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Everything posted by Davetrazf4

  1. This was great to read and I'm glad you shared it. So much of what you described mirrors my own experiences with fallout and modding on the nexus. If it wasn't for nexus and fallout 4 I would never have created my own mod I wouldnt be playing fallout still and I would be a much unhappier person. As much as anything i hope your post gives mod authors a reminder of how much thier work impacts real people especially the quiet ones who dont post in comments often. And I hope it makes people think about how great the nexus has been for people like me who have a lot of trouble talking even typing to others is a challenge. And thank you for your service.
  2. You will want outfit studio as well it's on the nexus. You can use it to import objects from blender and export as a nif and to alter material texture shading and more... even combining nifs. It's not just for outfits. There's also a blender plugin to export as a nif in nexus as well but it wont do animated nifs and can be tricky to use.
  3. Wow that is a seriously beautiful settlement! I will take a look at it thanks. Here is mine so far https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51937
  4. So I made a settlement and I have a few easy questions. 1. Traveling traders like Lucas Miller, will they just arrive on their own or do I need to place a caravan marker? 2. My settlement is an island. Settlers seem to arrive just fine but if I build a bridge to fort strong and navmesh it up will they take that route or get stuck swimming in the ocean? 3. Will traveling merchants use the bridge? 4. Is it ok if the bridge is one large model spanning a few cells? 5. How can I enable some random settlement attacks? I followed a lot of different tutorials and I have an attack marker but it never seems to actually get attacked? Thanks for any input. I have been holding off building the bridge until I am sure it adds quality to the mod and I think I can just place a trading post tent but I was hoping I could avoid that and just have the traders show up like carla does for Sanctuary.
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