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Nexus Mods Profile

About Kataura

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Fallout3, Dead Space, Little Big Planet. (yes, all at the same time. o_O)
  • Favourite Game
    Legacy of Kain series, Silent Hill series, Oblivion, Primal, Prince of Persia series & more.

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  1. I'm doing fine. Trying to figure out how to re-activate my horse armor plugin (and failing). lol
  2. I'm doing good,how are you doing?
  3. Okey dokey, cool by me. :)
  4. Well if you need any help just let me know =)
  5. Not at the moment, still obsessed with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Dead Space at the moment, but might be getting Guild wars at some point. :) soon as it's all installed I'll let ya know. Might take a while though knowing my luck.
  6. =) then i look forward to it!

    My Steam name is A Reaver (combo breaker avy)

    is their any other games you play multiplayer on the PC?

  7. I really should look into steam, sounds cool. I actually do have Team Fortress 2, but unfortunately it isn't installed yet as it went weird, so I'm going to have to try again! lol
  8. I really like steam because it has cross game IM so you don't have to minimize the game to talk to someone

    Do you have Team Fortress 2?

  9. well, the pc I have is quite new, and it says I have Steam on the startup, but I'm not sure, I've never really checked it out. (too busy gaming lol :P)
  10. I have PC, Xbox 360, Wii and a few older systems

    do you have Steam?

  11. Hiya, how's you? :)
  12. I'm doing fine, just relaxing. Systems as in consoles and such? I have plenty! I have Gamecube, Wii, PS2, PS3, Pc (obviously lol) and then there's a lot more older systems too, but I won't go into all that. What about you?
  13. Im doing good how about yourself?

    and what systems do you have?

  14. Hiya, thought I'd stop by and say hi too! :)
  15. Hiya A Reaver, how ya doin'? :D And to maYuYang; yes, I have the Silent Hill 2, 3 & 4 soundtracks! They're awesome, so atmospheric. :)
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