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Everything posted by myssypingviini

  1. Hi all! I've been searching the wasteland for a perfect outfit for myself but just haven't find one. So I desided to make one... Well I failed misserabely...and then I tought of putting my desing/ide here in hope that someone would notice... The ide is as follows; -a dark brown (or something like that) trench coat -boots (could be tken from Zeat: Paulson's outfit) -ammo belts, pouches, things you expect to find hanging on a "survival" outfit -DR: 30-40 (wanna be able to use it against most foes) -COND: unlimited (if possible) or weary high and repairable with Regulator Dusters For more details PM, ask here or just see the picture below (if it helps...) -Myssy :thanks:
  2. hoppefuly not.... but i can't really say since i don't know how to mod =( would be a nice method of transport tough.
  3. Hmmm.... Yes the walls might not be nesscery, and it's true that it could complicate with placing the village anywhere. But another idea (maybe already said) is that the PC could sentence people to prison (after it's built) and ultimately to death (hanged at the gallows or decapitated etc.).
  4. That's true, and there are a few very good resources for wooden walls/fences that could be used specially in the beginning or before the PC starts to mine rock or something. Altought in the end the settlement/village/town has probbably grown alot and become very fancy (including the PCs house) so ordinary "game walls" could look a bit out of place. But it is of course something that could be a bit hard to do.... So it's up to QQuinx or any other modder to do it if they deem it's worth the effort. P.S. I'm tempted to add that it would be historicly a bit more accuret, but as placing Oblivion on a exact place in our timeline is more or less impossible, so I wont say it (sraight walls were used but not so often in big and rich/important cities, like e.g. Acre (in the Holy Land)).
  5. The Villa idee' sounds good, and remindes me of the old roman villas in e.g. Pompei, with diffrent rooms/houses linked by closed and open corridors trough different gardens and even sewer systems. But mainly I was also thinking about the walls that probably are going to be built at somepoint around the town or maybe even in the town. And the truth is that unlike most walls in Oblivion medevial walls were built a bit sloping. They were thicker on the bottom and "sloped" upwards. This made the walls more stabile and reinforced the most important part: the bottom (trough which the enemy tried to brake). It also helpt to make some of the possible stones and other projectiles fired from e.g. catapults bounce away.
  6. Now I'm new to this, but I've been loocking trough some of the posts and it all sound very interesting. To the topic: I was thinking about the house that the player would be rewarded with in the end (or at somepoint) and I don't think a big massive castle would be to good. 'Cuz when the town prospers and grows some walls might be built for better protection. And that itself would act as a fort/castle so the player should probbably live in something like a mansion (still a big one tought as he is the ruler, but smaller then a castle/fort) Anyway that's just my perspective on it, as of all the house-mods I've tried I always find castles so "soules" and "cold" (besides I always get lost...).
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