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Posts posted by SOSPL

  1. Hi!


    First of all, thank you for such a quick response!


    Second, devinpatterson, I`m in debt. Such a detailed answer! Can`t wait to try it out. I`m currently busy ( got here just for a second, to check if there are any answers ) but I`ll definietly work on it; tommorrow most likely.

    Nothing like a bit of learning, right ? :>


    Cdr248: I know what you mean :)


  2. Hello!



    First of all, I have been trying to do it myself, but with little success.



    Here`s the thing: all I want, is to be unable to move while beeing overencumbered. Nothing; no jumping, no running, no walking. Crouching is ok, because you may want to rest ;)


    Now I am aware that a script is required for that, but I`m not experienced enough to do one myself.

    So I ask, could anyone do such a mod for me? :)


    Best wishes!

  3. Danny159


    Wouldn't you then not be able to get it off if you have Power armour training and high Strength or help (humanoid companions)? XD


    If you have had the training and thus know the ins and outs of power armour, you could do it... ^^


    Really good point. I didn`t thought about this :O Such fail *tsss*



    Still, the perk we gain covers the matter of making use of such suit, not maintaining it or putting on or off. Hmm. I think this just gave this project a twist.


    So, how about this vision:


    1. Power Armor is undroppable for the player, unless he has the power armor training perk.


    2. If player finds the suit BEFORE acquiring the PAT perk, he can loot it ONLY when passing the skill and inventory check. But even then, he CAN`T make any use of it. Sounds logically, right ? Huh ? I think this is *it*

    Reminder of the requirements

    -Science skill at 75 ( you need a lot of scientific knowledge since PA is very technologically advanced pieace of equipment; using it requires more than knowing to "relax your muscels and let the suit work for you" )

    -Repair skill at 75 ( you need a lot of knowladge of mechanics and electronics in order to properly mount-up the suit, maintain it and reapair it )

    -Intelligence >5 ( what dummy would handle such hardware ? )

    -Special tools


    How about this ?





    When I said, I've found a way around it, I meant that you can't drop your armor, but at the same time, you can.

    Sure, what you put into storage is not your power armor, but all the components that make up said armor.

    – Ahh. I get it now J


    Hmm, the name seems a bit long to me. It was made for the military, so how about a nice boring acronym.

    PA-SYS MK I – I was intending it to have an acronym so I named it this way :D This sounds cooler ; )

  4. Hello

    Personally I think that power armor stand idea is awesome. Maybe an optional plugin for those players who have wealthier characters ? I can make one using a mannequin.



    When you properly got out of your PA, the listed components become misc items (valuable pieces of junk. lol) You can store these wherever you want. - Really good idea. ( lost myself to this : "POWER ARMORS GLOVES FOR SALE ! ENJOY YOUR NEW POWER FAP !" xD )


    To suit up again, you'll need the proper tool in your inventory, the knowlage you listed (good ideas by the way) and to be in a safe area. - I totally agree. Also, thank you for your support. I can make some specialised tools from ingame items. "Power Armor Suit-Your-Self 2000 personall kit" ?


    So essentially, you can't drop your power armor, - That`s it :D


    I just found a way around it. - I don`t understand. What do you mean ?


    (as said, when you don't wear it, it becomes pieces of tech-junk) - This will be done. I dont know how yet, but will be.

  5. I think a little restriction on where and when you can take your power armor off or put it on is okay, but not be able to drop it ?


    Great idea.


    If you're not using it, it's just weight.


    And that`s what I want to underline in the game. If your not using it, you have to choose between possibilty of getting wealthier by selling it - but u get very encumbered, or leave it for it`s fate while having a "light backpack".


    Instead of a whole ''suit'' the power armor itself (not the helmet) should be a collection of parts when you're not wearing them.

    Arms, chestplate / torso, groin guard, leggings and power system (linked to the torso)

    Also, to weair or remove it, you'd need a tool, and possibly someone to help you with it.

    You should be able to do those in a safe area, such as a player home.


    Great insights. Really !

    I see only one problem: complexity of this vision. I`m not a skilled modder yet, but with support I should be able to do this.


    When not worn, or in inventory, you'd need a power armor stand, so it's no longer a folded piece of metal, like it is when it's dropped.

    So yes, I agree, a mod like this would be welcome, with the few modifications, I mentioned, ofcourse.


    I could just get over this complicated, yet very clever vision, and just change the basic idea with your observations.


    Make Power Armor undroppable, unless the PC (Player Character) possess required know-how and tools to take one off a corpse.

    -Science skill at 75 ( you need a lot of scientific knowledge since PA is very technologically advanced pieace of equipment; using it requires more than knowing to "relax your muscels and let the suit work for you" )

    -Repair skill at 75 ( you need a lot of knowladge of mechanics and electronics in order to properly mount-up the suit, maintain it and reapair it )

    -Intelligence >5 ( what dummy would handle such hardware ? )

    -Special tools
    I know those might seem high. The way I see it, only the smart ones can use this hardwere.


    If PC passess the skill, inventory and atrubites check he may proceed with getting the PA off, part by part, just like you said: Arms, chestplate / torso, groin guard, leggings and power system (linked to the torso) etc.


    What do you think Gerandirr ?

  6. Hello



    I am offering a mod that brings back the feel of classic fallout games in terms of acquiring power armors. No more you can get the power armor off a corpse, with exception of helmet. Now you can acquire power armor sets via Knight Torres. I can also putt them in some spots throghout Mojave by a lore-friendly manner if you`d like.


    In short: you cant get Power Armors from dead NPCs



    Q:Who colud be intereseted in using this mod ?
    A: People who are fans of the original games; player who look for more challenging gameplay; "realism" fans


    Q:Isn`t this stupid to make Power Armors undroppable ? I mean, this is a suit afterall !
    A: A suit it is. But it is also a suit of great technologicall complexity. Power Armor is a special type of suit which needs to be puted on a user with help of specialised,trained personell. Not just any average Joe can put it on and off.


    Q:Why can I get the helmet off a corpse, but not the rest ?
    A:Helmet are especially desigined to be easlly putted off and on. As for the rest, look at the question above.


    Story of the mod

    1. Found a samilar mod for Fallout 3

    2. Thought to myself "Damn ! This is great mod !"

    3. Found original creator`s tutorial on how to make such mod.

    4. Made one for myself.

    5. Thought to myself "Maybe I could shere with others?"

    6. Got here and done what you see above.



    So, good people of nexus community, let me know if you are interested in having this mod ! :smile:

  7. Hello


    I was searching for a mod that gives a fog weather condition to the New Vegas open space ( the Mojave Wasteland, I mean )

    However, I didn`t menage to find one, this is why i started this topic.


    Maybe any of you, players of New Vegas or modders had seen a mod like this, or could make one if it`s not out there ?



    For instance, I mean a fog conditions similiar to those seen on picture called "Sneaking up on Mama"


    link: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39213


    Or this mod made for Fallout 3 - TheOutbreaks Wasteland Moods Series




    I`m looking forward to hear you response.


    Regards !

  8. Hello


    I am very intersted in that subject as well, although I`m not looking forward to be it`s creator, but user.

    My knowladge about modding is not yet so extensive to perform such task.


    Yet, I would be very pleased if someone would do it.

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