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About cajunattack

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  1. I never liked the way, when you respawn after you and your horse has died, that you get a brand new replacement horse (albeit a rubbish one). It would be much more satisfying for me to have to find/steal a new one, even if I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. Are there any mods that do this/anyone fancy writing one? Cheers.
  2. Nothing against the new supply lines, they're a fun challenge, but I find the skyscrapers a little ugly and having 75 of them all across the island will ruin the aesthetic. A mod that maybe keeps the 25 Tier 5 buildings to unlock, but doesn't require the full 75 to complete, would be fab. Please and thank you.
  3. I thought a fun challenge would be to get rid of all my earthly possessions and start over as a vagrant, only using what I can scavenge. Using a few mods I can get rid of all guns and so forth, but can't find a way, other then spending a long time shooting it, to get rid of my ammo. Any mods that can do this?
  4. Well, it's utterly dead here, but what the hell... Would love a mod increasing the explosion size of the C4. While collateral damage is obviously an issue, there's currently not much difference between using the C4 and the other explosives. If I'm gonna use it, I want a bit more bang for my buck! Dunno if this is possible, but thanks in advance.
  5. Anyone got any recommended female character presets that look a bit more 'real' or unique? The vast majority of presets are the same caucasian, high cheekbone/full lips supermodel types and it's a bit tiresome. It would be nice to have aesthetically pleasing characters, but some presets with some variety in looks would be fab.
  6. I second this: it'd be more lore friendly than many of the more modern weapon mods. Iconic weapon with an interesting damage-to-RoF.
  7. Any mods out there (or does someone want to make one) to turn the blowtorch into a weapon? I'm thinking very short range, not much damage, but good for bugs and such at close range. Also, pretty immersive as junk weapons go, and the model is already in the game.
  8. Request for expansion/alternatives to Cigarette In Mouth: more varieties of cigarettes: all white cigs, different stages of being smoked (including unlit), maybe cigarette holders etc. Would be fab for poses as the generic cigarette isn't the best texture and characters with the same just-lit cigarette doesn't offer much variety. A dirty habit I know, but who cares in the dirty dirty wasteland.
  9. Hi. Just wondering if there are any mods out there to make any npc a settler? I can do it through console commands to a degree, but it's a boring process. Any BAT commands or better, something in game like a gun that can turn anyone in to a settler? (Note, I don't want to spawn random settlers).
  10. Thanks for your help and your mod(s) look great, but I should have specified that these are custom companions added via Tee Party. Would the configurations from your mod work with these companions?
  11. I know this has probably been asked a thousand times but is there any way to make companions actually stay put when told to wait? On fast travel/elevators/certain interior cells they teleport next to the player. Any mods that prevent this?
  12. Hi. I'm looking for a big open plan area (or large adjoining rooms) for a raider camp/marketplace. Can be via mods or even somewhere that already exists in the Commonwealth (to use with CAMP). Ideally it should be fully enclosed with roof (don't mind if interior or exterior cell, but exterior probs best). Needs to be seedy, industrial and dark as befits raiders, ie warehouse, factory, bunker etc. If you could recommend mods or locations that would be fab- I've tried building from scratch or doing large rebuilds but invariably get crashes and glitches. Thanks!
  13. Anyone have any fix yet for this. Game working fine, then installed two mods (one armor, one flashlight- both now uninstalled) and suddenly activating every switch causes a CTD? Anyone has any ideas?
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