Fascinating, sounds like you understand the struggle. Thank you for addressing very specifically what I am asking. Copyright law is really interesting as it pertains to music, in that a lot of it seems to be about actually preventing anyone publishing derivative works without providing total control to the Property owner of the original work. So the idea that if I made something derivative from all this sound, that was very different from what the original was like I would be protected is not in strict keeping with what I have read on the matter. But that doesn't mean it's untrue. What you and others have said here does help, in that it at least adds some detail to what is a pretty cloudy area. I will have to brave Beth's forums, I think. That's going to be fun, because they will more than likely think I mean porting from one game to another as well. For future reference for anyone that reads this, Mark Morgan's tracks from FO 1 and 2 (by extension New Vegas as well) are this great exception to the rule for Nexus, as they are from other games but also public domain. That's why there's a mod that adds his stuff to FO4.