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About jhardingame

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Witcher 2, Mass Effect series. Creation Kit, if that counts.
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    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

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  1. Unsure if you've already done the same thing, but when I converted meshes over, I used this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089/? Haven't had any issues, including skinned meshes. Not sure if the same would work for a skeleton nif, but worth a shot.
  2. Read the full article at our moddb page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ethas-embrace-of-destiny Hi everybody! Usually by this time, we probably would have had another summer update ready for you. However, most of the time since we released our walk-through video back in February has been spent on world and level design, and creating the areas that we needed to in order to realize the world of Ethas. This includes working on new architectural models (which I plan to show off at a later date when it's all ready!), designing our different regions, and more in depth things such as leveled lists to populate said areas with enemies for you to face. Since this has been the case, there has been very little work on quest design or implementing anything regarding quests in Ethas. However, though we don't have much new things to show you just yet, I do have a few pics to share showing some of the areas we've been designing. The first is of an old abandoned fort known as Sailors Watch, located on the western coast of Arelia: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/TESV_2014-08-30_19-52-08-15.jpg The second shows a small cavern with hidden treasure: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/TESV_2014-08-30_21-27-57-41.jpg You may have also seen Elijah's article recently, and know that he recently stepped down from being Ethas' main world designer. Since Eli was big part of the project, progress has been fairly slow for the past month. However, we're looking for some talented people to come help out on the project, and get the project back up to speed. Some of the things we're looking for: World Level Designers – People to help shape and craft the world of Ethas, from creating interiors to large exteriors. Scripters – People who know their away around Skyrim's scripting system to help implement quests, dialogue, and other features. While there isn't much going on right now concerning scripting in Ethas, this is definitely something that will be much needed further down the road, and any help will be welcomed! Modelers – From forging weapons to building castles, to putting together the most exquisite armor, we need people who know their way around models and are looking for the best! If you feel like you can help us out in any of these areas, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and please link anything showcasing your abilities, such as mods you've created, pictures, or anything else you can think of! If you're unable to work on the project essentially “full-time”, and only have a few hours or so a week to help out, don't let that keep you from contacting us. Any help you're able to give will help in the long run, and will be absolutely appreciated. Last, but not least, I just want to give a final thank you to Elijah. From helping out on your mod Alton, Illinois for Fallout 3, to our full on collaboration with Ethas, it has been a blast working with you. Sad to see you go, and you will surely be missed on the team. Though, I'm pretty sure I had already fired you a couple hundred times already. Stay tuned for more news in the future, as we hope to show off some newer things in the next update! -Justin
  3. We've posted some music tracks up on our moddb page. Click the link to check them out! http://www.moddb.com/mods/ethas-embrace-of-destiny Also, don't forget to vote for us in the ModDB MoTY awards! We're on the final day, so any vote helps. Thanks everybody!
  4. Just a reminder to keep checking the moddb page for updates! And don't forget to vote for us for Best Upcoming Mod in the Mod of the Year awards! You can vote here: http://www.moddb.com/events/2013-mod-of-the-year-awards/top100 Thanks everyone!
  5. Hey everyone, just another update! We recently released a video blog which you can check out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwJO9PWjZek The video touches on things we've been working on, future plans, and a special announcement! We are also in the running for Best Upcoming Mod in the ModDB Mod of The Year awards. If you take a minute and vote for us, we would greatly appreciate it! We've also released a few more screens/thank you video in response to making it into the top 100. We appreciate all the support you show us, and we can't wait to show you more in the future! You can check out the moddb page here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ethas-embrace-of-destiny And you can vote us here: http://www.moddb.com/events/2013-mod-of-the-year-awards/top100 Thanks again everybody, and congrats to those who make it into the top 5 when voting ends!
  6. Winter Update Time! In this update, we take a look at the darker and more mysterious side of Ethas. You can check out the full article here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ethas-embrace-of-destiny And for those who'd like to skip straight to the pictures/music: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/DarTynahth.png http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/EldahliRuneBook.png http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/Restless.jpg http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/21/20603/Realm.png Music link: https://soundcloud.com/justin-hardin/eldahli-runes Also, earlier this week, ModDB kicked off it's MOTY awards. If you like what you see here and on our ModDB page, then feel free to vote for us! If you do, thanks in advance, and a wholehearted congratulations to those who do end up winning! You can vote on our ModDB page, or go here to vote: http://www.moddb.com/events/2013-mod-of-the-year-awards Thanks again, and stay tuned in the coming months as we have something special we're working on!
  7. If it's an interior cell, you can just place a "North Marker" static, and have it point which way is North. As for Worldspaces, you can't really do anything about it, as far as I can tell. I've personally never been able to figure it out, so you just kind of have to know which directions are which before heavily developing a worldspace.
  8. Good to hear! If you haven't already, I suggest you bookmark the CK wiki. While you might not be able to find all the answers on there, the majority of time you'll find what you're looking for right on there.
  9. Well first you need to set up your mesh as an activator (Under WorldObjects > Activator). Go to Miscellaneous > Message, and create your message. Since you only want it to be a readable passage, just put what you want the stone to stay under "Message Text", and create a menu button with "Ok." in it or "Stop reading" or something similar. This will allow you to exit the message. (By default, menu buttons just do nothing, except for exiting the message). Make sure you have "Message Box" checked in your message as well (it should be on by default.) Then attach a script to your activator to show the message. It should look something like this: ScriptName MyScript exteneds ObjectReference Message Property MyMessage Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator) if akactivator == (Game.GetPlayer()) MyMessage.Show() endif EndEventAfter that, just place your activator in game, and go test it out. Everytime you activate it, the message will popup, and hitting "Ok" in the message display will exit the message. If you need some more references for messages (and to do some more complex things with them), you can always look on the Creation Kit wiki: http://www.creationkit.com/Show_-_Message http://www.creationkit.com/Message
  10. Did you actually skin your mesh? If you mesh dosen't have an weight painting on it, then it will be invisible when you attach Skinned shader flags to it.
  11. Ermahgawd Next Saturday. That is if you're still releasing on the 9th. :P Either way, can't wait! Need a good coliseum mod.
  12. Though our Elijah Houck placeholder NPC is quite dead. :P
  13. When you load up a game, a spell will be added to your inventory that will let you begin Ethas: Embrace of Destiny. After that, you will have a spell that will allow you to return to Skyrim while you're in Ethas, and vice versa, so you can switch back and forth between the world of Ethas or Skyrim at anytime. However, these spells have the same restrictions as fast travel, so you won't be able to teleport out of combat or such from one world to another. Also, currently, when you start a new game, you'll be asked if you want to begin in Skyrim or in Ethas. Upon making your choice, you'll either begin at the Skyrim intro, or the Ethas intro. We haven't thoroughly tested it yet, but due to this, it'll probably conflict with alternate start mods, so we will be releasing a version on the release of Ethas that won't conflict with Alternate Start mods (i.e, you'll just load up your save game and have the spell, or if you want to start a new character, just start your alternate start and then use the spell to begin Ethas).
  14. Really though, I think that video (and a few others) is probably why. Most of the time I see her as the companion who really dosen't want to be a companion. There was nothing really specially about her except that she always sounded bored. Then that video (plus, a few from Tyrannicon featuring Lydia as Throthgard's the Dragonborn Coward's main squeeze (and I probably spelled all of that wrong)), and suddenly Lydia's the go to girl of Skyrim. Power of social media.
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