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  1. Game of Thrones mods, winter is coming cloaks and omegared99s armor comp are the only ones i know of. i would love to see a white walker mod or island with quests or something like that. it would fit really well with lore i think maybe thats why people left Atmora? and that information was lost to history but id love to see like full armys of them organized troops and they move fast immune to cold vunerable to fire lots of hp but only slightly higer than normal damage depending on the type of walker. base troops about like drugar scourge? level and up from there 3 more types one a flanker with daggers perhaps, another a battlemage with necro and cold spells, and a war general with a few 3 word shouts armed with either 2 handed or sword n board randomly. this would make a good epic feeling mod if done right maybe they invade the norhtern parts of skyrim and you fend them off and eventually go to their island and kill the Triad? of War Generals ending the quest. appropriate loot throughout for level of player ( starting level of 40? ) maybe some sthalrim pieces ect from Dragonborn DLC i think this would be a great addition to most players installed mods.
  2. anyone else disappointed in this quest? "must be lvl 36 to start" so i was like ooh this might be like another boss ( alduin miraak ect ) sadly it was so easy the first set of ash spawn i ran into were far more dangerous. (on master btw ) idk i just dont find most things hard in this game Deadly Dragons mod helps some even still there should be increased difficulty other than lowering your damage and increasing their hp ect.
  3. you can cast with a sword axe mace in hand but not holding a bow the only time you need 2 hands is when firing why cant we cast like we can with one handed weapons
  4. had this idea about a mod that incorperates the thum with a unarmed fighting style a martal arts master spent decades with the greybeards learing to combine his phisical focus and metal focus of the thum into a unique fighting style. if anyone wants to try and run with this by all means do so, i would suggest avoiding flipping and aerial style combat for a more rooted to the ground solid impact blows ( trying to think of examples of this kind of style ) ahh kung foo hustle the iron arm style with the rings around his arms. combining moves like that with shouts ( making new ones specific for the style would be neat too ) like you can do a 3 hit combo followed by a fus ro dah and it gives bonuses to the damage of the shout or something. thx for reading and i hope someone makes this or something like it unarmed needs a cool mod like this i think.
  5. it seems all my horses are "invisible" to when i try to activate them i get no ride option or anything its like im looking at nothing. i have no horse mods installed cart in each big town is the only mod that has anything related to horses anyone got any clues?
  6. since it was mostly destroyed in that tidal wave and you can become arch mage a addon quest that has the mages guild help rebuild the town to foster good relations with the nords and locals. mods like this would help give a feeling of life to the world and the passage of time i had suggested a similar mod for restoring whiterun after the civil war wich has been done in some fashion so this one (rebuilding winterhold) would continue this kind of idea of rebuilding ect .. helgen could also use a good rebuild mod.
  7. still no issues here with the patch so idk why so many are having problems my mod list Skyrim.esm Update.esm JSwords.esm retreat.esm ApachiiHair.esm Extended Colors.esm Magnus50.esp Shadow Striping Fix.esp SoS - The Dungeons.esp SoS - The Wilds.esp BanditsEyepatch.esp Cart in Each Big Town.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp ImprovedSkillBooks.esp Perfect Legionnaire 3.0.esp Skyrim Expanded Loot Tables.esp two_handed_rebalance.esp BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp AdditionalAmulets.esp ANB - WearableTsun.esp Andragorn's Armoury.esp Angelic_Demonic.esp BlackSacramentArmor.esp Blades_of_Chaos.esp CraftableTemplar.esp CrainteVomir.esp daedric_phelm.esp DCSorceress.esp DPArmor.esp dragonbonedaggers.esp DragonBoneWeaponsPack02.esp DragonBoneWeaponsPack01_v01.00.esp Divine Aegis.esp Divine Aegis Sword.esp DQ3SageOutfit.esp DwemerAutoBlade.esp EinherjarArmor.esp EtherealEdge.esp FS_AngelsInSkyrim.esp FS_EveningStar.esp FS_SwordOfTheSeeker.esp Gizmodian Silver Swords.esp Gizmodian-Witchbane.esp GondorianArmour.esp gun.esp HentaiGaleArmor.esp HentaiVoidArmor.esp IsilGlamdring.esp Jojjos Warglaives.esp KarliahArmor2.esp LFArmors.esp Lich King's Armor.esp Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).esp Mjolnir.esp NemonicDragonSlayer.esp Nicos Gift.esp Northborn Fur Hoods.esp Omegared99-Compilation.esp Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp Omegared99-LvLList-CompOnly.esp OrcishMaskedHelmet.esp R18Pn - Argent Iron Armor.esp R18Pn - Fiona Armor.esp R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp R18Pn - Leere Armor.esp Saskia.esp ScoutArmor.esp Silverlight Armor.esp TH3WICK3D1-LethoArmor.esp TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp TrissArmorRetextured.esp Vidala'sDress.esp warmagearmor.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Hunter.esp Essential horses - all horses.esp FasterArrows.esp FasterArrows100.esp Lawrens RNG Guards.esp No Perk Prereqs - No Helmets Required.esp RevampedExteriorFog.esp TCG.esp Live Another Life.esp Ancient Spells.esp BetterMagic_FULL.esp LFox No Racial Power Cooldown.esp Killmove +.esp Deadly Torches - Everlasting with High Damage.esp Extended Colors - Selection.esp Expanded Eye Color Selection.esp Skyrim 8 DeadBody Remover.esp Skyrim 1 Day Respawn.esp Greate Templar Sword.esp ConanSwords.esp YesThorSwords.esp MTemplarShields.esp Ivory.esp GM-ForgeAdditions.esp StandingStones.esp Deadly Torches - Torch Mastery.esp UNPArmoredBikini.esp tom349fistweapons.esp BlutKult_Zwergenaexte.esp BlutKult_Dwarven_Axes.esp Nature Summoning.esp One Handed Bonus Damage Perks NoPre.esp Two Handed Bonus Damage Perks NoPre.esp RobertWarhammer.esp JoOMassLightning.esp Thor.esp HentaiSaberDress.esp IthilienCloak.esp 300Sword.esp Sword02.esp Sword01.esp Angelslayer.esp Assasin Creed Mod.esp Lightning Blaze Edge.esp Veraxanima.esp Aurora Blade.esp Nightingale_arrowsmithing.esp RazorPlateArmorMask.esp StaffofJealousy.esp Fizban007MusouSkyrim.esp Iorveth.esp Newermind Bow Collection.esp HeartOfThunder 1_3.esp nightshade_armor.esp Arachnid Dungeon.esp Nokkelen.esp dark brotherhood armour - darker.esp aassassinscraftables.esp dbarrows.esp dbbownogloss.esp dbdagger.esp dbsword.esp listernersarmorset.esp LSB_BattleHammers.esp KURESE Gloria conversion.esp Sabrecat_Gear.esp Sentinel Falls.esp compositetuskbow.esp Yngol.esp SabrecatGear_AncientArmorVs.esp OverlordAxe.esp ArcaneArchery.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Pinewoods Cottage.esp HBetterBows.esp DCR_Shadow_Buckler.esp WheezesDungeonPack1.esp DEATH-DEALER.esp awnuldthebold.esp ACAxe.esp bobsarmory.esp SkyMoMod_lists.esp SkyMoMod.esm
  8. on the killmove + mod i have it and with 1.5 no issues here my game runs great my mod list Skyrim.esm Update.esm JSwords.esm retreat.esm ApachiiHair.esm Extended Colors.esm Magnus50.esp Shadow Striping Fix.esp SoS - The Dungeons.esp SoS - The Wilds.esp BanditsEyepatch.esp Cart in Each Big Town.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp ImprovedSkillBooks.esp Perfect Legionnaire 3.0.esp Skyrim Expanded Loot Tables.esp two_handed_rebalance.esp BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp AdditionalAmulets.esp ANB - WearableTsun.esp Andragorn's Armoury.esp Angelic_Demonic.esp BlackSacramentArmor.esp Blades_of_Chaos.esp CraftableTemplar.esp CrainteVomir.esp daedric_phelm.esp DCSorceress.esp DPArmor.esp dragonbonedaggers.esp DragonBoneWeaponsPack02.esp DragonBoneWeaponsPack01_v01.00.esp Divine Aegis.esp Divine Aegis Sword.esp DQ3SageOutfit.esp DwemerAutoBlade.esp EinherjarArmor.esp EtherealEdge.esp FS_AngelsInSkyrim.esp FS_EveningStar.esp FS_SwordOfTheSeeker.esp Gizmodian Silver Swords.esp Gizmodian-Witchbane.esp GondorianArmour.esp gun.esp HentaiGaleArmor.esp HentaiVoidArmor.esp IsilGlamdring.esp Jojjos Warglaives.esp KarliahArmor2.esp LFArmors.esp Lich King's Armor.esp Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).esp Mjolnir.esp NemonicDragonSlayer.esp Nicos Gift.esp Northborn Fur Hoods.esp Omegared99-Compilation.esp Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp Omegared99-LvLList-CompOnly.esp OrcishMaskedHelmet.esp R18Pn - Argent Iron Armor.esp R18Pn - Fiona Armor.esp R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp R18Pn - Leere Armor.esp Saskia.esp ScoutArmor.esp Silverlight Armor.esp TH3WICK3D1-LethoArmor.esp TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp TrissArmorRetextured.esp Vidala'sDress.esp warmagearmor.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Hunter.esp Essential horses - all horses.esp FasterArrows.esp FasterArrows100.esp Lawrens RNG Guards.esp No Perk Prereqs - No Helmets Required.esp RevampedExteriorFog.esp TCG.esp Live Another Life.esp Ancient Spells.esp BetterMagic_FULL.esp LFox No Racial Power Cooldown.esp Killmove +.esp Deadly Torches - Everlasting with High Damage.esp Extended Colors - Selection.esp Expanded Eye Color Selection.esp Skyrim 8 DeadBody Remover.esp Skyrim 1 Day Respawn.esp Greate Templar Sword.esp ConanSwords.esp YesThorSwords.esp MTemplarShields.esp Ivory.esp GM-ForgeAdditions.esp StandingStones.esp Deadly Torches - Torch Mastery.esp UNPArmoredBikini.esp tom349fistweapons.esp BlutKult_Zwergenaexte.esp BlutKult_Dwarven_Axes.esp Nature Summoning.esp One Handed Bonus Damage Perks NoPre.esp Two Handed Bonus Damage Perks NoPre.esp RobertWarhammer.esp JoOMassLightning.esp Thor.esp HentaiSaberDress.esp IthilienCloak.esp 300Sword.esp Sword02.esp Sword01.esp Angelslayer.esp Assasin Creed Mod.esp Lightning Blaze Edge.esp Veraxanima.esp Aurora Blade.esp Nightingale_arrowsmithing.esp RazorPlateArmorMask.esp StaffofJealousy.esp Fizban007MusouSkyrim.esp Iorveth.esp Newermind Bow Collection.esp HeartOfThunder 1_3.esp nightshade_armor.esp Arachnid Dungeon.esp Nokkelen.esp dark brotherhood armour - darker.esp aassassinscraftables.esp dbarrows.esp dbbownogloss.esp dbdagger.esp dbsword.esp listernersarmorset.esp LSB_BattleHammers.esp KURESE Gloria conversion.esp Sabrecat_Gear.esp Sentinel Falls.esp compositetuskbow.esp Yngol.esp SabrecatGear_AncientArmorVs.esp OverlordAxe.esp ArcaneArchery.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Pinewoods Cottage.esp HBetterBows.esp DCR_Shadow_Buckler.esp WheezesDungeonPack1.esp DEATH-DEALER.esp awnuldthebold.esp ACAxe.esp bobsarmory.esp SkyMoMod_lists.esp SkyMoMod.esm
  9. yup click the green check for what games you have and the "x" for the games you dont have it will only do that once
  10. i think a good number of the issues others are having is not the patch but that they aren't using all the proper tools for adding mods BOSS Wrye Bash NMM ect personally having over 130 mods installed ( not including mesh and texture ones ) after the patch my game is running even better than before ( i suspect the memory tweaks and the like for this ) theres also a good number of "dirty" mods out there ( as with any TES game ) before adding a mod check the comments for issues others are having this really helps to weed out the "dirty" mods
  11. im not having any issues so far since patch loving the new archery killcams oh and this is with 130 or so mods
  12. almsot all of the tiers of the D3 armors would work well in skyrim
  13. either Valenwood or Black Marsh would be a great location for part 6 IMO or better yet since they are all part of southern Tamriel make them all in one game. Elswhere Black Marsh and Vallenwood rise up against the Aldmeri Dominion. ofcorse others would join aswell but these being on the front lines so to speak would be ideal i doubt they will do a muti-provence game tho so top of my hope list is Valenwood followed closely by Black Marsh ( argonians need some love ) if for no other reason than a change of scenery so far ( last 3 games ) we have had .. mountians ( morrowind ) mountainous citys ( oblivion ) and now snowy mountians ( skyrim ) i want some jungles damnit or swamps or anything aside from butloads of mountians
  14. the beta version of SKSE works just fine with the full patch
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