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  1. Hello, I have an issue that is driving me mad, and I have no idea how to solve. I'm trying to edit some bodies and when trying them in-game, the body is always slightly misaligned. For example: I imported Type4 body into 3dsmax to reduce the breast size. Then I export it to .nif and this is the result: https://i.imgur.com/8C02G7K.jpg You can see the body is misaligned from beck and from the wrists as well. I tried everything I could come up with to fix this, but nothing has been working so far. I use 3dsmax 2016 with nif plugin, but reducing the breasts makes the skin modifier break so I have to copy bone weights again. I checked a hundred times so the weights are identical but the gap still happens. Here's my export settings (I also tried several settings and everything gives me the same result): https://i.imgur.com/847RVaU.png I also tried copying the weights with outfit studio, the body is aligned with the neck and hands on outfit studio, I copy the bone weights, then load into the game, and the result is the same: misaligned neck and hands. I honestly have no idea how to fix this. I checked the .nif on nifskope so it's identical to the original body asides from the smaller breasts. I thought maybe it was misaligned here, but it's not either (I think?) everything seems centered: https://i.imgur.com/6JAtqgG.png Then I thought maybe I was messing up with the export settings on 3dsmax, so I tried exporting an .obj and using outfit studio to turn it into a .nif. Same misalignment, with .fbx same thing occurs. I also tried this on the Robert S body because I can't add armor with the penis hanging there so I cut it (lol) and I also get these misalignment: https://i.imgur.com/dMRnc4u.jpg Here's how it looks with the unmodified body (no neck seam at all): https://i.imgur.com/nOkCwLq.jpg Edit: Solved it after days of trying different things. If someone in the future encounters the same trouble, here's the fix: With 3dsmax, exporting as .nif is impossible to fix for me. It has to be done as .obj, I had enabled optimize vertex, normals and textures. Don't enable that and you'll have perfect mesh!
  2. In response to post #76416993. #76417068, #76618223, #76654108, #76740618 are all replies on the same post. Thanks, I can't unsee the carousel now
  3. I love nexusmods and eventually I will buy premium, just because I've been using it for 11 years and they deserve it, I don't care about the download cap, but the new download style is annoying and unnecessary
  4. Hello! I have a problem I can't seem to solve by myself. I merge and pack all plugins I install to have a clean load order. I've successfully merged armors and weapons and packed all meshes/textures in a ba2 archive using archive2 that comes with fallout 4. But for some reasons when I want to repack meshes and textures from hair mods this is what I get in-game: I tried packing them with archive2 using general format, didn't work so I changed the format to dds and the result is the same. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I fixed it
  5. I just loaded an early savegame (before going into far harbor) and the terminals worked fine. I had to replay the whole dlc.
  6. Latest version available on steam (1.7.12 I think) I disabled all mods so I currently have none installed. I stated it on the first post.
  7. I'm playing the far harbor dlc and I can't use any terminal. I can't find any fix. I disabled all my mods and the issue persists. I have fallout on Steam (it's not pirated) and I verified the files. I made a video showing the issue when I press use terminal. https://youtu.be/38b5UCAy1Ss
  8. Yes, I know, I was just saying my opinion in the matter, not making a request.
  9. I too would like to change my username, but I don't want to create a new account because, even if it sounds stupid, I like that my account has 8 years, plus I paid to be a supporter.
  10. I have the same issue, I don't have any mod installed.
  11. I have a problem merging mods. After merging some mods, I can play Skyrim without problem, but if I quit Skyrim and then open it again, the loading screen never ends, and it solves by disabling the mod, loading the game, saving, enabling the mod again and loading. But it is too much annoying enabling and disabling the mod every time I want to play Skyrim. How can I solve this? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  12. I've tried to merge all the "Towns and Village Enhancements" by aplestormy for personal use, there is six of them, and separately they work fine, the problem is i've merged the six to an only one using Tes5edit, and when I load my game and I use the map, it don't show correctly, it doesn't show anything at all and the map markers are all in a corner of the screen (when it does not CTD). So trying and testing and merging, I've discovered that the bug disappears when I delete all tamriel world space edited. This is not a solution because this mods also enhaces some towns that are in tamriel cell. So I was wondering if somebody could suggest something to fix this or maybe I can PM them my messy merged mod and can help me. Thanks.
  13. I was trying to port the enhanced children mod from fallout 3, and for a clean data folder I put the textures and meshes from the mod in a bsa. but the better textures for child faces are not showing ingame, why is that? Edit: Searching I found that the problem might be because bsa cannot be associate to a esm, so I make the mod an esp, now some textures finally works, but others still not, like the vanilla face replacers and the custom bodies
  14. I make it an ESM but still not working, maybe could be a texture problem??
  15. Hi, I changed the race of Jericho but now he has a normal color face and hands but the rest of the body is like red (his vanilla color), I search for help and I found something about adding this line in Fallout.ini (in the [general] line) : bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 but Jericho still having this skin problem, and now my character has the same problem :sweat: Some help please :'(
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