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About Tsunar

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    United States

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  1. I cant even Get Forget to install mods, It keeps telling me "Please Exit the Game before applying patches" even though ther game is off. I cant figure it out...
  2. Anyone else having issues with Forget post river raid update?
  3. No I am not new to modding, but I dont know everything about it. I am not familiar with tes5edit and yes I use loot I have used the left plane to check and uncheck the mods over and over nothing happens I even uninstalled and reinstalled nothing happens im stuck.
  4. Okay so I have some trouble I am using Xp32 skeleton and Sundracon's new FS body everythigns working excpet when I click to install them, they dont show up in my load order and dont show up in game what should I do D=
  5. I figured it out turns out LL Armor Crafting was causing the problem =O
  6. Sooo first of all this is my first time on the forums, YAAAAY! Second of all I think I have mod trouble Boooooo! Okay so I was playing DA:I and I went to sell some items everything is working amazing until I get to the scout armor, any scout armor, any item with "Scout Armor" in the name, the moment I highlight it the game freezes and I have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE it. any idea whats causing this, I cant figure out what mod may be causing the freeze, and I know its a mod cus the moment I remove all the mods, works perfectly fine. Thanks again for your help =3
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