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About Mirvein

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    Skyrim, again.

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  1. For anyone with the same issue: I have found the solution. Disable SkyClimb for now. It is incompatible with the new SKSE.
  2. CTD on entering any menu after updating all available DLL SKSE mods to 1.6.1170 CrashLog: CLA Report: Have I skipped some mod? --- After more checking, it seems not to be any of the UI mods. It occurs after disabling them, too. Some crash logs told me about Better Magical Progression, but I disabled it, too. After starting a new game, first several seconds after character creation everything is fine, and then some plugin initialises and it goes to s#*!. So, some SKSE stuff. Let's keep looking. Update: combat animations (I use MCO with Nemesis) don't seem to work, either. The same goes for spells - they try to get into the preparation stage, but then go back to the resting state. The game works but crashes upon opening any menu due to a mod I can't pinpoint. NOTE: Better Magical Progression IS NOT the issue. I checked it multiple times. Still hoping for an answer, though.
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