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About Rabidazell

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  1. Fascinating, sounds like you understand the struggle. Thank you for addressing very specifically what I am asking. Copyright law is really interesting as it pertains to music, in that a lot of it seems to be about actually preventing anyone publishing derivative works without providing total control to the Property owner of the original work. So the idea that if I made something derivative from all this sound, that was very different from what the original was like I would be protected is not in strict keeping with what I have read on the matter. But that doesn't mean it's untrue. What you and others have said here does help, in that it at least adds some detail to what is a pretty cloudy area. I will have to brave Beth's forums, I think. That's going to be fun, because they will more than likely think I mean porting from one game to another as well. For future reference for anyone that reads this, Mark Morgan's tracks from FO 1 and 2 (by extension New Vegas as well) are this great exception to the rule for Nexus, as they are from other games but also public domain. That's why there's a mod that adds his stuff to FO4.
  2. Which is answering an entirely separate question, mainly the one everyone always answers regarding porting over assets from other games. See, I'm interested in derivative works based on the sound assets of FO4 for a FO4 mod. So the circumstance is this: You would think the sound assets would be like any other asset in the game and fine to 'mod' (Create derivative works from) for the same game (Not porting assets), thinking purely from a modding perspective. The difference is, licensing agreements may not cover this, but I have no idea. Certainly it would be breaching copyright outside of this modding context. I hope I have made what is confusing me clearer.
  3. Howdy, I see a lot of copyright discussion on these forums, but one thing that doesn't seem covered at all is remixing or creating derivative sound work from a game for a mod to be used IN THE SAME GAME. I had planned on making a quest mod for FO4 based around music and sound taken from FO4 and some public domain assets. However I have no idea if the standard modders practice of using native assets for new stuff in mods actually applies to the music/sound. Because the discussion has emphatically been about porting foreign assets so far the fact that normally one would have to ask permission of the copyright holder to create remixes, samples and other derivative works. This is particularly vexing as much of the radio tracks so familiar to us are all held in different copyright. For that matter I have no idea if Inon Zur is cool with the same stuff happening for his work.
  4. Well done, glad to see you're making this concept distinctly your own.
  5. Vault boy mascot heads and Jangles heads have already been created by Trainwiz. It's entirely possible.
  6. Tested the file without issue. I noticed that the animation seemed 'clunkier' than those next to it, but then some of the vanilla animations are clunkier than others (Charisma, for eg). You are probably using exactly the same number of frames as the vanilla. The image to which you referred would be this one? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2229100
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