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About DusksShadow93

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  1. bummer, that would have been good thanks anyway p.s Real Shelter - http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1554-real-shelter-cot-version/
  2. Hi, Is it possible to block rain and snow in shacks? I've searched it and from what I can gather it's not possible but the pages/posts are old, so I'm hoping CK has be updated or maybe a mod has been released? :D
  3. Hi, I'm just testing the waters at the moment and my modding is very (very) basic but I just wanted to know if it is even achievable. So basically, I really like a modders custom house that they have made and put on Nexus, but I don't like the location and I want to move it somewhere else. To be honest I'm not really sure how to go about it and whether or not I would have to contact the creator? I imagine it wouldn't be as simple as copy and paste. If anyones got any tips or suggestion I would really appreciate it. Cheers
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