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Everything posted by BeloopCeda

  1. In response to post #61559542. @mexichan: I switched to Vortex Alpha for Fallout 4 and Fallout NewVegas and didn't have any problems whatsoever. I must admit that I found it better to download the mods from Nexus rather than try to install from file from the NMM directories - but that's a doddle especially if you have unrestricted download speeds from being a Premium Member. I don't like the dashboard front end but that could be because I'm still happy with Windows 7 on a desktop and don't appreciate all the flat screen Windows 10 stuff. The big plus points I get from Vortex are: 1) I have 22GB less on my SSD C;/ Drive for Fallout 4 compared with the same 191 mods installed with NMM. 2) I get easy to deal with notifications when one mod needs to be loaded before or after another rather than all that individual overwrite this file stuff with NMM. 3) I don't have to keep reinstalling mods to modify the load order. Just my tuppence worth.....
  2. In response to post #60584067. #60623462, #60631452 are all replies on the same post. Okay got it now. You first need to go to SETTINGS and set "Enable advanced mode“. Then you get a search box in the header row of the MODS screen.
  3. I've been playing with this for the past week and have installed ninety mods on top of the textures listed in Step 1 Textures Optimization of "Fallout 4 Mod List and Load Order Guide (BiRaitBec Modlist)" which were already packed as .ba2 files. Everything seems to work as it says on the Vortex packet with no problems so far. One little niggle is that I can't seem to find a way to search the mod list for something like "better" or "CBBE". It's a real pain going through the entire list to find something I can't remember the exact name for. EDIT-SOLVED - need to go to SETTINGS and set "Enable advanced mode“ to get a search box in the header row.
  4. I'm running 141 mods with 51 plugins and was getting 35-55 FPS before updating to v 1.3.47. Since updating to 1.3.47 and applying the NVIDIA Geforce Experience recommended settings I get 45-70 FPS in the same areas. No CTDs (yet). Most satisfied I am. GTX 960 4GB FX 6300
  5. I guess the topic title says it all. All I get is a blank page when I try to access NexusMods using Yandex browser version 15.4.2272.3911.beta. Yes I have disabled adblock plus. Any ideas what to do - apart from using Firefox!
  6. Is this using 1.2.5? I no longer use calls to SetAlpha so I'm somewhat surprised but.... does this only happen when you dual wield? The spell wasn't designed to be dual wielded so that might be part of the problem. I'll disable dual wielding the spell. As a side note, I have noticed with Mist Form that this happens occassionally (you get stuck in transparent state) due to some issue with the engine. Saving the game actually triggers a fix in that case...just don't save over your quick save or something in case it doesn't help. -MM Yes, I was using 1.2.5 and Yes it does only happen with dual wield. I was using dual wield to try and get a little extra distance but it seems that all I was getting was see-through arms and weapons. Thanks for your response.. and the great mod! I had all but stopped playing Skyrim until I came across Belua Sanguinare. Can't wait to see what you come up with to enhance Dawnguard. Cheers!
  7. I'm having a problem with 'Blink' at Master level. If I equip the spell as dual wield it works but then I can't see my hands or equipped items anymore. Any suggestions?
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