gigging a lot this summer with my band. I have no issues using my alliance or corp for stuff, but usually people will just leave because of the casualness of it. i will join ur channel when i get in game. where are you guys living? right now me and my buds are living in bleak lands.
  3. i agree with dark, if you do not have the hybrid gunnery skills, you shouldn't be flying it. get a drake.
  4. hi there, not sure if anyone here runs a corp, i used to, been in and out of null a lot, like the money HATE the fleet encounters, looking for a place to make enough money to pay for Game Time, AND pew pew. but if the pew pew is consistant enough, don't care about paying for sub. So great to see a forum here on the nexus for Eve. anywho. my toon can fly all sorts of s***, amarr and minnie specialized, all the way up to mothership. my buddy has 54 mil sp and can fly up to Dread. we are both also logi pilots, he is maxed out, i am lvl 4 logi. and then i have another buddy who has about 20 mil sp, but is a great pirate. just looking for a decent group of ppl that aren't looking to do massive blob s***. so tired of that....
  5. So i'm loading Casino Floors, looking for slots and what not, i only see a few walls, lots of markers, and people. the rest is open blank space of nothingness. lucky 38 is loading fine. but TOPS, Gomorrah, and Ultra Luxe are just a handful of objects, with nothing holding them there, in theory, they'd all fall into the black pitch of video game black hole space. i looked to see if there was a hide/show option i was missing similar to the marker or light hide/show toggles, nothing i could find. anyone experience this? if so, know of a solution?
  6. my initial problem was i was using the old GECK for FO3, i uninstalled that and DL'd and installed the new vegas GECK version, is this the current version? MY PROBLEM: When i Select file\data, then select the esm (esm's) to load, it seems to behave like it loads some assets for like 2 seconds, then says done at the bottom, but my object window is unpopulated, so is the location window. just the defaults as if i had not loaded any .esm file. I have noticed that i can go back to the file\data and see that the .esm has not loaded and is not even checked off, in fact, the geck seems to be randomly checking off the FalloutNV.esm, HonestHearts.ESM and the other DLC at random each time an .esm fails to load. WHAT I HAVE TRIED: I have uninstalled, and re-installed the geck, so far as i've seen, the only file i could DL from the official GECK site for NV was an executable, but seems to launch fine. I have installed the GECK power up files, not sure what they really do, but i uninstalled after failure to fix my problem. i have checked the .ini and looked for anything that might be causing the problem, (i don't know what to look for besides (ballowmultiplemasterfiles=1) I have looked for some sort of update. i have searched the forums using search words such as: .esm not loading, or geck update NV, any help would be greatly appreciated. for as much as i've modded it is really frustrating to get behind and get stuck on these kinds of things, as software changes constantly and it's a never=-ending quagmire of troubleshooting. Thanks, CROW
  7. Hi, I'm back to doing some mods after a long break. My game keeps crashing after i updated to 1.7, i have installed the newest version of FOMM, and FOSE 1_1beta9b. When i try to launch the game is instantly crashes, and is kind of frustrating, as i need to test the mod 0_o Cipsis, are you out there still? i did a fresh re-install and patch to both the game, and the GECK. as well as updating FOMM and FOSE. need a little help bro.
  8. It's been a good while since i was working on mods for FO3, is this the most current patch? i need to make my mods compatible with this patch? any specific problems ppl running into with this version?
  9. :D hey hammonds, thanks for the info and the reply. I would say go ahead and lock the thread. i'm going to make more, but i will most like do what you suggested and just .rar the video file and post them as files on the nexus. :thanks: Crow
  10. alright, so i just uploaded and added 5 new tutorials that include the painstaking keying of dialog boxes. i will do this from now on, so that people can SEE what i'm doing, and i MIGHT go back and do this for the other tutuorials as well. i will most likely do SHORTER versions of the NPC dialog, and Radio Tutorials. Now do me a favor and watch the new ones "beginner tutorials" and tell me if you can SEE those. turds. i say that with lots of love. i love the nexus, and as far as there being brats here on the nexus.... i've been to way worse sites. i did the planet fallout thing for a little while. just wasn't my style.
  11. hey jay, have you tested the most recent version of COMM lately? i've had people reporting that the Radio Add=on has made the water disappear? last time i check everything was working right.
  12. i tell you what guys... how does one go about pinning an article like this? because frankly, this conversation is starting to piss me off. i do these *ban* things to help people. and even if i do make mistakes, it's not like altering a BASEID and saving changes to it (which i have never said to do) would kill your grandmother or give you herpes. So why am i being hated on because i posted a thread of tutorials to help people? because my videos are hard to see? i'm very *ban* sorry about that, but i am working on 4 records, teaching 14 students, playing in 4 bands, and trying to plant a winter garden, i felt there was a need to get the tutorials OUT THERE, so i put them out there, i had people asking for them, so rather than spending a week tweaking a video to be view in HQ HDMI, or converting to the british 30 fps standard as opposed to the 29.97 fps here in America, i pressed RENDER. But you know what else? my video HAVE helped people, so suck on that. Where's your videos haters? how do i pin this thing so that we don't have to listen to anymore crap? so i can stop the ridiculous accusations that i'm trying to platform my VAST KNOWLEDGE of the UNIVERSE, and how much of a *ban* BADASS i am, cuz i'm so great, and smart and better than everyone else. cuz yeah, that's really what i'm trying to do here, not have fun and make mods, and encourage others to make their mods better. My motivation to be #1 modder in the world trumps my goals in the music business by far, because i can obviously make a fortune modding. AGAIN, i will say that this type of attitude was never an issue on the TES nexus. modding is something i love to do, it's similar to my music, sometimes i run into people or situations that make me want to give it up completely, because the petty BS that some %&$! comes up with, thinking that he knows who i am or what my "true" motivations are. it's simple, i like modding, i like to help people. if my dad gave me his old lawnmower because he got a new one, i'm not going to female dog about it and say that it's a piece of crap, i didn't have a mower, so i'll take it and like it. the same logic applies here, you didn't have these tutorials, and i gave them to everyone, a lot of people appreciate them, and then theres' those spoiled little brats who if their dad gave them a lawnmower they'd female dog about the color, or the seat being ripped, or that it doesn't have a zero point turning radius. brats, spoiled rotten, punks, haters, mean-spirited dicksmokes who should seek therapy and reclaim their identity as a decent human being. You may say i'm going to far for a forum, but bad attitudes come from people with bad attitudes, and they love to piss in your cheerios. ADMIN, please close this thread and pin the videos, or not. at this point, if someone wants the tutorials, they are on my page, listed with the rest of my contributions i have made.
  13. look at it this way bro. there's some tutorials, you don't have to watch them. if you LISTEN to what i'm saying, i try my best to explain what i'm doing at all times on the screen. .... Be happy there are YOUTUBE tutorials at all, i've been modding a while now and i remember waiting days or weeks for an answer, and sometimes not getting any answers about what i wanted to learn about. I hope this really makes people understand that i have worked hard for my rig (that you can see in my very first tutorial <NPC DIALOG TUTORIAL PART 1>, and that i'm not about to compromise my workspace that i dearly cherish so that some A.D.D. prone mod-i-toids can monitor my keystrokes. Totalisti. CROW Look at it this way... if you are making tutorials that are supposed to show people how to do things right, but your videos look buggered up, it ruins your credibility. Why should people believe that you know what you are talking about in your voiceovers if you don't look like you can even make a decent video? There is plenty of information on the web that is of dubious quality, incomplete or just plain wrong. I know that because I have gotten bad information and I've given advice that I later found out was either wrong or not optimal. The fact that you have made mods does not automatically make your advice beyond question. If you don't care what people think about your credibility and the perceived lack of quality of your vids, or whether they use your tutorials at all, then why bother making them? You can insult me for saying this too if you want, it doesn't matter to me, but if you are making tutorials that you want other people to actually use then you might consider that the number one complaint about your videos has some validity. You can rant and put on an eminence front and cow some people into silence, but what good does that really do? Taking on a combative tone about it, and starting your own tutorial thread with all caps and big font sizes instead of adding your list of videos to the pinned tutorial thread that already exists, makes it look like you are more interested in your own notoriety than making tutorials that are accessible, informative and easy to use for the modding community. Granted, that could be a totally incorrect perception, but "presentation is everything" and "the media is the message". [Well recieved, and thank you. i believe i've stated all i needed to, so no need to insult anyone, dont' feel that i have, only expressed myself. I mod for fun, the videos are lagniappe (i'm from louisiana, lagniappe means extra), and as i said before. nobody has to watch them, you don't have to watch them. I most CERTAINLY do not claim to be a know-it-all. There's is a lot i don't know about modding, so i see your point, what if i'm doing something wrong on the screen that you can't see. Very possible. I never claim that viewers should take my word as bethesda's, i have never said that, nor should anyone assume that. I am simply a fan of modding, and people have asked me to do tutorials, so i did them. if you really want to know the truth, i could go through a lot a trouble making my video tutorials "visible" keyframing in and out of the aspect ratio, using color correction, and all kinds of stuff, but i'd say about 70% of the people who have contacted me about the tutorials say that it's what they were looking for and were satisfied. It's really funny how such a small group of people can make such a big impact on something, such as this, the people who complain about the screen are few, yet they complain consistantly and perpetually. I have made an effort to improve my videos' watch the one on voicetypes, i bet you can SEE that one. Also, when i state my opinion, it is my opinion, i still don't get why people make assumptions about my true personal character based off my opinions and rants, because that is truly all they are. should i assume something about you? ] i placed it there.
  14. Say, so i guess i should try to get some more people on the island talking....
  15. look at it this way bro. there's some tutorials, you don't have to watch them. if you LISTEN to what i'm saying, i try my best to explain what i'm doing at all times on the screen. So what if you can't see the what kind of blingy cursor i have? the point is i'm walking you through the steps. And since this is my tutorial thread, i'm gonna go ahead and explain WHY i don't do anything about the # 1 complaint i get from my tutorials. THE REASON CROW DOES'NT ZOOM IN by CrowBennett08 Once upon a time i had a POS computer, with one CRT screen, that burned my eyes gave me headaches. I didn't even have an audio card that was worth a crap. Then i bought an Audigy 4 card, woohoo, now i could edit audio, but wait.... i had 512 RAM, so i saved up and bought 2 gigs of RAM. Low and behold the computers hard drive crashed. i got a job at a recording studio, and another job at a music store, and another job as a gigging musician, i saved up and bought a gigabyte Q6600 motherboard and an 850 watt power supply and 8 gigs of RAM and an Intel Core 2 Quad and 2 terabytes of e-sata drives. Then my biological father passed away and left me $5,000 USD, and i bought 2 flatscreen ACER 19" monitors and an m-audio projectmix i/o and a set of 8020 Genelec studio reference monitors and a MIDI keyboard. Happy was the day i threw my CRT's away. Now i do not have headache's and i have LOTS of room for my DAW (digital audio workstation) for mixing the records i produce, AND modding for fun in the GECK, i do not like using ANYTHING on ONLY one screen, i will be upgrading to 4 screens in the near future because with all the applications i run, i never have enough room. i run sessions with over 20 tracks and up to 4 or more plugins on each track, not to mention busses or the main mix. So i prefer to be able to SEEEEEEEEEEEE what i'm doing and have room and space to breathe so to speak. I would say i'm sorry to anyone who whines about not being able to see EXACTLY what i'm doing or clicking on, or typing, but to me, those are mundane details, especially when i go out of my way to expressly explain EXACTLY what it is i am doing, clicking on , or typing. but some people just want to watch a screen and not listen i guess. So, i have made about 14 tutorials now, and i don't plan on stopping, nor do i plan on changing my screen size. so take it or leave it, but i am sick to DEATH of this complaint, i am a friendly person, if you have a specific question about a tutorial for GAWDS SAKE just PM me, i will answer it. Be happy there are YOUTUBE tutorials at all, i've been modding a while now and i remember waiting days or weeks for an answer, and sometimes not getting any answers about what i wanted to learn about. I hope this really makes people understand that i have worked hard for my rig (that you can see in my very first tutorial <NPC DIALOG TUTORIAL PART 1>, and that i'm not about to compromise my workspace that i dearly cherish so that some A.D.D. prone mod-i-toids can monitor my keystrokes. Totalisti. CROW
  16. i'm pretty sure you could exactly what you're saying with a little scripting action. next time i'm geckin it up i'll have a looksie.
  17. these mods/patches might be using modified version of the sames files or ID's, so merging them could potentially overwrite one another. i would suggest NOT merging mods like that. I suggest only that if you yourself have made a mod, and want to combine THAT with another mod you made, to then merge knowing what files are in use in both mods. hope it helps :whistling:
  18. well, hot diggity dawg! looks like we both decided to mosey back to the nexus at the same time.
  19. from what i remember, the oblivion one you are talking about made all the characters walk as a static, meaning no animations. they were just floating statics... wierd. i'm sure migrating to fallout 3 engine would *censored* it up even more. doubt it would work, would probably need to go from the ground up on that one.
  21. check your directories, you may have them in the wrong place.
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